The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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I 9 DISTRICT COURT CASES rely SUPERIOR COURT CASES ization YOU CAN Marriage Intentions LE WAN DOS S96S S3 K3S3K9 3635363 S96369 a Jfdace Wood NOW Announced for Today Nearly 100 Blue Serges Tel River 1301 Imported Hand Made The Ideal Summer abric Summer rocks Hot At $1595 Weather ootwear $1975 to $2975 rocks variety was never more 8 Hart Schaffner Marx ORBES WALLACE SASKATCHEWAN CLOUDBURST NEW ENGLAND (Single and Double Breasted Modes) Owners of Car in Blue Serges for All Dress Occasions 8 Woods Co Tel niier 3113 63S3S3 main street THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLIC 8 8 8 8 race race civil for tion are will street within of but Sakowitz lorence Shapiro Elizabeth Al Carl Specially Priced at Sizes from 16 to 44 Lucy Doro MaryCath PEA COAL Laundry of No Special All Wool 2 Pant Serge Suit at Meets every demand of musical requirement tone long life quality and beauty of finish SHOP 294 Bridge St Telephone Rivet 6100 we cnll for WATER STREET IS LOOKING UP Jane Wilkinson Rose Wilson CooperMyrle Antoinette Wood Over 50000 Members Recommend Us Ask your favorite movie when our thrilling moving picture Lure of the Open is to be shown IRST CLASS SALESMEN WANTED Book Stationery Picture the largetor of It kind In New England Angela Mae Trafford BEWARE: of small and financially irresponsible au tomobile clubs and associa tions advertising that they duplicate our service at cutprices and whose list of ga rages and attorneys is so incomplete as to make the service of very little value Hrriet Mary Underwood Pauline rieda Beatrice Hildegarde Walsh Eleanor Whitney Laura May Wright Technical High School Hatheway Abbe ranklin Babb Abraham Albert Baron Stanley Elwood Hubbard Jury Disagrees A disagreement was reported in su perior court yesterday morning by the jury in the case Miss Mae inely against Louis Katz and another' suit for damages for injuries received in a fall in the Turkish bath in Cooley's hotel The jury was out seven hours Settlement In Sults A jury was impaneled to hear the cases of Janies and Mary Makol suits for damages against the Pearce Springfield company or injuries on the 'shoot the at Riverside park The case however was set tled before going to trial New Trial Denied Judge Richard Irwin yesterday denied the motion for a new trial filed by the defendant in the case of Albert reedman against Atty Charles Gardner in which the plaintiff was recently awarded $96954 by a jury in superior court The case grew out of charges for legal services tomobile without permission of owner wnen arraigned in court yesterday tinued to the juvenile court session the 4J9th for trial A plea of not guilty was entered by rank Cichello 40 of 15 Mel rose street who was arrested yester day morning by Detective Lieutenant George Bicknell on a warrant charging him' with assault on Made line Lamier The case was continued to the 27th for trial Pleading guilty to assaulting Mil dred Hines Enis Caprinf of 134 Lowell street was placed on proba tion for one year Harold Sherman of 25 Worces ter avenue denied a reckless driving charge and will be given a hearing Monday Albert Dreitzer of Worthington admitted a violation of the eight foot law and had his case continued from day to day Small fines were paid by 14 viola tors of the no left hand turn rule ive were fined for violating the parking regulations ton George Earl Hamilton Rene Joseph Hamel George Henrv Johnson redricK Wilbur Kilmer fred Joseph LaBrecoue Emanuel Lindquist Maehler John Porcheddu Henry rederick Rosner Charles Sartori Tosj ph Peter Sipitowski Clinton Peebles Smith Philip Myron Southwick Russell Lane Trim Honor Pupils Sarah Woodman Adelaide reitag Griffin SUPPLY CO INC Paint Building 115 DWIGHT RIVER UM AMERICAN WINDOW CLEANING CO 274 Main 8U and outside sources Mr Olmsted who has just returned from California is deeply interested in the project and it is expected ttiat he will report in detail on the subject within a few days The planning board will then be able to take a' definite stand for the improvement of the center In its report the board will de clare itself as to tu irst church position on the extension and may recommend either removal to the rear or entire removal from the park with possible suggestion of site It will consider the buildings surround ing the square and make sugges tions as to certain desirable struc tural changes The feeling now is that something ought to be done to improve the central park system and steps ought to be taken at once The board is pleased that the a'dermen did not see fit to allow trollies about the ex tension a mammoth showing of Regu lars Stouts Long Stouts Stubs and Slims to select from and made by Vocational School Alnhonse Belanger Josenh Mil Edawrd Nicholas Galanti Morse Haynes Co 376 MAIN ST Rapid Improvemen Coming as Process of Widening Goes On Rickety Old Building Disappearing Rapid progress is being made in the extended widening of Water street Numerous buildings standing in the way of the improvement have been de molished and workmen are busy on others The principal structural ob stacle at