The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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T7 1'1! I DAY CLEVELAND PLAIN' DEALEI TW By Bud isher Mutt Gets an Answer MUTT AND JE ffwfwlfta PWvl (W MM SfrW Trwfc hf U1 Qffrt 0 tai BACKERS DELAY CLOTHCRATS MARINE NEWS 3D WAR OPENER IN WIN OVER BAUER MEATS A A Take 5 io 1 Count and 1 0 Defense Witness in Latest His death brings the traffic 5 I) irst Place in West Side Boon as prac Thick Weather 0 ARRIVALS AM our More oreign Built' I 6 Steamers Added to the Lake leet 4 4 ORGE the battle to A 1 6 4 0 0 4 0 TO BE TODAY 0 (I 1 0 0 0 1 a 2 4 Bainbridge Race Chart A II 0 St 3 745 Ai 3 nl 10 0 4 0 0 5 1 Moran3 ii 10 10 0 0 4 JtJftte 20 CL8 Total 11 11 11 our Gee Ball Prup 6 5 4 4h 0 5 1 39 2 0 0 Y'? COLLEGE GRADUATES Man Colo 10 io Str 1 nk 0 4 4 re di Choice $5 20 a re pm to winner Weather Sir fl 90 Meteorological fieport 5 I i 'ii 0323 2745 8 MACKINAW DOW' 2 Calzona '10 pin Sad Experience of Mr Hoi Evokes Police Sympathy 0 5u4i Value to inner 10 in Sf Until Is Exposed 10 5 Ml 5 1 JO TJ ver 3 ft 21 2 SO 885 4 1'1 10 10 III fin jm tn Grandma Pt Cldy 4 am Ml 90 (I 88 10 so 101 2 10 0 Site 7 io June 20 1929 ranz tn 10 1005 8 05 1715 8 this dale io 9 I 11 4 $350 Heather 5:30 nm bake Oi 5 nnj Ke Buoy came 'here ns a student 'learning nteon If 4 4 6 4 9 8 io 0 0 Mmktec 8 0 fl 0 4 10 In irst Bauer Mt Ktltecns 0 0 0 30 pm 30 pm :30 pm 3t) pm 1 :50 pni 2 :05 pm 8 8 3 6 9 16 18 0 10 8 Renesc Bnwersp Kahounrf (ilsoncf 2 nk 31 6 8M5 th7'1 Harnsons Brvnnr Barm vrs Nenzel 0 t) (I 1010 Odd SISo tL9 10 8 0 0 Prop Prop Prop Prop I Prop Sunr stmr Stmr Prop Prop Prop Prop Prop Prop Prop Prop ini am am mu a in a am am pm pm Nopet Bur GlUC 70 Oil Wt 12 $135 5 HO 2:00 am 4:30 am ikon am 7:30 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 0:00 am 0 00 ant 0 am Hill am am am am am :50 am 15 am 1 5 pm :25 pm 30 pm 40 pm :50 pm UU pm 78 SB 70 so fl 0 1 1 (J Gary la ten local Morgan Jr Munisim? 30 :20 :30 GNAVlInon Britt TKf'id Cadillac Lmn Dunn Jr WHart Alpena 5 nk 10 3 9 nk 19(15 1710 1 105 3 1 4 0 1 5nk Prinu Reinrsi 1 Hastnirkrf am am mi am am am am am am am am am in jtm 1 110 in 1 io 103 Pavne 5 hlie $1380 Sullivan Hebhnl Morgan Jr ss SB 4 :00 PHI 3'50 pm 4 O5 an Ut If 15 103 107117 ederal Beier 3 Kuehnb Connor Boaz 2 Kastonl Smith if Skalar Struharrf Becker L'ekaw'nna Peter arrell Mataafa birkaon Gallagher SI 30 all finished Knrar Jirkovakyc Newm'rk2 KoubaR 14 Koubap Harns I Konpef Javitchlf Wemrf Gardeiars 50 10 Amir $250 1 108 1 07 JOO Odd $255 410 1445 Rrsij Rayon Durant 3 Danb ls 2 Hanson rf Joe ahnnU Arrived: ilbert Bower? Maritana Ream Ball Odd $115 3 0 3 Odds $335 JBla 250 010 Midland Sehuelera rejete Connor Benedict Merkle 1 Miller ef 8 nk 11 Leahy 3 Kubllipfp Kimref Caperc HShf lhr3 Remo 2 charvulH Cohns Total 12 112 Odd 190 600 280 340 Clnthcraft WolLra Budinnky flresniuckM Eden If Marunal 3 1 3 2 3 0 10 10 10 5 11 2(T0 pm 2 pm 2:30 pm 3:30 pm pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm receipt will be fairly heavy ri and Saturday and boats that aro getting In tomorrow may be car over The car supply Is good New flail 4 1 8 5 nk 7 More Time Lost by the Ves seis on Account of llobaon ua rdtan Royalton HW Smith ord announced I am so little used to Morrell A TKtnney Arcturus Sinaloa Pal hlinder RohertRJr Cornell and Jockey Arrogant (Cramer) Ball Gee (Hanauer) Jack Loen Hom mr Ruddy Carroll I R'icephahi (Bolognrfep Thistle iold (Landolt) Bine Asatr Hind) (Madden) Pay man (Judj) Radford Saint Luther) Paprika (Wood) ield Uinnnr nntrf'l fnr S1 900 beratchcd Topanro bea Crest AH 8 Oft 8j)d 845 30 am Rd :30 am :30 am :30 am pm :30 pm :30 pm3) pm nrn I H) pm I pm pm 300 pm 1:00 pm 500 pm 5:30 pm 5:30 pm 5:20 pm 1010 50 20 8:30 (Ki 21 3:30 Hangs Up Record Time in Copping $3000 eature Event on Card K475 142 OB Stmr Stmr Stmr Prop Prop Prop raud Trial Clears Up 19 Mystery in 1 1 'A3 3 4 1 6 nk fi 1 Someone Yarn Hoi when his pocket of were Battle to Be Staged in Thrce Week Whirlwind 10 1 11 2:00 1 1 1 0 am am am am am am 20 pm io pm :50 pm 50 pm 4 nk 1 5 fi 1 1 8 3 nk 4 3 Norton ontana Jafiray McGran Delia UK Hrnwn jKhPfmmv 10 A Minch 12 PhippR 1 BurHnulmL 2 DOWN 1 1 0 pm 4:50 pm 3 2 nk 8 2 2 0 3 013 0 I I 0 102 101 100 SMuO Star alcon 740 2685 2770 Towel Laskys Nufjhl Smith rf II Mni take Starru HAVvmar3 4 cWymar2 4 Kmpplf 3 4 CoiiPcf 1 Pockets Hence To Pickpockets in Burma 30 pm 3o pm :30 pm :30 pm :30 pm :30 pm :30 nm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 1 8:30 tm 8:30 pm pm 7:00 am 7 um 7:00 3 4 8 Pt 260 4230 tirp temp name date lat year temperature this dale temp same date last year 1 1 Byers 11 LBMiller 12 Presf'i IslOl 2 Anderson I Manuel 3 RarnUni Shiras Denmark Queen Broun Andrews Clarksnn A ssiniboi Mill 1 a llev Brown 10:00 am Donner 10:00 am Maunaloa ll0i)am lemson it Dinkey 12 12 Houghton 12 njvrn Rrprovle IL ord Hubbard Bannov qberwin IWrytin Ireland hrveMer sHR'bbin Yfinser3 Leppertp rey rf Rhode If Lovejoy rs Kuae Kreink'pcfAugustine Totals 31 4 24 12 0 0 ('lAvrland Port List ARRIVED JUNE 20 :00 am30 pm 