The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: TUESDAY AUGUBT 8 1916 pAMPDEN COUNTY wilbbaham (Continued from Seventh Pttfr) tetona Spa are visiting Mr Van bstrand's sister Mrs Howard Legg Mr and Mrs Robert Wright of iJcnver Col are visiting Mr Wright's Sister Miss Emily Wright of Main street The weekly prayer meeting will be teld this evening at the home of Mr nd Mrs Rogers Miss Pearl Stratman of Pittsfield is the guest of her grandmother Mrs Coote Mr and Mrs Gaylord Douglass fire entertaining Miss Gertrude Bride of Malden EAST LONGMEADOW ranklin Hayden Bead ranklin Hayden 50 died in East Longmeadow yesterday after noon at his home 2'2 Maple street after a short Illness He was born in Westfield and was a resident of East Longmeadow 15 years coming from West Springfield His last occupation was farming He worked for the Whitcomb cigar company for years up to three years ago He was a charter member of the cigar union and a member of the order of Heptasophs of Springfield He leaves a widow four children Mrs Maude Hall Mrs Emma Cook ranklin and George Hayden of East Longmeadow eight grand children and one sister Mrs Ida Greenwood of Rattle Creek Mich The funeral will be held at his home to morrow afternoon the time to be an nounced later The burial will be In East Longmeadow cemetery Mrs Hurbut Sr and her two daughters Mrs Mary Gaylord and Miss Martha Hurlbut have gone to Oak Bluffs Marthas Vineyard for a stay of a few weeks King who was taken to the Chapin memorial hospital Sunday was operated upon yesterday morning by Dr Sweet Mr and Mrs Richard Twohig and daughter from East Douglas are guests of Miss Nora O'Brien of Main street Charles Barnstead has been having aa a guest his mother Mrs Barn stead of Boston Misses Bessie Cole and Myrtle Hard ing have returned from an outing at Block Island Mr and Mrs William Hughes of Chestnut street have returned from Block Island LUDLOW Victoria rendrake IS daughter of Mr and Mrs Jacob Pendrake cf 40 East street died late Sunday even ing after an Illness of three months Miss Pendrake was born in Ludlow her parents being one of the early polish settlers 26 years ago She is survived by her parents three broth ers John Joseph and Jacob Pendrake Jr and three sisters Mrs Stanley Btarczk Mrs Ignacy Warzdula and Anna all of Ludlow The funeral will bo held at the church of the Immacu late Conception this morning at 9 The burial will be in St Aloysius ceme tery Mr and Mrs Clark of Phil adelphia Pa are the guests of Mr Clark's parents Mr and Mrs John Clark of Park terrace Mr and 'Mrs Clark came from Philadelphia in their automobile Seven cases of diphtheria are now reported by the board of health and every precaution will be taken to pre vent any spread of the dlseAse Selectman Charles Benware and family left yesterday for an automo bile trip to Montreal where they will visit relatives Miss Margaret Cray and Miss A Glaster left yesterday for a two vacation to be (pent at Oak Bluffs Officer William Consedlne has re turned from a several vaca tion spent at the Boston beaches Misses Allison and Margery Kasson are spending two weeks at the Brookside lodge Chester Dr Perley A lioyt and family re turned yesterday from an automobile trip to Hardwick Vt John Rochford of Springfield began yesterday to make repairs on the ranklin street sidewalks PALMER A large Cadillac touring car belong ing to Edgar Martin of Provi dence I and driven by Lewis Arnold also of Rhode Island collided yesterday at corner with a Dexter bread company automobile driven by Alexander Cummings Jr tf 174 Allen street Springfield dam aging both cars but without injur ing the occupants The Dexter com pany's car had made a delivery at Cody's store and proceeded west on the wrong side of the rood In the path pf the east bound cur Tax Collector Hawkes will be in his office from 0 a to noon and from 1 to 5 every week day with the exception of Saturday when the office close at noon Evening hours will be only on riday from to 8 A miscellaneous shower was given last evening nt the home ot Mr and Mrs A Norman of Holbrook street to Miss Lucy Royce in honor of her approaching marriage to William 11c Genchey Monat contractor and build er broke a finger of his right hand Bunday while cranking his automo bile WALES Mr and Mrs Grant of Spring field are at Windemero cottage Rev Dolan and family of Hol yoke are spending the month at Bon nie Breeze II Royce of Springfield is re building Pocahontas cottage on Point Samoset When completed it will be occupied by Bugbee and fam ily of Springfield The other Royce cottages are accupied at present by Benchley and family IL Moore and family Mr and Mrs Churchill Mr and Mrs lfield Mrs A Bechard and Coe and family Mr and Mrs George Bower of Holyoke are at Blde a Wee cottage THORNDIKE Miss Mazie Heaton of Hartford is Spending a vacation at the hom*o of Wallace of Church street Leslie Keith has taken the po sition recently vacated