the present time is the St Joseph school The school fronts on Water and its main exit thus comes the limits of the condemned section of the building As a result before the city can cut down the building it must provide a suitable fire escape This is being done on the south side of the structure The escape is wholly of wood but it will cost a con siderable sum Meanwhile all along the thorough fare the work of private improvement is going on and the section is taking on a much more pleasing appearance It is noted by city ofiieials that tin widening of the street will mean a much higher valuation That in it self will make it necessary for the property owners to replace the ill appearing structures that now mar certain lengths of the thoroughfare' with better buildings With the widening there a ra fa ctf disappearing many of the old relics of the neighborhood bad enough un til the gas explosion but decidedly I unsightly since then Little trouble was had in demolishing these as they were in a toppling condition before work was started Along the side streets however similar buildings are left standing and it' is these that city ofiieials hope the mounting tax will force out of existence The street department is ready to concentrate on the work in Water street unless the Vernon street rush job forces it to turn its principal at tention there One of the larger items of work now is the filling in of the cellar excavations In doing this the department is following the policy of stripping the soft dirt from plots within the working area and using It for fill Steam rollers then force this down compactly A 12 inch base of cinders trap rock tind other foinda mareriai is then laid Officials uncertain as to when the work be completed intentions of marriage were filed in the city office yesterday: red Seymour 22 chauffeur 279 East ern avenue and Mabel McCarthy 18 at home 17 ranklin street Clyde Gabriel 22 assistant shipping clerk and Pearl Morris 28' machine operator both ot 41 Spring street Adrian Hanover 26 agent 7 Buckingham street and Ruth Seide 21 at home 206 ramington avenue both of Hartford Ct James Sullivan Henry Baker Bentley White Dorothy Abrams Mildred Bardwell Irene rances Barnes thy Aldrich Bartlett Phyllis Bashaw Evanoie Rubv Beebe erine Blanche Bissonett Sadie Black Ruth Margaret Blackmer Celia Blaus tine Beatrice Hanson Bourn Laura Dorothy Braese Evelyn Braman Alma Mary Bregoli Mary Gertrude Bucher lorence Hope Carl son Letitia Carmody Dorothy Langdon Chesbro Celia Cohen Cath erine Mary'Collins Josephine Compar ato Miriam Katherine Conway Mil dred Belle Cooke Mary Agnes Crow ley Pearl Danzig Eva May Day Eliz abeth lorence Denver Gretta Dunn Alice Marie Dutilly Ruth lorence Eddy Genevieve Louise Egan Rose Epstein Elizabeth Gertrude itzpat rick Willemenia oerster loretta Marie orgue Lois Mae ranklin annie reda romer Blanche Gajldreau Stella Gaylor Lil lian Geller Audrey Constance Genge Edythe Gerstein Emma Gerstein Lil lian Rena Gervais Dorothy Adelaide Gill Nellie Naomi Goldstien Mary Mil dred Gordon Grace Amy letcher Green Anna Teresa Griffin Charlotte Jordon Johnson Helen Caroline La arr Meredith Myrtle Laird Anita Louise Lampro Madeline Arabelle Lawlor Jeannette Hunter Learv Eris rseuj mma 1 junggren Lor etta Loncto Helen Lauretta Lyons Mabelle Cecelia McLaughlin Lea Eliz abeth 'Marceau Mary Claire Martin Louise Low Meiklejohn Sylvina Ger aldine Morisi Madeline Anna Morrill Iola Abbie Nokes Hazel Novak Nan cy O'Driscoll Lillian Cecelia Ruth Adeline Ozer Ella May Parker wrouiy Alice vneian Mildred Irene Phillips Pierce Ruth Mar tha Pitts Marion Emma Platt Muriel Pomeroy Edna Ethel Raichelson Re gina Resnick Mabel Elizabeth Ross Esther Catherine Schappa Loretta Agnes Shea Lillian Elizabeth Sim mons Alice Phelps Simons Geraldine Marie Smith Edna Mary Sommer Isa belle rances Steinbeck Gladys Irene Stevens rances Sullivan Dorothv Harriet Taylor Deborah Matilda Teed Mary Tesoro rances Ida Thrasher Helen Beatrice Turner Dorothy Julia Wagner Marion Olivier White Canvas Pumps and Oxfords Barefoot Sandals Tennis Shoes Golf Shoes Soft Kid Oxfords brown and black Bathing Shoes Civilization is doomed to destruction unless future generations raise the in telligence average and character av erage of the race State Senator red erick Davenport professor of law and politics at Hamilton college Ciin ton declared at the Springfield High school graduation exercises at the Auditorium yesterday afternoon Senator Davenport would purify the race by having America enforce re strictive immigration laws he would forestall self destruction by instilling spirit nt brothcrod Into the minds of men and would better the race by seeking discriminating inter marriage among (lie more highly in telligent type Diplomas were awarded to 363 grad uates during the afternoon Of these 327 were from Central High school 325 from the High school of Com merce 91 from Technical High school and 17 from the Vocational school 3500 Attend Exercises An audience of 3500 attended the exercises Tn the front center seats were grouped the graduates with all the girls in white except the Technical high girls most of whom wore pink On the platform sat the