30 pm 3H pin im :30 pm pm10 pm30 did 2:30 pm 2:30 pm 5 :30 pm I 00 5 00 MACKINAW 7:20 pm 8: io pm 1 5 pm 0:20 pm f) :30 pm 1 1 jrn 2:30 am12 10 am5 40 am 510 am Str 2h 6 1 16 Socialists to Get New Name? A new name for the Socialist party to clear the eyes of those who con fuse it with the "Communists" and was predicted yesterday by Clarent Senior 26 assistant secretary ofth Adult Education Association follow ing announcement of his election ns national secretary of the party Sen ior lives at 2049 Cornell Ruud 001 1 0 0 Rtil1 Mo Errors Huber friend and both he and Downer were sitting next to Witt at the City Club yesterday listening raptly 1 Virtually the same pro amendment orators jieaded by Davis will be on the stump as in former campaigns There will le Joseph Breitenstein Martin A McCormack Ezra Shapiro William Currigan anti James Muuney Central A A immeyit Mtintastue 3 McUarthyp 3 Huber3 3 3 2 WilllUrL 2 Tkue ef 3 Dore I 3 CaHerley ilzgerahl Leopold Shrcidle hm I hllch'nn Penohscol Renown Murphy at 1 1 Cr'ford lluiiss 11:00 am raised the suspicion that had some ulterior motive hand Lovl riding in Tlirhtir 5t surplus refund Arrownt $510 $370 4aeK wiu Arrogant had foot of party throusdinnt was ver threatened safe mi cud Jack as tiring and doing tier best to save 1 IV fc rtnmr I 1 a Cl nON I 1 JMlHl WIU1 a Djru mjtriut UUHiih tail tending portion in first quarter but tired ramdly near end One out when winning run scored 8 Knranh om non poo 3 Printz lhedcrman OoO 2oB uh 1 Rein Meyers Kubilus King Ji Kouba 2 Kouba 2 Gulen Error Javitch Meyer Twa base hits King IL Shelter Char vnt Harris Golen Threc haw Home run Stolen Shelter Kouba Rases on Off Kubilus 1 off Kouba 1 Struck ou I By Kubilus 26 bv Koub i 12 balls Casper 3 Jirkovsky 1 Umpire Mental $650 $100 $50 Tirne Pt Cloudy Edmmton NW Pf Cldv Katnloops Pt Cloudy Montreal NE Clear Parry IV Pl Cldy Port Arthur SW Cnudy Prince Tt Cldy SW Cldy 61 62 74 Government orecast WASHINGTON June 26 Offieial weather forecast for riday and Saturday: uhln Partly cloudy riday and Sauir day cooler riday tVicf Vilonia t' ft Irr tniltff fl i I I slightly cooler probably scattered thunder Weather snowers in inn uiuiiuiains xnuav day mostly fair Western Pennsylvania Partly clonov and slightly pooler: possibly scattered showers In mountains riday Saturday fair Western New York Partly elnudr prob ably scatter'd showers riday Saturday fair mt much change in temperature Lower Michigan Mostly fair slightly cooler in extreme southeast portion ri day Saturday probably unsettled i'pper Michigan Partly cloudy riday and Saturday possibly local shower or Ilnmiler not nmol) eliance in tem perature Pressure continues low west of Undent) Bay and )s relatively low over the upper St Tawren' Valley and over southeastern Virginia The pressure remains high oil Un north Pacific Coast and in the vicinity of Bermuda while a slight high pressure area is central over th niiddle plain states The temperature is somewhat lower over the middle plain states while it lias risen over lite northern plain stab and the plateau and northern Koeky Mountain re gion The fndlcatfons are for partly overcast weather riday 'imf Saturday in the Wash ington forecast dislriit will) widely scat tered slmwers riday anil in the southeast ern stales Sattirilnv it will lie slightly cooler in portion of the tihiu Valley and flie middle Atlantic' states rriday was found in ths Bernstein as both a crowded Hough Avenue street car Records in llc case came to light yesterday Mr Hoi was taken from the car by Patrolman Dale Jones and short ly found himself gazing into the sad eyes of a desk sergeant at the Euclid 105th precinct station It is all a mistake Mr Hoi cidental affairs such as pockets In my native land we are not troubled by pockets It Is very "But Mr Bernstein says that when you withdrew your hand from his pocket after discovering your mis take of course you brought with it a watch" commented the sergeant "It is the world old mistrust of human beings" sighed Mr Hoi "My hand was of tTTe Orient This alleged watch was of the Occident and No Occident! "It was no Occident" corrected Mr Bernstein with' a trace of bit terness "I help but think that this Mr Hot merely made a mistake" the sergeant said the first place wc have never had a Burmese pickpocket in the entire history of the Cleveland Police Department This proves either that the Burmese are strictly honest or that there are no more Burmese in town "As for you Mr Hoi why not tell us ail about yourself? Mr Hoi coughed "It is not true" he began "that 1 came to the United fUatcs through Canada with a mob of dips as you so picturesquely call such people in your own Struck out Uy Howers 3 by Lep A 0 A I II (I 1 I 6 2 GU (Is GO City of t'li'vi'l mil ltroit pass mdsr i iiy nt nuiiuiu nninu im mu Gnodtime Cedar Point pa mdse II G'Kildrr Duhnh orc Hydro Vermilion Quincy A Shaw Duluth ore Cadillac Marouclli orc William Nelson Ashtabula 1110 Ii i islrr Port olborru' light Newn Detroit scrap Iron Coralla latroit autos fni'ii 'Di trmt licl*t Union ort William grain