by John Ha ley in Kelly's store A telephone has been installed In the home of Mrs Charlotte Russell of Church street HAMPSHIRE COUNTY SOUTH HAD LET ALLS Miss Celina O'Neil daughter of James O'Nell and Oakley Peloquin son ot Mr and Mrs Peter Peloquin were married at St Patrick's church yesterday morning Rev Wren performed the ceremony Mr and Mrs William Warnock of Oakland Cal are the guests of Sam uel II Warnock of armington street Miss Lottie I Judd librarian has returned from a two vacation at Lake Sunapee Miss Maria Midgley left yesterday for Madison Ct where she will spend the month HAMPSHIRE COUNTY NORTHAMPTON TREATED 944 PATIENTS Annual Report of Cooley Dickinson Hospital Issued Institution Still Needs Money The treatment of 944 patients dur ing 6he past year at the Cooley Dick inson hospital is one fact set forth in the report just issued for the year ending March 31 1916 A considerably larger amount of money was expended for salaries and labor than in previous years This item totaled $11218 In contrast to the Increase here the report specifleHthe dally cost per patient during 1915 as $263 and in the present year $222 An important feature is that accounts receivable are now $5255 where last year they were $3736 The surplus for the past yeor of $3078 the re port says should not be taken as an Indication that the institution is in a good condition financially or will bo until the gross deficit of near ly $28000 from the endowment is made up Intimation that the city of North ampton should increase ita $1500 an nual appropriation for the support of the Institution is made and the re port contains the information that Hatfield and Hadley each made ap propriations for the hospital this year Presldenb Pierce of the trustees in his report praises the development and betterment of the training school under the supervision of Alice Cleveland The superintendent in her report commends the system of self government among the women In the training school and specifies a decided change in deportment The establish ment of an out patient department is looked forward to and the report makes grateful acknowledgement of the assistance received from outside organizations Medical and surgical statistics for the year as compiled by Dr Cobb are as follows: Patients in hospitals March 31 1916 65 admitted during year 944 ad mitted to main building 874 admitted to isolation building 70 medical cases 314 surgical cases 546 ob stetrical cases 84 males 440 fe 504 major operations 190 minor operations 173 DROWNS IN SHALLOW POND George Lyon 10 May Have Been Seized With Cramp George Lyons 10 son of Mr and Mrs Patrick Lyons 3 Massasoit avenue Northampton was the vic tim of accidental drowning about 445 yesterday afternoon when with other playmates his own age he was bathing in the ice pond on the North ampton state hospital grounds The boy could not swim A cramp may have been the cause of his going un der The pond is barely over five feet deep in any part So far as is known the pond had no inlet and is fed by cold springs Its shallowness and se clusion have been opportunities for which youths have made the place somewhat of a swimming Help was summoned by playmates of the boy The body was rescued by one of the boys within a brief time but the application of the pulmotor brought by the police and medical aid given by Dr Thomas Kenney failed to revive the lad The body was taken to undertaking parlors where Assistant Medical ex aminer Dr William Stutson of Cum mlngton last night pronounced death due to accidental drowning The lad is a nephew of Capt Michael Lyons of the Northampton police department Besides his father and mother he leaves three brothers and four sisters Michael Richard Annie Elizabeth rancis Helen and Mar garet His 10th birthday was ourth of July It was the date of his birth that led his parents to name the boy George The funeral will be held at his hom*o on Massasoit street at 830 to morrow morning and will be fol lowed by services in Blessed Sacra ment church at 9 o'clock Burial will be in St cemetery OUND INJURED IN IELD Edward Melisko May Lose Sight of One Eye The condition of Edward Melisko who is in the Dickinson hospital suf fering from wounds and bruises after being found Sunday afternoon in a South Amherst field and brought to Northampton Is not serious and no operation has been necessary The muscles about right eye are ro badly cut and the eye so badly slashed that the eyesight may be lost The man also has a deep gash in his right shoulder blade Joe Stanley another Pole who boarded at Nick boarding house nt South Amherst has disappeared and is being sought by the police house is located on property belonging to a brickyard where the Injured man worked Words between Bock and Melisko had caused the for mer to refuse admittance to Melisko when they both returned from North ampton Saturday evening Melisko had gone away About 2 o'clock Sun day morning Joe