High school of Commerce chorus the high school orchestra the mayor and school board the high school principals and the clergymen taking part Pr James Van Sickle retiring Superintendent of schools presented the graduates to Mayor Edwin Leonard for their diplomas Superin tendent Van Sickle as he 'made the presentation for the last time of his 12 years of service in Springfield feel ingly spoke of the pleasant vears spent at the head of the city's educa tion system The mayor awarded the diplomas expressing the hope that Hie men and women ot the future opened the program with a prelude "St Cecilia Offertoire in and the high school orchestra followed with an overture the processionalMarche The graduating classes and audience then joined In the "Star Spangled Rev Dr red Winslow Adams gave the invocation and pupils of the High School of Commerce recited the 23d I Mary Mathilde Slitton Paula Moran Katheleen Theodore Premonte '16 of 360 Chestnut street denied driving an au tlm district The case was con Psalm After Prof Davenport's ad dr eMs the orchestra rendered a selec tion "Tender Thought" and the High School of Commerce Glee clubs sang "The of the Presentation of the classes by Su perintendent James Van Sickle and distribution of diplomas was next in order The program was con cluded 'with the singing of by the whole assemblage benediction by Rev Quinton Genge ard the re cessional "Marche by the orchestra ollowing the exercises Principal Charles and Mrs Warner held a reception for the Technical High graduates at the school The members of the graduating glasses' are: High School of Commerce '(Albert rancis Biro Jr Edmund Andrew Bolin William Henry Burns Kenneth Lockwood Clark James Con stantine Charles Clement Easton Co lin Bernard aulkner Eldredge Marsh erre Gerald Edgerton ield William John oley rederick King ranklin rank Henry Jenks Bernard August Ludwig James William Lyons Rob ert Joyce Manning Nelson Marasi Randall Philip Marshman Lynwood Bentley Morton Richard Redington Joseph rancis Reiners son Robert Richmond Edward Joseph Ryan George Dollar Sherman Paul Ward Writing Paper With Tissue Lined Envelopes A handy tablet of imported writing paper in portfolio form is especially practical for vacation trips They come with blue green brown or purple tissue lined envelopes itted with single sheets at 50c double sheets 75c Joseph Roy Ernest John Abraham Schoenfeld Donald Simons rederick Wallace Abraham Smith Philip Steele Harry Stein Ranald Anthony Vagianos Strattos Philip Arthur Toomey Henry Tracey Ernest Victor Wallin Richard Peaslee Ward Channing Whitman Kirke Stafford Wight Helen Taynton Allis Alice Mildred Andrews Isabel Aronson Myrtle Cel esete Atchinson Merle Webb Avey Bacon Roberta Annette Barron Rose Black Jeanette Trues dell Bradley Alice Clara Brigham Edna JI Calkins Dorcas Candlin Louisa Abigail Chapin Nina Hilda) Charhcnnmny Phelps Clark Corinne Melissa Colwell Elizabeth At wood Cowies Elizabeth Delehanty Denning Blanche Dorenbaum Marion air banks Drayton Alice Scranton East man Myrtle Elizabeth iles Ellen Ivy We Advise the Purchase of or business wear and for the many iniormal social junctions during the Summer a Blue Serge Suit is indis pensable for it is always cool always dressy always serviceable You need one to complete your wardrobe another He pleaded guilty to both complaints Christopher unai 26 and Samuel Spadoni 21 both striking bakers for merly employed by the Mansfield Baking company were each fined $25 in district court yesterday afternoon on a charge of assault on Peter Del mo of 755 Worthington street an em ploye of the Dexter who re mained on the job The assault was committed on Summer street on May 25 when Delmo refused to go out with the other bakers on strike: Walter A Corse of 550 Liberty street was yesterday afternoon found guilty of operating an automobile while under the influence of liquor following the presentation of evidence in district court He was fined $100 Youth to Get Hearing Theodore Premonte of Brown Piano Co 144 State Street Store Hours: 9 A to 530 Saturday 9 A to 6 Tel River 4100 Saskatoon Sask June 14 A cloudburst struck this district last night and reports today from lax Combe and Pinkham tell of tracks ashed out bridges down farm buildings struck by lightning traf fic on the Canadian National railway disrupted and growing crops de stroyed Special in White 7EandtQ EH lannel Trousers at pODU QUIP into a change of cool fresh linen just ar rived from the City Laundry Note how qarefully each piece is washed snd ironed and what a refreshing feeling it gives you even on the warmest days or get the heat and you can if you have this laundry supply ing you with the means to forget Planning Conference by Telephone Is Success Send check call or write for further information to 387 MAIN ST SPRINGIELD or our office in lioaton iliine Hart ford Conn Portland Maine Manches ter Providence 1 New Ha ven Conn isk Louise Esther itzGerald Amy Louise rancis ranklin Ruth Elinor Stuart Hamilton Hastings Grace Elizabeth Hourihan Elizabeth How ard Mildred Dorothy Hunt Alice May Isenburg Audrey Louise Jones Edith Judith Kimball Miriam Kim ball Mary Lovejoy Mildred Luthera Lyman Harriet