CLEAItED KIN 20 City of Clevrlaml Detroit mdse Cnv of Buffalo Buffalo pars nid' Goodlirni' Cedar Point pass mdse Prn'i' McKinney Lime Island voal If tiimldir Sanudsfiy liLM A Illai'k Two Harbors light Quincy A Shaw Huron light Coralla lutroit light Cadillac Toledo light Pel'T White Detroit tight pon iniinni iikdi 11 Coolidge Conneaut light If Osler ort William coal passages June 2i Totals 31 7 27 10 rAolhneafl 90H f)H fl Bauer Meats 000 00 0 001 1 Wolf 2 Hmsmuek 1 3293 VV Instantly MW IS KILLED day was arrested Stephen Hovan who was drtvin rectly behind car Deely was charged with careless drtvirtg and failure to stop after an Companions Look on as Boy Playing in Drive way Is Run Over 1C Hannast'enon Marsala Slant) i) Tapliu King Stone Casco Italians WCrawford House Svtvanla 1 St'brnner pm Donaldson 11:30 pm erbort 12:00 pm waruer Sullivan EAST THE MISSISSIPPI IllVEIt Alpena NW Pt Cloudy Atlantic City Cloudy Boston Cloudy SW Cloudy Charleston Cldy it of ir Junior Group in Cit Get Diplomas fust junior college commence in Cleveland was held last when five students of tho Totals 3S HI 27 7 A II 0 A 4 0 local thunder showeis on On labels Winds mostly moderate mirth: mostly fair riday but local thunder showers on Sti Woman Hurt Driver Held Thomas Dcely 31 of 7209 Wade Park Avenue injured frs Rosa 8118 Superior Avenue in a safety zone at and Woodland Avenue jester Patrolman di Camphell 7 Milclirll 7 Mnlietoa 9 Benedict Krejci on Midland fl Ped on (iff Corner 5 4 Slruek out By 3' Con Conuor 1 ild pitch in Pil Union Towels 1 2 Acme Rayon 00 1 Joe aison 2 I'd I in Ilitlnv LT'kv MontfiL Wvmir Mental Urnp Error Ruvnua Two base hila aison Rltlev Saunders Lakr Knlpp Home run Smith Sloten half's 3 Smith tiutn hntpn 2 oft Daniel 4 by Diniote 4 Boruwske Guardia nt Guardian Harmon cf Gordon 1 Ruttsrf NOON WINS LEXINGTON TROT Totals 1(18 21 14 2 00 1 2 Li 0 3 0 II Saunders John Nah 4 Smith Hvmar it 7 I owvls 3 Lfmiidolls JI Wvinar fticri Pises on bulls Off Starr sirueit out Be Marr 7 Hack' 1 Scorer The ment night Junior College of Engineering 5 A School of Technology received diplomas at exercises at irst Meth odist Episcopal Church Eighteen from the College of Commeice ceived diplomas II II Griswold state welfare rector delivered the address The junior college graduates Sanford Bennett Charles A Bieil er Victoi A ischer "Conrad II :1 dinger and Emil Schustei AH me already employed in junior engineer ing positions 2 'in 1825 sized is been repaired and replaced In service Lake Waverly Shoal Gns and Bell Buoy 1 bell out of commission will be repaired ns t'u able and tu'yards atari good lor all but Guillotine: won easily place handily weni to post 11 fJUb al PUV Jivr HIJUUI' Hearts ot Oak PantlTa Trained by owner :213 1:15 1:42 Horse nnd Jockey Wt St Panketa Malley) Choke 'Smith) Goll Bells (Landoil) Have A Caie i De iuilJotine Keiser) NSAReST HAD 10 A PAR W) W6S A SIX fANTOTAU pie gightgcm Houg CAUUS CLERK NAMED IN ALSE VOLE LIST in Odd MirhiiraD 10 riomcr Harvard Swwlpn Shpnnnirn du Nolde Bradley Grampian Holland Keewatin Marqm't te Smith Thifflnuion UanMbll Norway Ball Bro ajrhaim Manila SECOND Contribution purse SS)6 for two yea okte allowances 5 furlongs: start cloud won driving: place same went to pom at at pul one and a nun minu tn Winm A Reveille Boy 2 Last Reveil le Lu le Ann rrained by Paul Value to winner Sd5d $100 $u) 16'r 1 Home and loekev Wt St i Str Jin at post five iiui: io tu Speak your tongue easily Then ventured come to this city to visit my uncle "This uncle came io the United States early in life and achieved not a little fame When 1 was a boy my father used to tell me about my honesty saw my uncle today and I was returning to mv humble lodging still thinking of hlin when this unfortu nate accident happened Uncle Did Well "I was In a daze to think ttint my uncle had done so well in your great country and 1 Was thinking of my own opportunities So it is not un reasonable to believe that while thus occupied I may have put my hand in the wrong pocket There are so many pockets in America and so many opportunities tell a very convincing story" the sergeant said "But 1 am won dering if you "won't enlarge on it a little more by telling me where your uncle lives and what his occupa tion is" "1 cannot tell you those things" regretfully admitted Mr Hoi "I am such a stranger here bill I can show you his picture" He did so and the sergeant gasped at the familiar countenance he be held "I hope you found your uncle in good spirits when you saw him to day" the sergeant said "I ttnd his features are very familiar and I well know his reputation or honesty But I am surprised to learn ot his presence in this city" Before they led ilr Hoi to the city limits and bade him farewell the police handed back to him a picture clipped from a Sunday newspaper It was a picture of George Wash ington uneral services for Clifford Lin coln Ayers coal gas and oil operator who died Wednesday afternoon will be held at 8 this evening in the resi dence at 10500 Lake Avenue Lake wood Burial' will be in Gambier 0 his birtiiplace