Stanley had come to the house and told of a fight with Melisko in which Melisko had been the alleged aggressor Stanley had disappeared by 4 in the morn ing Melisko was found in a field badly battered about 4 Sunday afternoon He was brought to Dick inson hospital where last night it was thought he would be able to leave in a short while MURDER VICTIM BURIED uneral of Aristides Rodrigues Hunt for Slayers Goes On The funeral of Aristides Rodrigues victim of the hold up raid and murder in the Italian camp in Leeds riday was held yesterday after noon after Holyoke relatives of the man had claimed the body Sunday A simple burial service was held in St cemetery Information con cerning the whereabouts of the two men sought by the police who it is thought may have been concerned in ithe murder was still meager last night State Officer Maurice Neiligan and Chief Gilbert are spreading cir culars containing descriptions of the men wanted Jacomo Astaino alias Charles Bruno and Charlie Montagna alias Charlie Conti The circulars contain photographs of the two men Preparing for Camp Meeting Announcement of the daily program which will be carried out this year maintains the same high standard that has marked preceding camp meeting assemblies at Laurel Park The annual session will open for nine days the 27th The daily program and those in charge are as follows: 8 a prayer service In charge of Rev William Townsend of Spring field 9 a Sunday school institute In charge of Rev Howard Legg 10 a meeting in charge of Rev Poland 11 a plat form meeting with addresses on prac tical Christianity 130 chil meeting in charge of Rev II McLean and Miss Edith Porter also Bible study hour in charge of Rev red Gamble 715 evangelis tic service Rev Hinchliff will have charge of the music There will be music by a male quartet through out the assembly The funeral of Mrs Jessie Mar tin wife ot rank I Martin who died at Dickinson hospital Saturday was held at her home on Prospect hights at 2 Sunday afternoon Mrs Martin was born at Constable ville July 15 1869 and was married in Whitesboro August 14 1895 Besides her husband she leaves two daughters Prudence and Priscilla and her father who has lived at the Martin home Mrs Mar tin was a member of Mary Lyon Re bekah lodge and of the South Hadley alls chapter of Eastern Star Officer John and Dr Cooney treated William Hannun of Norwich Ct who Is spending sev eral days with his brother on Grove street for an epileptic fir which over took him in front of the Harvey mar ket on Main street yesterday morn ing Officer took Hannun into a vacant store In the Michelman block and called the doctor Soon after being treated Hannun was able to leave for Grove street without as sistance The following cases were filed yes terday to come up for trial at the Oc tober session of the superior court: Arthur Davis administrator of es tate of Grace Cummings against Walter Brown red Smith against Holyoke water power com pany and Corbk against Am herst waxed paper company Members of the city government and local business men will start on their trip to visit the playgrounds in Hol yoke and Springfield from the Young Christian association at 1 to morrow afternoon Arrange ments are in the hands of Playgrouni Director Staley Mrs John McGrath daughter Mar garet and son John of Bright street left yesterday by automobilewith David Mecure of State street for Nantasket beach where they will re main two weeks Before returning they plan to visit the Maine beach resorts An anniversary requiem high mass was held yesterday morning at 8 o'clock for the late Rev Walsh who was for 13 years clirate of the church and who died a year ago in Clinton Mrs Ruth James of New York has returned with her sister Miss Martha llillyer the district nurse from the vacation which she spent at her home in Philadelphia Mrs James expects to remain about a week The funeral of George Willard was held yesterday morning in the Sacred Heart church Rev Phillias Totter officiated The burial was in St cemetery Mrs Arthur Daniels and two chil dren of Columbus avenue left yester day for Littleville where they will pass the rest of the month at the bungalow of Mrs parents Dr John Adams of Boston was present at the orthopedic clinic at Dickinson hospital yesterday received 11 calls and performed three opera tions before returning last night In an action of contract the prop erty of George Eberlein of Hatfield has been attached for $300 by John Paul of Northampton AMHERST Dr Perry to Run for Senator It is authoritatively stated that Dr Perry former representative of Shelburne alls will be a candidate for senator in the ranklin Hampshire district This will mean a three cor nered contest for the nomination be tween Dr Perry of ranklin county former Representative Walter Cowls and Prof George Churchill of Amherst Prof Harry Wiley of Ohio Wesleyan university will give a concert in the church at North Amherst this evening