Lancaster New Era from Lancaster, Pennsylvania (2024)

LANCASTER NEW ERA SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1938 THREE Four Red Cross Life Saving Examiners Demonstrate Canoe Safety At Pequeo 1 I 5,...:...... 13,1... rr, 4 4 I ''S'x :,::,:4 7 jk 4 i spl 4" ,..:..,.1.,,,,, i.t..,.,::;:::,,::.ri..,,,,.,.,.,,.,.,....;.,..,..........,,......' 11..... 4. i 0:4:,,,,49.,,..

rr rr rr ,,,:,:,1 4- 4. x. ,50.,,,...::. 5) '------s' ......:,.4 .3 46 4.:,.. -r 'r rr ki .:.11" i'v I r' 44? k4) 14)11 0 ti :i.r:;::.,:::::?,,::: 2 Here a party of four are paddling away'con a pleasant jauntthe correct way, with the A Cops! Just as we thought! Somehow, while the girls were changing places, something sudpaddlers denty happened to the delicate equilibrium of the frail craft.

It tips over, muddy aqua comes in over the side and in a trice the four occu pants of the good ship "An' Stuff" are ing cud Oops! Just so we thought! Somehow, whole the girls were changing places, someth Here a party of four are paddling away'on a pleasant jauntthe correct way, with the 4 dent), happened to the delicate equilibrium of the frail craft. It tips over, muddy aqua "I uvor trio IWO IMO In a triug int! Tuur gcuu pants Of IMO good ship "An' Stuff" are I Emd paddlers in bow and stern, passengers seated low amidships. Chester Monaghan is in the bow with Bauman in ths stern; Miss Reesel and Miss Ann Kritscher are the passengers. in bow and stern, passengers seated low amidships. Chester Monaghan is in the tith Bauman In the stern; Miss 'Reesel and Miss Ann Kritscher are the passengers.

paddlers in bow and stern, passengers seated deb i Pe. Chester one a 11 is in the gent. oe wvIr In LIIIP IDLOUn I IVI MI ono "'In nritocnor are the piggish, i.i61;4 .2 ly;) i :1. i ....7 ....:...7. :1 :1,: i 1, ii; 0 .:,..1 (4t V) ...5 iiitslircik a 16:.

ir is 1. frov, li- ki- 4 .,:1,.:, 4 ''ir i -1' 4 1, t. I 4.e.,,..:.;,,,,.,,:,... ,,.::::.1 :......1.: it 01A77, le, 4 -0' 1::: ,4,4.,.. 'V.

i ..,..:,4,::. 1 1 0,6,,,14, :.:..0,.,,,,,,,::,,,,,,,,,.. 41, (rlt V'k' :1, 0.: 11 47... Yi gait, 4., )': I Now the girls assume the roles of not-very-bright canoe passengers. They decide, for no good reason, to change places in the canoe.

Changing horses in midstream is simple compared to this little trick, which so often results in tragedy. Canoes are light and graceful craft, easy to propel, but also easy to capsize. 4,, 74 ''''''''VW Floundering in the water, and the canoe is bottom side up in the Susquehanna, River. Right here is the time to keep calm and hang onto the canoe if tragedy is to be averted. The canoe is upaide-down, but it can still be the means of saving four lives because a canoe will always float.

1 This is the way to enter a canoe without I getting a ducking at the outset. The idea Is to step in while the canoe is being steadied against the dock. Miss Mildred Ressel and J. Richard Bauman are showing how it's done. Our heroes and heroines merery roll the U.

craft over again, crawl into the partially. submerged boat, and, using their hands as pad. dies, make their way safely to shore. A canoe, even when full of water, will still carry four persons in safety! THE DAY'S LOG OBITUARY A. HEIDI DIES IN HOSPITAL State CCC Recruits Get Hair Cuts Before Starting West MOTORCYCLES INJURE 3 HERE The New Era barometer shows the following forecast for the next twelve hours: Clear.

corded at the New Kra Weather Station on top of the New Era Building. City Water Works and the Ephrata Weather Stations were: 3 ARE MISSING FROM HOMES Police Seek Woman and 2 Men; 3 Others Return. Former City Policeman Succumbs While in Iron Lung." Farmer Directing Party Traffic Is Hurt Near Millersville. First Group of 1,200 Leave for New Mexico and Arizona; 4,680 from Pennsylvania Signed Low High New Era 66 90 City Water Works 59 87 Epbrata 61 89 The temperature variations today. as recorded at the New Era Weather Station on top of the New Era Building were: Iffr 9s1 J.