tomorrow morning Mr Ayers was vice president of the Avers Coni Co and a director of tl Wilcox Oil Gas Co Tulsa Okla the Troll Coal Mining Co and the Becker Steamship Co Mr Avers was born Sept 26 1863 He went to the' public schools in Gambier and was graduated from Kenyon College in 1888 At the con clusion of bis college course Ie be came a clerk lor tlie Pennsylvania Railroad He rose to yard master Akron before he left the railroad 35 years ago or tlie next ten years he was a salesman for the Drake Coal Co and then joined the sales forces et the A Hanna Co where he was em ployed for anothir decade After that he was one of the founders of the Johnson Ayers Coal Co which became the I Avers Coal Co in 1907 Mr first wife who was Ab baline Johnson of Mount Vernor died in 1921 Twil years later he mar ried Miss Eilza Troll of Bt Clairs ville who survives him He leaves also a son by his first mar riage Kreigh Ayers of Akron Mr Ayers was a member of the Westwood Country Club the Midday' Club the Cleveland Athletic Club and the Chamber of Commerce Comity Bar mid Dr Ellis Propose Human Hilations Institute Establishment of a Human Rela tions Institute in Cleveland for a cor related study of law medicine science psychology and child hygiene was discussed yesterday by Dr A Caswell Ellis director ot Cleveland College and Miss Catherine Nack executive secretary of tlie Cuyahoga County Bar Association which would sponsoi the legal branch nf tlie pro posed institute The plan considered yesterday by Dr Ellis and Miss Nadk is modeled after tlie Yale Institute of Human Relations which 1ms already been copied ly Johns Hopkins and Cvi nell Universities Iow't Winds nmrtlr moderate west to northwest mostly fair riday pre eeded hy tario I'pper west to possibly iivrior Cleveland Weather Report The foBcwfn data based on observations made al 8 o'clock 75th meridian tinw yes terdav are furnished by the local offiee of tlie United Weather Bureau Society lor IU(3 IUlluiri 3 $383: Ursa Major $5 35 4 33 Lt (I Tain BUALO York Central roads today began to lay tracks into the new mlllion dol la terminal now nearing completion for the Cleveland Pnl'lnlo Transit Co at the foot of Erio Street Steam shovels were busy all day in Erie Street excavating George A Ilomm general agent of the Line at Buffrilo who has been supervising the work on the terminal lor the company announced today that tlie dock is finished and that the office building warehouse and driveways will be completed by July 1 Tlie plastering was practical ly finished today and on next Monday the marble and flooring workers will begin operations and will be done within a week According to present indications Mr Borntn said the en tire plant should be ready to go into commission by July 12 or 15 It is figured steamers will begin docking at the new terminal about that time At a meeting of tlie board of di rectors of the Groat Lakes Transit Corp held this afternoon in the gen eral offices here the usual quarterly dividend of 1 per cent was de clared payable July 1 to stockhold ers of record June 22 Conners chairman of the board presided nnd the other direc tors present were: Conners jr James Carey Evans Andrews Donald Tuppen George Ashley Tomlinson of Cleveland nnd James Davidson Bay City Mich Gas Buoy (Jut of Uommi Moii The following notice to masters was sent out by Rosoe House su perintendent of lighthouses: Lake ivnst winon omwi 2 previously ported cap Si nn 1 NW Cldy Jrtean NW Tdv New York SE Rain Bi tlsbu nd i NW 1' Cldy Rateiirb Clmidy Marie Clear Pt Cloudy Calm Idy WEST THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER i Denver Clear I D11! Mnincs Clear Galveston Hetena SW loudv Kansa Uily Clear Los Ansfulre Clear Minneapolis Clear Oklahoma City Cdy Portland Pt Cloudy Plmenlx AV tear Rapid PL Cldy St Glnur Sall Lake City CIT Sf) fit) San raud Clear 82 90 BRITISH AMERICA 36 ftS 70 80 AO 74 PORT COLBORNE U'nlfer 12:50 am PiRsImry Baird 8:40 am Keyport bnneoe imm am SAULT STE Athabasca 6:30 pm Gud rteli pm Qiir en City 8:30 pm ritz 8:30 pm 1 0:00 pm Caiit mter 10:00 pm Collins 11 :00 did Bell 11 pm Morgan II :0 mn Cefns 1 1 :30 pm HMH'na 1 :30 pin iacK MaeN'phton Cowie rontenac Cambria Kerr Lindabury Palmer Leslie Ed 1000 am SAULT STE DOWN 1:00 am am :30 am 30 am 00 am 30 am 00 am 00 am 10:00 am ftteld) $690 $3110 Ball Gee hfId balance Hord (mr Budrtv fin Blue Agate raced up into a con post one minute Winner ozone Trained by Jam :48 i i tj i Horse and Jockey Prince harlcfc (Salvage) Ice iKcUumj abona I Cooper) BrUht iluthrr) Blue Torch (Cramer) captain Marten (Creese) Salvage (LeBlanc) Trnasiiri i lit nd Xk innn nlirnJ fir £1 1 )fL AntnHin Th A I'lciPT MflPffarAtta 82 surpivs refund Prince Charles $490 $310 $200 De SI $290 Prince Gharlrs came fast on outside after coin? first half and overhauling midway of the stretch drew away handily thereafter Ice cut out brisk early pace failed to withstand winner's chailomru but was best of balance Calzona held on fairly well dnriiif etretch run Onisliiiur resolutely Bright Tomorrow weakened alter going pix furlongs