He will be assisted by Miss Rebecca Holmes violinist of Smith college Miss Rebecca Haight 'cellist of New York city and Miss Ruby Winslow vocalist of Boston Miss Edith Savery has returned from a five vacation in the Berkshires and has resumed her duties in the office of Carroll Reed super intendent of schools She is entertain ing her friend Miss Maxine airfield of Springfield Mr and Mrs Lyman Allen and Miss Lena Allen of Pelham are spending a week at ort Trumbull beach Ct with Mr and Mrs George A Knight formerly of Amherst Mr and Mrs Merton Lane of Springfield are visiting Mrs parents Mr and Mrs A Bridgman of Main street John Shea and Harold Moak ler of the post office force with John Dumphy of Haydenville left yester day in Mr car for Westerly I William A Hooker who has been spending a week with his mother Mrs Mary Hooker has returned to Wash ington The Amherst grange will hold its annual picnic to day at Reservation park James Allen who has been visit ing his sister Miss Minnie Allen has returned to Atlanta Ga WARE Drove Automobile Through uneral Procession Undertaker John Brosnahan complained to Chief of Police Buckley yesterday that on Sunday afternoon at a funeral at which he was in charge an automobile passed through the procession after he had requested the driver to stop The car had a Massachusetts registry number 58593 and was owned by Charles LeGoo of Monson Chief Buckley Issued a warrant yesterday afternoon in compliance Mr request or a long time the heavy coal teams of a certain truckman in Ware have been using Maple street on the way from the freight yards to one of the mills and the result has been that the shoulder of the street has caved away in many places The drivers keep to the sides of the road and the heavy loads on the wagons eat away the foundation This road was completed less than a year ago but It looks at least five years old The cost to the town was mote than $S00O The distance to the freight yards by way of East street is ap proximately the same Misses Belle and Anna Scott of North street are spending a two vacation at the Boston beaches and Plymouth Miss Grace Bruton of Hartford is the guest of Miss Beatrice Sheehy of East Main street GRANBY To morrow evening the pupils of Miss summer school conducted under the auspices of the club will give an entertainment at the Center There will be a sale of articles made by the children The proceeds will be used to start a fund for school lunches A good audience assembled Sunday morning to greet and listen to Rev A Smith of Milton who was preacher Mr Smith some years ago was a popular teacher at the high echool Miss Elizabeth erry little daugh ter of Mr and Mrs erry en tertained some of the girls of the vacation school on the lawn at her home Saturday afternoon The oc casion was sixth birth day EASTHAMPTON Malo Lambert Wedding Leon Lambert and Miss Victoria Malo daughter of Mr and Mrs elix Malo of Chapman avenue were mar ried in Notre Dame church yesterday morning ather Gulllet officiated The bride wore a gown of pearl voile with veil and carried a bouquet of sweet peas and roses A wedding breakfast was served in the home of the bride Mr and Mrs Lambert' left on a morning train for New York and Philadelphia The couple were the recipients of many gifts and upon their return will make their home at 24 Chapman avenue Death of George Langdon George Langdon 63 died yester day noon at his 'home on lorence road Mr Langdon was born in West hampton where he lived for many years He then went to Virginia where he lived for a while and re turned to make his home in Easthamp ton He leaves his wife Mrs Sarah (Stryker) Langdon The funeral will be held at his home on lorence road to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock Burial will be In Westhampton Officers of the high school orches tra have been elected as follows: Pres ident Alfred Connor secretary Bar bara Wood treasurer Helen Dwyer manager Alfred Connor librarian Nelson Judd leader Lovell The orchestra now consists of 35 members 15 of whom are present members of the high school and eighth grade Ten are former members of the school and the remainder are local musicians whose interest has been enlisted The report of the treas urer shows the organization to be in good condition free from debt and with a good supply of music for the beginning of another year HAYDENVILLE Death of Mrs Charles Hosford Mrs Harriet I Hosford 75 wife of Charles Hosford died at her home in Haydenville last evening after a protracted illness She was born In Winsted Ct December 1 1840 a daughter of Amos Pierce a well known farmer of that town Her early life was spent in Winsted where she received her education She mar ried Charles Hosford September 22 1863 It was a military wedding and was an Interesting event of war times for Mr Hosford had just returned from three service in the Union army Mr and Mrs Hosford lived in Winsted until 1871 when they