VICTOR CHARLES J. Victor Charles, eleven, died of complications at 11:30 A.M. yesterday at his home at Manheim R. D. I.

near Landisville, after a lingering illness. Besides his parents, Jacob N. and Velma Herr Charles, he is survived by a brother, Vernon, at home, his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Lydia a Herr, of this city; his paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.

Amos Charles, of Landisville; and a great-grandmother, Mrs. Annie Charles, of Landisville. Services will be held at the home at 1:30 P. M. (ST) Monday with further services at 2 P.

M. at the Salunga Mennonite church. Interment will be in the adjoining cemetery. Friends may call at the home tomorrow from 7 to 9 P. M.

TROOPS RELIEVE PRISON GUARDS Low High 8 A. M. 72 72 8 A. M. to 11 A.

M. 72 81 11 A. M. to a P. M.

81 83 Relative humidity today, as recorded at the New Era Weather Station on top of the New Era Building was: Harry L. rehl. sixty-two, Millersville R. D. was injured seriously Shortly before 10 o'clock last night when hit by a motorcycle while directing guests who were assembling at his home for a surprise party held for the son of a neighbor.

The guests assembled on the Fehl farm and then walked to the home of Christ Thomas where the latter's son. Murry, celebrated his twenty-fourth birthday anniversary. Fehl, according to State Motor Policeman Alfred Ragusky. was directing traffic on the road between Rock Hill and Slackwater when he apparently became confused and stepped in front of a motorcycle ridden by Charles D. Warfel, twenty, Millersville R.

D. The injured man was taken to the hospital by Adam Shenk, New Holland. Physicians said his left arm is prorably fractured and he Is Injured internally. Arizona State Prison So Overcrowded, 18 Convicts Have Escaped. Per Cent 8 A.

M. 72 11 A. M. 50 2 P. M.

45 Hourly temperatures today, as recorded on the recording thermometer In front of the New Era Building were: Saturday, July 16. A. M. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Andrew Heidig, seventy-nine, of 501 North Lime street, died at o'clock last evening in the Lancaster General hospital of a complication of diseases. He died while in the iron lung which was used in a last effort to save his life.

He was born In Lancaster, where he resided all his life, and was a former member of the city police force and a retired hotelman. He was a member of St. Michael's and St. George's Catholic Beneficial society, and a life-long member of St. Anthony's Catholic church and Holy Name Society.

His parents were the late John and Agatha. Matt Heidig, and his wife, who has been deceased twelve years, was Annie Ransing. He is survived by the following children: Viola, at home; Agnes, wife of Fred Long; Henry Francis Anna, wife of Francis J. Draude, atilt Albert all of this city. Eleven grandchildren; one sister, Mrs.

Mary Henrich, and one brother, John B. Heidig, of this city also survive. The funeral will be from the home Tuesday morning at 8:30 o'clock with requiem high mass at St. Anthony's Catholic church at 9 o'clock. Interment will be In St.

Anthony's cemetery. Friends may call at the home Monday evening. The United States Weather 131.1Lay forecast at 11 A. M. today was: EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA: Generally lair tonight and Sunday: slightly warmer tonight in west and north portions.

NEW JERSEY. DELAWARE and MARYLAND: Generally fair tonight and Sunday; little change in temperature. SANDY HOOK to HATTERAS: Gentle rinds. mostly south and southwest and generally fair tonight and Sunday. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA: Generally fair tonight and Sunday.

except probably local showers Sunday along the Lakes. Slightly warmer tonight. Wr.her outlook for the week beginning Monday: North and Middle Atlantic states: Occasional showers around first half and generally fair latter half of week. Temperature above normal first part. cooler middle Of week and slightly warmer at end.