Blue Torch was crowded back al far turn ITH RACE Contribution purse $sflO for three year olds and up claiming 1 W1TJ LU rtb ttL Abficcr Charlie 4) Poltava La $JUu 5U" Aime Cloudy Cincinnati NW Pt Cldy Dfilroit Pt Cloudy Duluth Clear i'rand NW Clear Green Bay Cb ar lai lison SE Cldy Knoxville Cloudy Louisville Clear Marquette Cloudy John llardedcnclli jr old was kijlcd instantly yesterday hen he was run over by his father's niitortinblli' 'backing of the ga rage adjoining their home 8D7 Rudyard Rond Tho child was playing about ti yard nnd while Bardenenilli was the garage sat down in the drive way Not until' Im heard the ot other children did the lather know anything was wrong Mrs Dardenenelli attracted by the screamsr rushed from tho house and picked up the boy The parents hurried their child to Emergency Clinic where surgeons said the baby had died instantly rank Chy hot 22 of 20th Street was killed last night when he struck another automobile crashed Into a telegiaph pole and was plunged through the wind shield of own oar st air field Avenue and It Street Police say he was speeding when he approached tlie intersection nnd his car swerved ns he applied the brakes in attempting to avoid ing'the other car which was making a turn His death brings the traffic toll to 101 as compared to 92 Inst tear Three Cleveland Heights society girls clad only in bathing suits were the occupants of an automobile which collided yesterday with a car driven by Arthur Dague 3004 Corydon Road Cleveland Heights at Condon and Lambert Roads Mrs automobile was lying on its top on the arrival of Cleveland Heights police who refused to di vulge the names of the three girls aged 14 15 and 46 Mrs Dague taken to St Luke's Hospital and discharged after treatment for minor injuries AYERS UNERAL Calrarian 0:55 pm Baird 9: 15 pm Simcoe Pillsbury air Lake am Delay tn starting immediate of fensive against the city manager plan was agreed on yesterday by for mer Gov Hurry Davis and his associates in the charter! i movement' Believing it smart to wait "until you see the whites of their eyes" i the Three leaders will not call aj meeting of workers until July 19 a month before the special charter amendment election About ten days after this meeting i tho official campaign will open I Saul Danaceiiu and Edward I Downer original Circulators of the! amendment petitions did not attend I meeting Danaceau said I he remained away because be was anxious to see Peter Witt his close EHdte 1 Marten $870 $190 $1 Matr 113 JH4 1 U5 05 i an Row Coonf 106" Lamp Ward (Harauer'j 101 Apprentice waived winner enirred loraiw" Lorelic Blue Roso Stanmore Gold Itell? 1 Choice 2 S2 relund Panketa $1180 $060 $350 Gold Panketa took command while rounding: turn for home and held ra' afe ir imhmvwl La i Dnoilinn rAOitiCiOii and Gold Bells was linns on end and lucky to be third Have A Care was soiiw well on end Guillotine was practically left and closed wide gap OURTH Contribution puw $800 for four yekf blds and up claiming 1 mile and "0 vards start good won handily place same: went Io post at 3:45 at Maule rinuv nriuii't £Hi(Cdu't alue alleged to have Calnmio 31 of standing 75th Street pm pm pm I mi nrn 20 pm if Tl Hl I 1 13 4 103 2 112 1 110 3 101 5 1 00 1 Hili ti Scratched Sporty Night Signal In 'port: 1' Mathiott Yosemite Mathew stoii Selirk Siarmnum Acadian ASHLAND June Aukuh Lake Erie ore Christie Toledo lum ber DULUTH Jmu Light for ore Durston Lebanon LaBelle Butler Jr Wood Harvey: coal Lake Crystal IL Ii Kogers: tu: Hebarii mdse A IL Smith stone Wlilener Cleared: Ore Robinson Stackhouse Jenkins ield Wickwire Lebanon Dlir stoii Pontiac pass Juniala: scran iron Cort: light Cavuca TWO HARBORS June 2'0 Cleared Sdiiller Lake Erie miles start good won handily place same and a half minute Winner Snyder's Paine Trnmed hy owner Horse and Jockey Assessor Charlie (Horn) Master Edilio (Cramer) Bashful Beau (Landolt) Sir Leonid (K Cooper) Grass Maid (Lmber) Ticker i Carroll I star Maiden (Meyers) Marlon Payne (O'Malley) Wrack Hay De I'enni) Hirrv (Kellum) Winner entereded Um Harry 5 Wrack itay 2 astir 89 fiurit Ihml name TV It IJ el i 1 1 1 1 IBdHi WpH rated within striking distance rf pac Assessor harhe camo Rlronsly on outside of opposition in it retch and drpw ctear during last few yards Master Eddie took command alter rounding far turn and ld on well dunntr final drive Bashful Beau closed wide pap and finished fast next inner rail in MMch bir Uonid worked way up on outside anil finished wilii oiMt courage Grass Maid tired as did flicker SIXTH Contribution ours JROU for tbrw year and claiming (I fur longs start rood won easily: place same went (o port at at post two mimit sWinner rez' ch Sandy Hatch (91 Lliimus Crazyiiuilt framed by A Turrirtile value to winner soot) si'm (' 1 tfin I 3U am am 3:36 am 3: 3 i am 3 3i) am 4:99 am 5:90 am 5 (Mi am 5 :39 am Brjn Mawr 53o am TU KNTY THIRD THLRsDAU JLNE 2 SPRING MEETING BAINBRIDGE PARK DEAL GA LAKE OHIO WEATHER TRACK AST IRST RA'CE Contribution purse for four year olds and up claiming (I furlonr start good: won easily: place handily: went to post at at fe' ininiilt's Winner McCuan's br Arrogant Dominant King 1 a1Dj by A Prtsball Value to $050 100 Sod 1: 4 Horse ana juckcv Reveille Bay (Klhiro) TrapJand lU'Mahey) Tonto Ruck (Luther) Bootsie Boo (Nichote) Jaz bcooter (Savage) Ling fhprokc Horn) Bin? (Je Blanc) $2 surplus refund Reveille Boy $170t $310 $220 Trapland SLdO $2i0 Ton to steadily improved his position in stretch and finishing with good courage got up in last 70 yards Trapland held on well when final test came after early pace Tonto Rock outlasted balance during stretch run bootsie Boo llnislied with belated rush King Cherokee went good half then tired THIRD RACE Contribution purse $800 for four year and up claiming 1 mile Plaster in Panketa winner $650 $100 $50 Time ZflnK 5:30 pm M'rN'ghton Reiss 7:99 pm Lehigh kargn Bice i trust Wil kin Ann 1 3m Butflngtem 6 am DETROIT UP 6:30 pm pm 20 pm 50 tun 10 mn 15 pm 50 pm 3o am no am JO am JO am :20 am 'poo am Hl am 30 am(to am 20 am 20 am 2i am 30 am 40 am Totals 25 7 21 10 Guardian Trust 2 0 3 Central National 0 0 Run Seclinirer Gordon 2 san olliAl Mnl nrtnv iJr rn Ifurmnit Two bas" tuts Huber Gordon Horne Gordon Moran Double niiy O'Mallev and Imre Hase on Hit Ncitzel 2 McCarthy (i strui oui By Nellzel 3 bv McCarthy I Umpire Markert Scorer Rabe Too Bad Tony AHU A (i 12 5 (I I BY Thick weather hai been the cause of considerable delay this week and the vessels Inst about five hours in tlie Soo Itiver yestenlny morning and about the same time In the lower rivets The delay will bunch the ore carriers at both ends of the route and they will spend some time in port The ore docks at the Lake Erie ports had a small line up yesterday but flay late ried till around and shipments to the fur naces are heavy During the first 19 days of June the docks loaded 54066 cars and the movement for the same period last year was 45185 ears The grain freight market was very quiet yesterday and according to re ports there will not be much change until there is a buying movement There was a little inquiry at Lake Michigan ports but the shippers at tlie head of the lakes wore not bid ding for tonnage Some grain that was on the market at Duluth was taken by the line boats Grain cat riers were on the waiting list at ort AVilliatn this week nnd tool: uftnu ftelnv troitintr cargoes mon small vessels have been added to the Great Lakes grain fleet Tlie steamers Tlninicia Damia aracen and Imari which were built in Eng land have arrived at lake ports and will be operated in the grain trade between Lake Erie ports and Mont i a cwitt gifgfhi? oltv nnd IIUMI MJ 31 MWSV 'V I A Spendlove of Winnipeg Tlie last of the vessels was due at To ronto last night Coal Is being sent forward at a pretty good rate but all the vessels that are offered are not getting cargoes and there will be little change until there is an increase in shipping orders from the lipper lake ports as some of the docks are crowded The docks dumped 3437 cars Wednesday and receipts were 2598 ears The railroads had 20175 cars at the lake front tnursuay morning and 7405 cars in transit Loading for yesterday was estimated at 3040 cars Will Launch Saturday TOPAIN June Plans for launching the WiO foot steamer Wil liam Clyde at the Lorain yards of tlie American Shipbuilding Co Saturday noon have been completed Mrs Emma Clyde Hodge of Pitts burgh daughter of William Clyde after'whom the boat has been named will christen the new freighter Clyde is president of the Carnegie Steel Co and will be among the spectators at the launching A Harvery presi dent of the Pittsburgh Steamship Co for whom the freighter is being con will be in tlie launching party oat urrii rs Availing SANDUSKY June 2d Pennsyl vania dork officials say a record was broken tills morning when twelve freighters were lined up awaiting their turns under the coal loading machines on tlie docks The largest fleet in waiting until today had been one of ten boats Steamer Smith Aground The steamer Smith down bound with ore went aground in the St Clair River near Algonac in the fog yesterday morning A tug pulled on the steamer but could not i elease her The tug Harding ami lighter Reliance were sent tn the Smith from Detroit yesterday afternoon The steamer Reid which aground in the lower Detroit Wednesday was released New Dock Dealer Special)Tune The and Lackawanna Mystery clouding 'the authorship of 185 names In the Republican primary poll book from Ward 19 Precinct was lifted yesterday when the first of four from that booth on trial lor ballot stuffing took the stand and named A AV Gamlete Demo cratic cletk as the man who wrote the 1'10 of which are alleged fraudulent Gamlere who was Indicted secretly with the other 19 officials but never apprehended was I lamed for all the Republican entries which were proven false by listed voters who testified they did not vote when George Argle took the stand as the first defense witness yesterday Argie said Gamlere filled In for Dominic Vaccariello Republican clerk after Camierc touk Vaccarii llo away from the booth In an intoxi