came to Hay denville and Mr Hosford found em ployment with Hayden Geer Co They had since made their home in Haydenville Mrs Hosford had a wide circle of friends and acquaintances and always made her home a center of hospitality and of cheer Seven children were born two of whom have died Mrs Hosford leaves her hus band and the five children who are Mrs Vaughan of West Haven Ct Howard Hosford of lorence Mrs Ralph Baldwin of Hartford Ct rank Hosford of Haydenville Charles A Hosford of Northampton She also leaves a brother Spencer Pierce of Winsted Ct and two sisters Miss Mary Pierce and Mrs Abigail Holmes of Winsted The funeral will be held at the family home In Skinner ville this afternoon at 4 Burial will be in Winsted 'to morrow with prayers at the chapel at the cemetery at 230 WORTHINGTON Dr Creehnan of Auburn (N Y) theological seminary occupied the pul pit of the Congregational church Sun day morning In the evening Dr Simpson of Edinborough Scot gave an address on spiritual aspects of the particularly among the people of Russia ltrs Dodge of Schenectady who with her daughter motored to Washington about a week ago has been critically ill during the past week while at the Jones home and yesterday was taken in an ambulance to the House of Mercy hospital In Pittsfield Little Nlel of Columbus who with his aunt is summering in town broke his arm riday noon and was immediately taken to a Pittsfield hospital where the fracture was re duced This evening the grange will hold its regular meeting which will be evening with the agricultural commit The camera offered by t(ie board of trade at riday dance was drawn by Leland Cole Dr and Mrs Stevenson are in Northfield this week to attend the conference Miss Hubbard of Boston is at the Bartlett home for a few weeks ENIELD The woman's auxiliary to the board of foreign missions in Greenwich has invited the women of the Congrega tional church to meet with them in the Congregational church in Green wich to morrow at 3 Mrs Robert Woods of Mt Quabbin Will speak and the Misses Woods will sing Miss Ruth Barlow of Hampden is visiting at the home of her grand parents Mr and Mrs Barlow Miss May Ritchie has returned from Mercy hospital in Springfield where she had an operation on her throat Mrs Sumner Root who celebrated the 100th anniversary of her birth last week in Somers Ct is related to Deas Calvin and Luther Root of West street Greenwich Sumner Root being a brother Mr and Mrs Leete have sold the Edwin Ayres house to Charles Han kb and Mrs Annie Hanks They will take possession at once BELCHERTOWN The Heralds are invited to be present at a lawn party to be given riday afternoon on the lawn of the Methodist parsonage Should the afternoon be rainy the function will be held Saturday afternoon Among the many guests at Park View are Miss Mary Lester of Hart ford and Mrs Ogden of Boston Mrs Ogden has just made the trip by au tomobile to the top of Mt Washing ton At a meeting of the directors of the community league held Saturday A Bardwell was chosen president and Herbert Curtis secretary The social circle of the Congrega tional church will hold a business meeting after the prayer meeting Thursday evening Curtis of Marlboro is the guest of Mr and Mrs Curtis Jackson is suffering from blood poison in his right hand The Methodist picnic will be held to morrow at Lake Metacomet MIDDLEIELD A meeting of the Berkshire Pomona grange will be held at the town hall Thursday The morning will be de voted to business and current events Dinner will be served in the chapel President Butterfield president of the Massachusetts agricultural college will deliver an address in the after noon to which the public are cordial ly Invited WILLIAMSBURG The young branch of the Red Cross will hold an entertainment and dance in the town hall Wednes day evening Among the numbers on the program are a piano splo by Prof Welsh of Smith college Jab by Miss Dorothy Hinds and a farco comedy Hypochondriac" written for and produced by the Uneeda bandage club Tho music for the dance will be furnished by the lorence grammar school orchestra Miss Mildred Pierpont of the highschool faculty has returned from a visit with friends at Chester Pa The annual grange picnic was held at A Saturday and was attended by 100 people Miss Genevra Hill is entertain ing Mr and Mrs Holton and John Hol ton of Dorchester Rev A Dyer of Sharon occupied the pulpit of the Congregational church Sunday RANKLIN COUNTY COLRAIN Grlswoldvllle Man Dead Peter Revolr 65 received a paraly tic shbek early Sunday morning and remained unconscious throughout the day dying sometime Sunday night He is survived by his widow and eight children six sons and two daughters He had been in the em ploy of the Griswold manufacturing company many years The state grange field day under the auspices of the Deerfield Valley Pomona grange will be held at Hill side park Colraln to morrow A program of sports of all kinds