The Sun rose at M. and sets at 8:30 P. M. The Moon sets at 10:28 P. M.

Last QuarterJuly 20. The morning star is Saturn. The evening stars are Mars, Venus and Jupiter. The conditions in Lancaster and vicinity yesterday were as follows: Character of day. clear; prevailing Wind, west.

The lowest and hlghest temperatures yesterday and last night as re JOHN H. BUCHTEH John H. Buchter. seventy-seven, died of complications yesterday morning at the home of his nephew, Wm. H.

Buchter, of near Swamp Church He was a member of the United Zion church. He is survived by three children, Amanda, wife of D. Graybill, and Annie, wife of Jacob Such. both of Brownstown, and John of Reading; also four grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 P.

M. (DT) Monday from the home of his nephew, and at 2 P. M. from Trinity United Brethren church In Denver. Interment will be In Fairview cemetery, Denver.

Friends may call at the home of his nephew from 7 to 9 P. M. tomorrow. TOBYHANNA, July 16(A. It may be a long time until they see a barber again, but 1,200 Pennsylvania CCC boys are set for a while.

Thanks to the untiring efforts of a dozen barbers, the youths, starting today on a trip of several thousand miles, to New Mexico and Arizona, will present neatly-trimmed polls to the eyes of all who may see. Pennsylvania is sending 4,600 boys to the west to serve six months in national parks, on soil conservation projects, public grazing lands, and witn the Bureau of Reclamation and Forestry projects. But beioie entraining today, they had to undergo the shears. Five barbers stationed at the camp on the old Pennsylvania National Guard artillery range near this Monroe county town were reinforced by nine They set to work Wednesday. The job of cutting the hair of this 1,200, and another bunch of the same number who will take to the chair after a week-end rest for the shearsmen, was let by the government on a wholesale basisat a special price of 25 cents a head, by special consent of the union.

The first westward movement of the Tobyhanna campers got underway last Saturday. Others are scheduled for July 23 and July 30. The youths were recruited under the direction of the Department of Public Assistance. They come largely from families on the relief rolls Their assignment to CCC service; makes available for assistance to 1 others the state grants which families received for them. 74 74 72 73 72 71 71 74 75 75 78 80 P.

M. 123 81 83 FLORENCE. July 16--(A National guardsmen armed with machine guns moved on Florence today to establish martial law at badly overcrowded State Prison under orders of Gov. R. C.

Stanford. Eighteen convicts have "walked away" from the prison since June 7. Warden John G. Eager told Stanford In appealing for aid. Eleven, Including one life term murderer, still are fugitives.

The four officers and 50 guardsmen will relieve inside guards, in charge of 580 convicts. About 150 trusty prisoners sleep outside the prison walls. The institution has accommodations for only half its population. Three local residents, reported missing from home, are being sought by City police today. Police said three others reported missing had returned home during the night.

Mrs. Giles Malone', 722 North Lime street, today sent a broadcast over the State Police teletype in an effort to locate her uncle, Charles Bressler. sixty-one, who disappeared Thursday night returned last evening. and then left again. He had hitch-hiked to the relativts in Harrisburg yesterday, he told Mrs.

Maloney. Bremier. who has been in ill health and despondent since the death of til; sister several months ago, is described as being five feet, three inches tall, weighs 150 pounds and was wearing a gray coat, gray trousers, brown bat, white shirt and brown shoes. Man Had Several Hundred Dollars Mrs. Dominick Staffiri, 508 East Fulton street, appealed to police to aid in locating her brother-in-law, Frank Staffiri, fifty-four, who has been missing for more than a week.

He has several hundred dollars with him and his family fears for his safety. Staffiri. a patient at the county hospital up until two months ago, is described as being five feet, three inchei tall, weighs 180 pounds, dark eyes, gray hair, wearing dark brown coat, gray trousers and a gray cap. Arthur Keath, 248 East Clay street, who enlisted police In the search for his wife. Catherine, thirty-two, who disappeared from home Tuesday, said he received word from her parents in Middletown.