cated condition early on primary day" Cheeked Names Under direct examination by James Connell of defense counsel Argie testified that Gamiire entered no names on the poll Look directly as tlie voters appealed but tn cheeked their names in the alpha betical lists and later transferred them to the poll book after the booths had closed This accounted Argie said for the alphabetical order of the entries In the poll books Under cross examination however Special Counsel Luther day who prosecuting the vote cases for Attor ney General Gilbert Bettman baffled Argie with the fact that no cheeks appear in the alphabetical book oppo site the names ot voters entered al phabetically from No 187 to 215 In the poll book When called before former Attor ney General Edward Turner's special investigators last fall Argie ap 'lfically nied that Gamlere ha iwritten in the names Scott Ieslie handwriting expert who studied handwriting of the 19 officials ascribed handwriting in the front of the republican book to Vac cariello Mike atica and Argie wheti ailed as the last witness yes tirday Entries in the Democratic poll book were made bv atica Vaccariello Argie and Lucian Radio he said Radio who is on trial with Argie Nick Vitantonio and atica is al leged the author of fraudulent en tries in the Democratic book HERE Tntate 28 MH nd i nk ederal Reserve 00 0 UfiO 2 2 Runs Srhncte 3 Connor 2 Story lahy Milter KaMor Lonza Error? Boaz Lenhy Kuehn Throe base fill Miller Connor Home Lea hy Connor Left end 8 Rases off Conner Hur 3 hv rnMed Bonza 2 Scorer Yeteky Towel Dry Acme AHO A 5 3 0 3 I oh Hatel 1o winner $650 SI() $50 Horse and Jockey VVt Sandy Hatch (Savare) 117 Grey March (O'Malley 102 AiarK easier ivramen Acme Weisman) 1 1 A A zvcl Rid Graiie (De 1 Li Black Alice (McDermott) 91' I Two (Judy) JJJ7 Sul (Carroll) Standard Bearer Bttelion I'aijc Houston Yargee Denny CooneSu S5U0 $140 $291) Grey March $11110 WarSamiy8lla'tch8tnnk command roundlmr turn for home and drew away Into easy lead thin after Grey March elocd etoutly last fnrlonz easily disposing ot balance Mark Marti was doing lii best on end to stall oft Acme Latter came strongly in run home as did Merry Pal Red Grange milt Two Colors can do better srVNTH Contribution purse SKOO for four year and up claiming mile and 70 vards: start good won handllv Place same went tn post at 5: 8 at post and a Ralf minutes? Winner A McKinney Rock Marv Trained by owner alue to winner SCjO S1UU 5ov 1 48 1 1:40 Horse and Jockey Alt Sniper (LeBlanc) 11'1 Ursa Major (Cramer) 101 Heather AVine (Savage) 1 ID) Wavne Jr (Smith) Partner (Luther) ''2 1 oretold (Elston) Ha Iour Courts (Krllntn) KO a ft'oee) 1 i Milan 8 J'IH rv I 1 SACharite ri (D 1 1 ST'y iCarmll) JO fin) Banola Ilvmly) 109 Bywfiv Creese) 'Corrected weignL i fifMi nuer mh i vv 1 Wayne Jr 1 Jnur Cnurs $2 Miirnlu Sniper $10 $190 uer closed fart while rounding slrrtcli turn and continuing ganiety throuili final forlonvwnn going awsv Ursa Major forced pace throughout held balance safe on 1 Wide ran and oUtgauird AVayn Jr Latter raved ground Ciat4' llrafl luMn jring run rorctwa cioseu himuj iivurm 04 Dalton Tremaine Meadchfte HriJJ A damp JHRecd SaakaHrwu 19 Senator 10 11 McLean II Ma ku a 11 ELirfi Brlcnnw Lake Hem lock LU Wallace WE Corey Hardin Ite'hanee Humphrey Sock Cent rah A 4 4 Industrial Loop Cloth took first place In the AA'est Side Industrial League yester day by trouncing the Uauei Meats 5 'to 1 This was the twilight game played in the down town district Tony Kubilus fanned twenty men but his Printz Biedermans dropped an eleven inning Korachs 5 to 4 lotbcrafts A A 4 Norway (1:30 am i' UriiHlnv fifinm "Wind northwest light fog HURT DOWN son Lovejoy Error Yenser Two base hits OHon Lovejoy Throe tiiise liitst Gresmuek Stolen Eikn Douhle play Krelnkamu and SU'lf'Itf pert 3 Umpire Hauhof Wkclptey Lose A 4 4 LEXINGTON Ky June 2U (AP High Noon owned by 0 Belt of Columbus Avon the Board of Com nivree trot $3000 feature race on the Grand Circuit program here today The time was the fastest of the meeting for three heats High Noon was clocked the final quarter of the irst and second heats in and worked the last quarter of tho third heat 1n Valentine scored his third stake victory ot the meeting behind High Noon The nlne year old stallinn Counter part celebrated his return to the races after a four year absence by winning tlie first heat in 202ai the second fastest heat of the year He was driven by his trainer Dr IL 'Parshall who bought him last fall Contender beat a small but select field of three year old trotters with'Lee Wynholt's star in second place The results IRST RACE 2:13 PURSE SLOOffi (Three Imata) UounVrparl ro 11 by John A I'arshull 1 Relay hr (Palin) Bernies Logan (li miiw) Lord Scott (Sturgeon) I liin ii rr (Slnbual lune Abiie Lucile June f'tratliall Hill billy also started 2:03 2:03 SECOND RACE BOARD COMMERCE! 