willprecede the dinner at noon After dinner there will be speeches by State Master Edward Chapman Leslie Smith state overseer and Oliver Wilson of Peoria Hl national master If rainy hall Lyons ville will be used for the speaking The aid society of the Methodist church will give a lawn party on the grounds of the church in Colrain City Saturday evening On account of the absence of mem bers the meeting of the re lief corps Saturday has been omitted Mrs Preston Smead of Hampden is the guest of the Stetson brothers for a time WENDELL Death of Everett Colson Everett Colson 72 died Sunday afternoon of a complication of dis eases Mr Colson was a native of Maine He was a veteran of the civil War serving in the signal corps lie had lived in Massachusetts since 1865 the greater part of the time In Wen dell He was a charter member of the grange served as chairman of the school committee for the past five years and was inspector of animals He is survived by a brother Colson of Cherryville Me and an adopted son Clifford White of Spring field The funeral will be held at his home at 2 to morrow after noon Burial will be in the family lot at Wendell Center WARWICK Bowlder Is Dedicated The camp at Hastings pond maintained by the Young Chris tian association of Athol and vicinity received its name of Camp Wawbeek from the big bowlder near the en trance of the road leading to the camp Wawbeek being the Indian word for big rock This bowlder is on land be longing to the old Wheelock estate and has long been an interesting land mark of the town Under the direc tion of the managers of the camp a portion of the face of the rock has been made smooth and on it inscribed the word and below the in scription the beginning Sun day afternoon there was a service of dedication held at the rock CONWAY Death of Mrs Ella Lee Mrs Ella Lee wife of Henry Lee 60 died at her home on the Ashfield road Sunday after a year's illness Sho was the daughter cf Joel and Wealthy Rice and was born in Conway on the place where she died She married Henry Lee of Con way in 1887 She leaves her hus band and one son Lucius Lee The funeral will be held at the house at 1 to day Rev Pease will conduct the services and burial will be in Howland cemetery SUNDERLAND While returning from South Deer field late Saturday night John Belatskl was thrown out of his wagon when his horse suddenly started while turn ing the corner of Main street and the Amherst road Mr Belatski suf fered a compound fracture of an arm and severe bruises Dr Moline who Was called ordered him taken to the ranklin County hospital Mr and Mrs Charles Gould have re turned from their wedding trip and are at their home on North Main street Willard Tannatt and family of Easthampton are at Rollin air child's camp near Mt Toby Special Notices raIywly COMPLEXIONS QUICKLY CLEARED BY MURA HOWTO DO the affected part with Cuticura Ointment and let it remain five minutes Wash off with Cuti cura Soap and hot water bathing some minutes Absolutely nothing better Sample Each ree by Mall With 32 book on the skin Address post Dept If Boston" Bold everywhere Real Estate JOHN REAL ESTATE IN su ranee Masonic Block Northampton Mau RANKLIN COUNTY GREENIELD TRUST COMPANY SUES Seeks to Recover on a Large Num ber of Promissory Notea The Lawler Bros theater company Nicholas Lawler president and Thomas Lawler treasurer is made the defendant In an action of con tract brought by the ranklin county trust company for $15000 filed at the superior court office yesterday The trust company seeks to recover on several promissory notes alleged due It as follows: $2500 $1000 $350 $817 $1300 $1000 $2000 $200 $2500 running from July 17 1914 to May 24 1916 a total of $11667 The ranklin county trust company brings a similar action agalnst rederick Burnham for $15000 in which it seeks to re cover on several promissory notes given to Mr Burnham by Lawler Bros company and endorsed by him to the company These notes are for $263586 $83842 $32585 $127 a totalof $1017421 A third action for $1500 is brought by the trust company against Lawler the Lawler Bros amusem*nt company Thomas Lawler in which the plaintiff company seeks to recover on promissory notes alleged due it which were given by the defendants to Charles Peck and indorsed by him to the trust company These notes were for $575 $330 $100 Other entries were Olive A Carpen ter of Colraln against Arthur Car penter of Colrain administrator of the estate of the late James Carpenter of contract ad damnum in which the plaintiff seeks to recover on a promissory note alleged due by the intestate rancis Nims Thompson judge of pro bate against red Bardwell of nately administrator of the estate of ay Bardwell action of contract ad damnum $1090 in which it is al leged that the defendant has failed to pay damages to the National ferti lizer company of Boston although a Judgment in favor of that company was returned in the superior court Not Greenfield