N. and they did not know her whereabouts. Mrs. Keath, mother of two boys, sixteen and ten, Is described as being five feet, three inches tall, weighing 106 pounds, dark brown hair and dark complexion. 3 Return To Homes Paul Miller, twelve, reported missing by his step-father, Charles Hunt, 401 St.

Joseph street; Richard Bloom, reported missing by his father, John Bloom, 48 South Water street, and Mrs. Jane Wilson, nineteen, reported missing by her husband, Henry Wilson, 241 North Lime street. returned home during the night to city police. Walter Troxall, twenty-four, Ephrata. suffered severe lacerations and bruises when a motorcycle he was riding crashed with the rear end of a truck driven by John Weidman.

The accident happened on Church street, Ephrata. about 8 o'clock last night. Troicall was treated by Dr. L. S.

Hutchison and then brought to the Lancaster General Hospital in the Ephrata American Legion ambulance. DEATHS Andrew Heidig, seventy-nine, 501 North Lime street. Phares Evans, seventy-eight, Lyndon. Benjamin M. Kreider, sixty-five, Ranks R.

D. I. J. Victor Charles, eleven, Manheim R. D.

I. John H. Buchter, seventy-seven, near Swamp Church. es. Isaac Golden, 722 East King street.

Mrs. Paul Eckert, forty, Brunner-vale. Mahlon K. Masser, ninety, Reading. Michael Schaller, eighty-one, 554 North Queen Robert Wright, nineteen.

Mo.untville, was injured when his motorcycle and a bread delivery truck collided in Mountville yesterday afternoon. The truck was operated by Christian Redcay. Dr. A. J.

Greenleaf treated the injured youth. fillEIMEMIIMEMIiMi 3 Weeks MRS. ISAAC GOLDEN Mrs. Rose Golden, wife of Isaac Golden, 722 East King street, died at 2 P. M.

yesterday in Lancaster General hospital of complications after a brief illness. She was a member of Temple Shaarai Shomayim. She was the last of her family. Besides her husband, she is survived by these children: Louis, this city; Sara, wife of Alexander Kegen, Reading; Sadye, wife of Fred Levan, Easton and Elizabeth, at home. Services will be held at the Fisher funeral parlors, 141 E.

Orange tomorrow at 10 A. M. and luterment will be in the Shaarai Shomayim cemetery. GROUP LEAVES HERE FOR WEST COAST Funeral Invitations tHALESEntered into rest near Landisville On Friday, July 15th, 1938, J. Victor Charles, in his 12th year.

The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral without further notice from the Salunga Mennonite Church, on Monday, July 18th at 2 o'clock S. T. Interment in adjoining cemetery. Friends may call at the home Sun. eve.

7 to 9. BENJAMIN M. KREIDER Benjamin M. Kreider, sixty-five, son of the late George and Anna Kreider, of Paradise, cued of a complication of diseases at the Lancester General Hospital, yesterday at 9:15 P. M.

He was a member of Paradise Mennonite church. Besides his wife, Susan Kreider, he is survived by the following children: Ruth A. wife of Willis D. Leaman, of Ronks; Eva wife of Jason M. Eckman, of Kinzer; Park of Mt.

Joy; Paul D. and Esther E. wife of J. Irwin Den linger, both of Ronks, also the following brothers and sisters: Jessie Mrs. Park Book, of Soudersburg; John of Missouri; Mrs.

Ira Hershey, of Gap R. Mrs. John Dare, of Bird-in-Hand; Jacob H. Kreider, of Leaman Place; and Mrs. Joseph Leaman, of Lancaster.

Services will be held Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock (ST) at the home with further services in the Paradise Mennonite church at 2 P. M. Interment will be in the adjoining cemeter. Friends may call from 7 to 9 o'clock tomorrow evening. PLAN St PPER A supper will be held Saturday evening, August 6 at the home of Mrs.