Mahren Elizabeth May Miller Katherine Tryon Mitchell rances O'Connor Ebba Sofle Olson rances Caroline Emily Elizabeth Par sons Mildred Lois Phillips Mildred Platt Mary Laurinda Rad asch Mary Remington Ruth Eliza beth Reynders Helen Elizabeth Rich ards Esther Zelda Rubin Rude Louise Caroline Saari Lillian Stowe Sagalyn Lillian Elizabeth Marion Scullane Louise Seymour Molly Martha Simcovitz auline Slate Iris Aveling slu*tskin Dorothy Maude Snow Beatrice Heald Spencer Eleanor Stedman Stevens Mary Darby Strong Johanna Suomala Sweeney Elinor Averre Mary Carmeleta Warneke Virginia Webber Marion Edith Whit beck Ruth Priscilla Wolcott ward A conference important to its re lation to the present discussion of civic center improvement was held by the planning board yesterday with rederick Law Olmsted of Brookline: Not only is: Mr Olmteted of Brook line but he vas in that city dur ing the conference The local office was equipped with a special telephone system tor the occasion George Gardner chairman o' the local planning board had super vision of the transmitter on this end of the wire Each of the planning board was given a receiver In this way they heard the 1X1 conversation between Mr Gardner and the Brook line expert and voiced their sugges tions through the local chairman The plan worked successuily and it is believed that it will culminate in I he iin its ex is con Couple Pleads Guilty Pleas of guilty were made'in district court yesterday by James Walker 41 of 121(2 Water street and Mrs Lillian Ouellette 17 of Willimantic Ct charged with living together at the Water street address as man and wife for the last two weeks Roth cases were continued to Thursday for dispo sition Althought married and having a child nine months old Mrs Ouellette appears to be even younger than the age she gave the court She is short and slight of stature Drunken Driving Costs $100 Pleading guilty in district court yes terday to charges of operating an au tomqbile while under the influence of liquor and drunkenness James Cronin 25 of 169 Exchange street was fined $100 by Judge Wallace Heady The drunkenness case was continued from day to day for sen tence ines aggregating $15 were imposed on Raymond Bonneville 22 of High street Holyoke who was arrested by Patrolman Raymond Bills at Main and Bridge streets Wednesday night on charges of driving an unregistered automobile and without a license He was fined $10 on one count and $5 on sent him the maps and sugges coucerned with center These had been com with the advice of the Tech Advisory corporation and in re BOOKSTORE BOOKSTORE 391 MAIN ST SPRINGIELD White of course then delight ful pastel shades of rose yel low orchid apricot and flesh (Dresses 2d loor) THE BEHNINGt PIANO If Electric lat Irons Complete with Detachable Cord $298 Earl Briggs Laurence Beebe Benson Harold Hubbard Berry Wayne Stanley Berry Morris Bess Edward Herrick Brooks Edward Ev erett Burdick Carlyle Gray Burland Gordon Lloyd Calderwood Leonard Cheney Wardell Clark William Charles Collins thur John Connell Stuart Raymond Cordner Beauford Roland Dake Vin cent Paul Daley Morris Dashevsky Carl rederick ischer 'Harold Wral lace isher Ellsworth Robert rey Howard Albert Gilbert Raymond An thony Greany John Arthur Hamilton Allen Stow Harrison Jules Heckman Max Hettinger Lawrence Eddy Genevieve Louis Egan Rose man Robert Douglas Hunter Richard Henry Hutchinson rank Orlo Isham Eugene red Jenness Ole William Johnson Earl Jones Robert A lexander Jorey Halman Kaplan Max Karp Harold Hudson Kinsman Clar ence Burton Knoff Kurnit sky A Labine John Edward Lampron Jr Bernhard Marsian Nes ter Lazaros Matos Charles Otto Mer kle Roger rederick Moore David Joyce Muir Albert O'Callaghan Phil ip Rausac Page Gordon Wing Pinney Baker Pinnpv TUrnnwi xvn SOD Georcp lint Reynders Penfield Rice 1 I I Vz 1 TA UHIUIU L'lint mvpre cis Salamano Philip Henry Savage" Harry Ames Slate Eldridge Wesley Smith PlTfiman Snindal I ert Erskine Stratton Strong Jr Ralston Burgett Stone Stanley Wilfred Witkop Quentin Louis Wolcott iJohn arrar Wood red Weslev Wripht rirnnLi Wurm Bernice Olnra a 3 cl ilil 1 1 bi ilams Cudworth Anna Marguerite Curto Anna Mae DeBerry Eva Mae Durfee Grace Cordelia razier Ruth Gardener iances Luella Hall ran aimer Hoskins Cushman Hull Julia Hull Editha Claire Leness Khesa Jean MacIntyre Sabina Bib Markels Laura Kathryn Ostiguy Mary Elizabeth Paddock Hea ley Pixley Blair Richards Edna Josephine Sawyer Alice Chaun cey Wickward Jessie Mae Wilcox son Mildred Elizabeth Wright pupils Central High School Ralph Davenport Adams Winslow xJ rn navid Aronson IV ilham Carr Belding Jr Cyril Stan ley Blomfield Robert James Brice Jr Stanley Lyman Brock Brooks Jr Stanley Gillespie Brown Chester Beach Bulkley Jacob Ben nett Cohen Thomas rancis Cor coran Samuel Morris Davidson Kent I Dickinson James Dono van Myron Dorenbaum Arthur Kay 1 mond Drinan Edward Paul eldman Donald Grover Gifford Robert Edwin Hamilton Aren Horowitz David Hy man Paul Dwight Isham Albert Lee Klopfer Edward Lavene Edwin Lin coln Murdough James Joseph Murphy Howard Malvern Norton Harry Pollack Hyman Isadore Pol tenson Meyer Remmer' Edward Schmidt Johnson Skinner Bradley Stewart