John Harper Definite word has been received that the John Harper wounded in rance is not the John Harper who is known in Greenfield While the names are the same the numbers differed widely and the mistake became evi dent a short time ago riends of Harper have received word from him to the effect that he is in good health since the report that he had been wounded intentions have been filed t0Wn offlCo Albert soclal secretary of the Sec ond Congregational church and Miss Bryant 31 Union street daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthur Bryant of Harvard Bernard A isher an ntonaobile mechanic formerly of Nortfield and Miss Carrie orbush daughter of Mr and Mrs red pr bnsh of 16 West street: Isaac Shapiro a tailor of 4 Sargeant street Holyoke and Miss Rose Brady daughter of Jacob Brady of 116 Elm street Green VA tOr B' Courcelle a machinist stre! end Miss Alice Pare milliner of 13 Haywood street Arthur Sherbert a machinist of 36 Washington street and Miss Emilv Dulac daughter of Dennis Dulac of 36 Washington street Charles Cyr and William Martin ar raigned in the district court yester complaint of Deputy Sheriff red Doane of Northfield were each fined for larceny The men for steaIinZ a horse blanket the property of Alton Miner of Northfield The deput sheriff caught them at the Millers alls sta tion Sunday morning after they had bought tickets to Biddeford Me The men have been employed on the Jewett farm at Nortfleld They had recently been brought from Maine by Mr Jew Yhen paid Ratuay they Ob jected t0 a part of their being withheld and evidently in a spirit of revenge stole the blanket from Miner the farm foreman The ranklin county Jersoz breed ers association will hold a field meet ing at the home of President Ten ney at Northfield farms to morrow A tour of inspection will be made in' the morning At noon a basket lunch will be served and during the afternoon a program of addresses will be given Chief MacMonnies of the American Jersey cattle club and A Pierce of Winchester' will be the prin cipal speakers Mr herd of over 100 Jerseys will be inspected in the afternoon II Newcomb of Shelton Ct formerly of Greenfield has just re turned from a nlne weeks tour of the West and Northwest Mrs New comb accompanied him They crossed the arctic circle on the trip and for three weeks were In perpetual day light Tickets for the community Chau tauqua which will open In Greenfield on the 30th can be secured at the irst National bank the ranklin county trust company the ranklin savings institution and the Greenfield savings bank The annual reunion of the Locks Hill association of which Thomas White of Greenfield is president wlh be held at Ames grove at Lake Wyola to morrow A literary and musical pro gram and a program of sports bos been arranged Miss Julia Heery of Shelburne alls county president of the Hibernian auxilliaries will be present at a meet ing of the Greenfield auxiliary at the Hibernian hall to morrow evening ORANGE Plan 17th Reunion The 17th annual reunion of the resi dents of North Orange will be held Thursday and more than the ordi nary effort is being made to make It a success A feature will be the flag raising with salute The North Orange choral union which was recently formed will give a concert during the dinner hour and from 330 to 6 in the afternoon There will be addresses by members of the Goodell Wood ward Cheney Goddard and Ellis fam ilies There will be the usual literary exercises and the closing number will be the reunion ball in the evening at Parish hall for which sing ing orchestra will furnish the music The annual reunion of the inhabit ants of Wendell Shutesbury New Salem and North Leverett will be held at Lake Wyola in Shutesbury to mor row singing orchestra of Orange will furnish the music for the exercises and for the dancing In the afternoon and evening There will be speechmaking and other interesting features which will include singing by Miss Roxanna Hubbard of Greenfield and reading by Miss Adele rench of Orange The Chase turbine manufacturing company one of the oldest manufac tures in town has turned down a substantial offer from a city In New Hampshire to locate there SHELBURNE ALLS New books added to the Arms li brary during July are: Car" of a War Correspondent" Soldiers of Civiliza tion" Richard Harding Davis "The Crittenden Moun tain for Sartin and other John ox Jr of Japan" Isabel Anderson West stories "Adven tures of Old Mr Toad" of Buster Thornton Burgess of Thunder Elfrld A Bingham "Drusilla With a Mil Elizabeth Cooper Poems of Al fred Noyes Casey Came to Town" Edith Delano Tackle "Danforth Plays the Game" Ralph Barbour Zane Grey: Real rancis Lynde Geranium Sylvia Bates "inding of Jasper Grace Lutz of an Elk Ellinore Stewart the Country Sky" Grace Richmond Helen Mar tin of Hill" Bur ton Harriet Com stock "The Golden Phebe Gray Olive Prouty the Torch Elizabeth Duffield "Girls of Carroll Rankin: of