Celeste Proctor, 437 South Christian by the Colored Women's Democratic Club. Mrs. Clorine Warren is club chairman. Plans were made at a meeting last evening at the home of Mrs. Emma Diggs, Rockland street.

MORTICE LICENSES Applications Carl B. Connell and Dorothy O. Snyder, both of Philadelphia. Milton A. Esbenshade.

Paradise R. and Mary H. Harnish, Lancaster R. 4. Lester J.

Shotzberger, Lancaster, and Dorothy Marie Graybill, Bereville R. Granted Frank G. Cassidy. Quarryville R. 3, and Margaret E.

Hambleton, Green, Pa. All Expense Tour Leaving Lancaster, August 15 to Labor Day. Yellowstone, Salt Lake City, Denver, Colorado Springs, Homes Three weeks full sight seeing tour. All for $70.00. $10.00 reservations fee; only a limited number.

Educational Tours J. H. RICKER, Manager 616 West Chestnut Street Lancaster, Pa. Dial 9574 MAHLON K. MASSER Mahlon K.

Masser, ninety, of Reading, father of Frank A. Masser, of Lititz, died Thursday at his home. Services will be held Monday afternoon In Reading. Besides his on he is survived by a daughter, Elizabeth, wife of Jesse R. Lutz, Reading.

PermanentIttive Compkte DOSS41194 iERDIJUIENOLE Permantrittive Cp irso' omApt 6wfilainoar DRESSA41194 1211 GOLDENEntered into rest in this City on July 15, 1938, Rose Golden, wife of Isaac Golden. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral without further notice from the Fisher Funeral Parlors, No. 141 E. Orange on Sunday morning at 10:00 o'clock S. T.

Interment in Shaarai Shomaylm Cemetery. Please omit flowers. CLAM BAKE IS HELD BY KIWANIS CLUB Several Planning Trips to Alaska and Hawaii. A group of men and women left Lancaster today for a trip to the west coast. They will visit many points of interest on the Way to California and on the return some are taking a side trip to Alaska while others will visit Hawaii.

The group includes: Miss Mary S. Kepler, Mrs. Mary Sales, Mr. and Mrs. P.

H. Meckley, Mrs. J. B. Beans, Mrs.

H. E. Berkey Miss Anna Blessing, Robert Boettcher, Mrs. Stella Buck, George Buser, Mrs Sara W. Doll, Miss Hazel Evans, Mrs.

Helen Gougler, Mrs. Hannah Hoshour. Miss Camelia Karns, Mrs. Paul Miller, Mrs. S.

D. Nagle, Mrs. William Clark, Miss Lolls Duerr, Miss Gertrude Fox, Mr. and Mrs. George H.

Ginter, Mrs. Margaret J. Heck, Miss Edythe Neal, Mrs. Dianna Schaeffer, Mrs. Fred Sher, Miss Dorothy Trowbridge, Miss Faille Venezia, Mr.

Kimber Grimm, Miss Gertrude White. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Livingston, and Christian H. Shenk.

BIRTHS Boys Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shoemaker, 19 South Market street, Elizabethtown, St. Joseph's Hospital last night. Mr.

and Mrs. Raymond Shirk. Churchtown, St. Joseph's Hospital, yesterday. Mr.

and Mrs. James Shank, Halm 1011.QUEEN ST. SEAUTV4ALON Phia Dial 119238 MEM le Funeral Directors MRS. PAUL ECKERT Mrs. Clara W.

Eckert, forty, of Brunnerville, wife of Paul Eckert, died in the Lancaster General Hospital at 7 A. M. this morning. She was a member of the St. John's Lutheran church, of Brunnerville.

Besides her 'husband, Paul, she is survived by one daughter, Florence, at home and the following sisters, Mrs. Henry Scheaffer, and Mrs. Harry Eberly, both of Waldeck, and Mrs. John Smith, of Brunnerville Services will be held Tuesday at 2 P. M.

(DT) at the home with further services in the St. John's Lutheran church. Interment will be in the adjoining cemetery. Friends may call at the home from 7 to 9 Monday. 75 Attend Outing At Home Of Dr.