Springfield Graduates 33 Before 3500 Spectators DIRTY WINDOWS detract from the Pleasure of living Call Us Now City Laundry 870 878 State St 4 A r'l Local Board in Communication With rederick Olmstead Interested in Civic Center Members May Take Definite Stand on Improve ment Project After Brookline Plans Are Submitted Richard Carlisle 3 Eim Street The spice of evident than it is in this collection of delightful hand made frocks Every dress a pleasing and different affair of soft rench voile or handkerchief usually following the simple stiaightline or bloused style so much in vogue and expressing much summer loveliness in exquisite hand drawn work fas cinating hand embroideries with very short sleeves or long flowing sleeves Young Blue Serge Graduation Suits Morse Haynes Co 376 MAIN ST 1500 GARAGES under contract to URNISH EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE TO OUR MEMBERS at our expense or if repairs cannot be mads to tow our members to the garage making the call AT OUR EXPENSE ln aH cities and town to defand member for alleged violation Th thf utomoblle Jaws at our expense AutomobiJe Green Book retail price J300 and detailed touring information furnished free to members Membership fee for full service jut out regard to the number of times the member calls for such service Includ ing subscription to Cen you afford to ba without thli Mrvlc when It ooata only S3 1 3 cents per month? Wicker Porch urniture and Vudor Ventilating Porch Shades Couch In fact everything for Piazza Comfort would be of high enough caliber to forestall a war similar to the last As the mayor finished giving out the last diploma a gold fountain penwns presented to Dr Van Sickle as a token of respect and affection from tne seniors Warns Against War Unless the "small minority" thinkers is not only Increased also developed into leaders civilization is headed for destruction declared Prof Davenport Another war involving Europe wns predicted by the speaker rance removes from the Ruhr the iron Oppression will stir Germany revolutionary Russia and Turkey into a threatening com bine which may again plunge the world into war asserted the speaker In the course of his address Senator Davenport affirmed that the level of civilization at the present day is no higher than at the time of the an cients He deplored the lack of lead ership in government and asserted that America needs men of vision men who can and will think He ex pressed the belief that the weak should not be allowed to reproduce too rapid ly because he thought they would soon le able to overcome the strong Restricted immigration was recom mended as the cure for many of the present day problems of the United ouiwb closing he defined cleanliness race collecting and biotherhood as the essentials of WnlPn RhHIIlri etrivrin School Muslelans Play Mrs Dorothy Burchard Mulroney i inp nmirnm iin i vB4uu a piciuue lint XgRtcKtn 439 Main St Opp Court Sq State Senator Davenport of Hamilton College in High School Commencement Address Civil ization Doomed Unless Character and Intelligence of Race is Improved Dr Van Sickle Refers to Hfis ONE REED POLITICAL PRISONER BACK TO JAIL New York June 14 ailure of Archie Sinclair to prove his Cana dian citizenship will force him to finish a 10 years term in Leaven worth prison for violation of the es pionage act despite commutation of his sentence by President Harding The general defense committee for political prisoners announced today Sinclair It was stated is one of eight men convicted during the war end sentenced to prison 'for espionage act violations whose sentences were commuted December 31 1922 on con dition that they be deported and never return to the United States He notified the immigration au Ihorities today that seizure of his personal papers in government raids during the war made it impossible for him to prove his Canadian citizen ship and that he was ready to re turn to prison He has been free on bonds pending deportation orget the bteat important results so far as provement of Court square tension and its surroundings cerned The planning board will great deal on the suggestions that Mr Umsted will make to it The Brookline man has a nation wide rep utation as a landscape architect and city planning adviser He was archi tect the Metropolitan park system of Boston of the Baltimore park commission member or commission for the improvement of Washington architect of the Cleveland group plan chairman of the executive com mittee of the national conference on city planning fellow and president of the American Society of Land scape Architects and has held nu merous other important offices be sides participating in the planning of scores of park systems institutional gardens and private estates He was a member of the tow) planning di vision of the United States housing corporation and advtser to Herbert Hoover He is an author of extensive works About 10 days ago the planning Board tions civic piled nical eluded the various suggestions reived from members of the board I vqt a 8 f) I 8 Ls a 8 8 8 a 8 a i a 8 fl QraL 'J I 1 i Tn LW i ill 7 I It i 1 19 1 PA $995 I I nd Deliver I1.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