Music rank Spearman Official Mrs Oliver Onions: Paradise Maria Davies Through An nie Call Koi Megrue Over the Beth Gilchrist Visitors in town the past week were Mrs Laura March and daughter Doro thy of Portland Me with relatives Special Notices and friends John Nelson of Pittsfield at the home of his mother on Williams street Hiram Russell pt San ran cisco Cal at the home of his grand mother Mrs Sarah Russell of Me chanic street Miss Nutter formerly teacher at Arms academy at the home of Mrs Walter Smith Mr and Mrs Deane Avery and children of Buf falo at the home of Mr and Mrs William A Johnson Albin John sen of New York city at the home of his parents Mr and Mrs Samuel John son There will be a meeting in the Meth odist chapel this evening at 8 o'clock at which Charles Newcomb super intendent of the Chautauqua will meet the local committee and guarantors Arrangements will be made for the parade which will form at 10 on Bridge street Everyone who has an automobile or motorcycle Is Invited to join Those partaking in the pa rade will be admitted to the first after noon concert by the folk song quintet The (Jhautauqua photographer will take pictures of the parade and they will be shown on the canvas the first evening The funeral of George Kratt was held at his home on Ashfield street yesterday afternoon at 2 Rev Harrison Packard pastor of the Congregational church officiated rank Chandler and Mrs Harold Crosier sang The bearers were two sons George and Edward Kratt and two sons in law William Sauer and Andrew Arnstein Burial was In the family lot in Arms cemetery Harugari lodge attended in a body TURNERS ALLS Wilbur Ellechrope of the I Webster company while on an auto mobile trip Sunday was run into by another automobilist near Athol The steering rod and front axle of his car were broken but no one was hurt Mr Ellechrope was on his own side of the road and the other at tempted to pass him from behind and in dodging a motorcycle coming in the opposite direction he ran Into Mr car He settled for the damage Walter Seiler son of Mr and Mrs Herman Seller of Central street will be married to Miss Annie Rein hart daughter of Mr and Mrs Gustav Reinhart of Roxbury to morrow evening in Roxbury Thomas Brunelle has resigned his position at the Esleeck manufactur ing company and Is working for the present in the store of Gulow Co on Avenue A The Shelburne alls military band will go to Turners alls riday even ing the 18th to play a joint concert with the Turners alls military band Alfred Guilbault has resigned his position at the Montague machine company and has assumed his former position with Equi Bros Dr and Mrs James Quigley and Mr and Mrs James Sauer are on an automobile trip to Portland and the Maine beaches SOUTH DEERIELD The new time table for the arrival and departure of malls is as follows: Arrive from the south 715 740 1005 a 105 430 arrive from the north 1045 a 315 730 from Sunderland 930 a 4 close for the north 725 945 a 1245 410 620 close for the south 1025 a 259 410 620 for Sunderland 727 1025 a 420 Parcel post is dispatched regularly for the south 1025 a 410 G20 for the north 410 620 Mr and Mrs Edward Arms with Miss Hattie Arms have gone to their summer cottage at oodmont Ct for the month The club will meet at the home of Mrs Lewis Smith of North Main street to morrow afternoon Volz was called to Philadel phia Pa suddenly by the serious illness of his father A well known American writer thinks that the signing of peace will lead to an emigration movement that will amaze the world After the ranco German war in 180 200000 Germans settled in three American Nebraska Minnesota and Iowa The queen of the Belgians is Per sonally distributing many of the gin of tobacco and cigarets being sent to her soldiers through the Belgian sol tobacco fund ri in Li TiiiTiiiTiiiiiuTEHTiTiiiiiiJTiTiJunnuriwT I JUheri: Si efrjer (Compiuuj Bulletin of Extraordinary Values in 8 Our Twenty irst Semi Annual Pre Inventory Clearance Sale Lovely wash dresses $500 to $750 values Pre Inventory Price $385 Colored dress linens 45 inches wide 75c value Pre Inventory Price Crocheted bedspreads $200 values Pre Inventory Price $149 Satin scalloped bedspreads $500 value Pre Inventory Price $398 Pure thread silk hose broken lots mostly blacks $150 values Pre Inventory Price lisle union suits plain or lace trimmed regular and out sizes 59c 1 values Pre Inventory Price 35 3 for $100 Thermos bottles pint size $250 value Pre Inventory Price $169 1 Novelty laces 10 to 36 inches wide white or cream values to $150 Pre Inventory Price 39 Moire Dresden and brocaded ribbons 6 to 10 inches wide values to $200 Pre Inventory Price 45 rilled blouses of georgette or crepe de chine with self tucks or lace trim fl mings $400 values Pre Inventory Price $298 Nemo Bon Ton and La Resista corsets broken sizes values from $350 to $500 Pre Inventory Price $198.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.