212 I II hree lii ati 1 Hiah Noon by Guy Ax worthy 1 Valentine ine ijirl ni (Stokes) Peter McCrea (Ray) I nllawat rn (Egan) Rnlh Chenault ni Intel Worthy orbes also started 2:02 4 203 2:01 'v THIRD RACE THE SPEN' ER THREE A EAR OLD PURSE $2000 (Two in three I Contender hy McGregor the Great (Palin) I Lee Wynolols Star (Stokes) Laurel Wreath' br (White P'av Worthy gr Childs) 4 Time 2:06 205 OURTH CLASSIIED PACE THREE 11EATS PURSE $700 Darkey Grattan blk by Grab tan Royal (leming) Johnny Direct (Morrison) Jay AV (Wolverton) lion (: 1 rimmirn Also started HoUyrood Abigail Hornet Direct 2:06 'i 2:07 209 DOAS (Livingstone Channel) 6:50 pm 7 :10 pm 7 1 5 pin 7:30 util pm 10 pm 1 1 :35 tin) 1 I HI pm take Uric I AIRPORT June Arrived Two Harbors ore Crowley Itiifla In rnd Cleared: () St Poe Two Harbors lijhl I Crowley Duluth mdse SANDUSKY June Arrived: Corvus Osborne lliiffilo light: Topping Ashley Ashtabula light: A Reiss Coimeaiil light Goulder Cleveland light Cleared: Marquette Bessemer Ko 1 Hrieail coal Morrow Topping Milwaukee emit: Burke Hamilton coal Collier Sand wich coal: Corvus Toledo coal Osborne ort AA'illiam coal: Ashley Lake Linden coal Reiss Green Bay coal LORAIN June 20 Arrived Jemiey AVilliam Linn Martha Duluth ore Neu I tune Ashtabula light Cleared Magna Martha Jenneyi Du luth light Neptune Duluth coal ASHTABULA June Arrived: Mail land Port Maitland tndse: Ashtabula Port Burwell mdse: AVest light: Nelson ore A'iitory ore Boland ore Leonard ore: Britt ore (llear'd: Maitland Port Maitland mdse: Aslitalmla Port Burwell mdse: (' West Sandwich coal Nelson light Victory light: Boland light Leonaid light Britt light CONNEAUT June 20 Arrived: Mar quette Bessemer No 2 Port Stanley light Alpena Wyandotte Munoti Cool idge light for coal: Wallace Mc Dougall Dunn Jr ore i lenred: Marquette Bessemer No Port Stanley coal Alpina Coolidge Mun son coni It Wallace McDougall Dunn Jr light IHIIHN June Arrived: A Shaw Duluth coal TOLEDO June Arrived: McCullough lr Thomas Walters Angeline tug Lotus Constitution Brtison lord At Oleott I' West light Cleared Cnvler Adam" fl McCul lough Jr Morse Angeline Thomas AValtere coal: It Hubbard light BUALO June Arrived: Kiowa Chicago light: Utica Cliicaco tndra Mun son Calcite stone Ace Du luth mdse: Barryton and barges Cleve land iron Witeon Duluth orc Cleared Canopus Black Saturn Duluth light liaiiiel Willard Duluth mdse: Igniter Montreal steel: Imago Milwaukee ruttec Luke Michigan SOUTH CHICAGO June 2u Arrived Crawford Vega ore Uuhith Liba coal Toledo CL ai Ellon Hoyt Perseus MoiTe IL Williams Odanah Baker (I Crawford light Superior Ken nedy light Sturgeon Bay INDIANA HARBOR June Arrived: Cowan light Superior: A Paine coal Toledo: Thompson James 1'icli ands stone Rockport: Smith pig iron Buffalo: Block Block ore Duluth: Panoil oil Muskegon Cleared: Pegasus II Jones Block light Superior: Allen I Cowan oil Detroit GARY June 2(1 Mariposa Hill ore Diijntli ('Inn rml ilbert Mariposa light Superior MANITOWOC June 20 Arrived: Henry weriii MiiwauKee iigm ESCANABA June 201 Cleared coia South Chicago orc Jike Superior MARQUETTE June Cleared: del Michigan rontenac Cleveland ander Ieslie Port Colborno ORT WILLIAM June Cleared Cedar Piiv Montreal: Grammer Wil ham ilch A 'roruhnson Buffalo: Ifaninnic Duluth: Manitoba ort Me Inon 7 GGWest 19 Briton WyandoUe Parxny Adriaticlupiter Tuk Mary 0W8 Rensselaer (kirlis 1 wlmhl A Thomp son LT StephrnRon 1 IteiM ZteMHJT A M'GolJ rouienacSumatra Bill Almanac for Today Sun ira at 4 53 a in spL at 8 04 Moon rises at 809 pm sets at 4:12 a Atterbury 12:90 in VGMain i Rob msnn 1 Erick 1 1 IHH 14 1 1 ri 1 1 tv barge 2:00 pm PORT LI Maple Bay Burlin Lk George Simpson nirnmtter (sea teveh 2993 29 88 2f 0 Temp (dry bulb) 1 77 89 Temp fwr bulb) 96 69 65 Humidity 81 67 45 ilion teOO Wind direction NW Wind velocity Weather Clear Pt Cldy Cloudy Highest wind vplodtv 8 milt 3 per hour from the south at 5 45 a TEMPERATURES AT STATED HOURS 3 a 6 a 9 a Noon Hiirhe Lowest Lowest Mean temperature Normal temperature Deficiency of temp this mn to dale Accumulated excess shine Jan 1 Tnlal prrcip 21 hours Hided 8 Pl (1 'f nrAil tx I 11 11 IAAA Ill itAtPfGi ffriK rip Ui Accumulated excess Miut Jah 1VUO Hfft Dt 1 Herr IGS st I o' i luo mutt I LiM judgcj Lu hvAii mi 9 1 I i win ov i ti ifLurn lUaLitu Vi uC 8 fiaypolv: ur i i a 'W Wk awl lJ 11 1 KM 1 i I 1 I II I If 1'1 IXSX' at it a a 11 i 3 wmti aa a Hz ix i ui i a A i in liB'ti ioa i nnar ii iibi' MftAMMiarttfjnrTA rzx i 3 i a a tat ar i jkmsk i i iiu i uh mu a i i ar fww AZ I I If ieJLn Bl IK i RflHH Mf! 1 1 az MTTviu i sZU' tS zi IMS fpf Vhu'bMI tu Ih LB fill tfn GJ ntey niilrW yj if ss "ivW Wt Sf Ai (4 4 Hit I 2 5 3 2 1W 115 2 1 1 2 1 3 LI 105 5 3 4 4 4 1 115 5 3 14 2 114 JO3 (I 4 2 nk 5 3 5 2 10H 4 7 iik 0 2 JUU 3 (1 1 7 1 4 110 7 7 8 8 8 :23 47 4i :14 St i sti' in 3 2 1 1 1'5 1 (I 'I nk 4 '4 3 1 2 2 5 4 1 5 1 5 1 3 nd 8 71 11'4 6 1 4h II II 8 1 7 2 5 1 1 1 2 2 1 II 5 6 nk 4 5 3 4 7 3 2 (JI (1 H'2 2 7 8 't I Sain 12:27 run 29 88 2O79 71 77 Mt (It (111 65 SI 67' 45 it 00 0 NW Clear Pt Cldy Cloudy 5 4nk '2 2 '7 2 1 nk 10 11 5 7 1 I 7 7 4i 5 1 3 0 i 8 8 9 10 1 11 8 10 2 JI' Sih 10 11 3 4 1 15 3 t'i 7 8 3 5 0 3 3 I 1 nk 12 12 12 12 5 4 1 fi4 9'5 Id IB.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.