Who owns MassLive? ›

MassLive is owned by Advance Local, a unit of Advance Publications, which also owns American City Business Journals, the parent company of the Boston Business Journal, as well as Condé Nast, The Republican newspaper in Springfield and other media and entertainment companies.

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

Who founded Springfield Massachusetts? ›

William Pynchon and a company of six men from Roxbury, a town near Boston, established Springfield in 1636 at the junction of the Agawam and Connecticut Rivers.

What company owns the Springfield News Leader? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

Who owns all the news stations? ›

The biggest media conglomerates in America are AT&T, Comcast, The Walt Disney Company, National Amusem*nts (which includes Viacom Inc. and CBS), News Corp and Fox Corporation (which are both owned in part by the Murdochs), Sony, and Hearst Communications.

Who is the owner of the Boston Herald? ›

Who owns Springfield City Utilities? ›

The utility is owned by the community and governed by an eleven-member Board of Public Utilities, nine of whom are customers inside the city limits and two who reside outside the city limits. Board members are appointed by City Council for three-year terms.

Is Springfield MO mayor a Democrat? ›

Springfield, Missouri held an election for mayor on April 6, 2021. Incumbent mayor Ken McClure was challenged by opponent Marcus Aton. McClure was re-elected mayor by a margin of 34.94 percentage points. Springfield mayoral elections are nonpartisan and candidates are not affiliated with a specific party on ballots.

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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

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