Henry B. Davis. Seventy-five members of the Lancaster Kiwanis club held a clam bake yesterday afternoon at the home of Dr. Henry B. Davis, Bowling End.

Frank W. Schott. A. C. Darmstaetter.

Robert Leith and George Davis were on the committee assisting Dr. Davis. The program included quoits, croquet and bowling-on-the-green. FRED P. GROFF.

INC. FUNERAL SERVICE 234 WEST ORANGE ST. PHONE 8255 MAKE IT A SAFE VACATION! LETTERS GRANTED Louise B. Whallon, of Lancaster. executrix of Georee L.

Whallon. Raymond S. McCloud. Ephrata. administrator of Martha K.

McCloud, Elinabethtown. Jonas L. Singer, Conestoga, executor of Peter Singer, Conestoga. MICHAEL SCHALLER Michael Schaller, eighty-one. died at his home, 554 North Queen street, this morning at 6:15 o'clock of age infirmities.

His wife died two years ago. He was born in Rumania a son of the late Adam and Genevieve Pickel Schaller. These children survive: Robert F. and Mrs. Regina Lander, Rahway, N.

Mrs. Pauline Mills, Lancaster; and Matilda, at home; also five grandchildren and six great grandchilren. He was a member of St. Mary's Catholic church and the Lancaster Lederkrantz. The funeral will be held Monday morning at 8:30 o'clock from the Cannon and Long funeral parlors followed by requiem high mass at St.

Mary's Catholic church at 9 o'clock. Interment will be in St. Joseph's new cemettrv. Friends may call at the funeral parlors tomorrow evening from 7 to 9 o'clock. Florists II RHOADS REUNION The fifth annual Rhoads reunion will be held at Williamson park, Sunday, August 7, in pavilion, 3.

MANHEIM MAN HELD Barney Google says: "Midnight gas and midnight alcohol mix!" BUILDING PERMIT J. Herbert Shart le, city building laspector has issued this permit: Herman Wohlsen's Sons to make alterations at 554 North Duke street for Paul E. Gutfleisch. Cost 83,300 Charged With Tampering With Loral Motorist's Car CHEEK VIZ SICK Send flowers beautiful bouquets ft blooming plants. Direct from our reenbouses-- PIMPS, 601 S.

Queen, 2-3814 NAGEL'S FLOWERS 115 S. W. End Ave. Dial 2-5114 AIR-CONDITIONING COOLING PLUMBING Repairs F. H.

A. TIME PAYMENT PLAN. Henry S. Boyd, of Manheim, was prosecuted on a charge of tampering With the a tomobil of Elwood E. Frey, 1027 Marshall avenue, by Frey yesterday, and will be summoned for a-benring before Alderman David F.

Frey said Boyd wire from his automobile, parked on Harrisburg avenue, near College. SYMPATHY FLOWERS A SPECIALTY Artistic Sprays. Baskets, Wreaths, etc Reasonable Store, 116 N. Queen St. Greenhouse, 1000 Columbia Ave.

il .,,4 4., a ,4, ,4 air 4 ir -'1 Masse BARR FLOWERS MARES EVANS Phares Evans, seventy-eight, died of complications at noon yesterday at his home at Lyndon after a long illness. He was born in Providence township. a son of the late George and Elizabeth Henry Evans. He was a resident of Lyndon since his retirement from farming sixteen years ago. He was a member of the Mount Hope M.

E. church. Besides his wife, the former Mary Alice Todd, he is survived by the following children: Mrs. Walter Lefever, of Hessdale; Mrs. Justice Lefever, of Quarryville; Mrs.

William Humes, of Pine Grove, and Mrs. Paul Wilson, Mrs. William Carson and Mrs. William Albert, all of this city; and Mary and Rebecca Evans. at home.

Also the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Savannah Orr. of Strasburg: Mrs. Barbara Alexander, of Conestoga Center; Mrs. Lydia Hughes.

of Chicago, Hercules Evans, of Quarryville; and George Evans, of Strasburg. Nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren also survive. Private funeral services will be held from the home in Lyndon at 2 P. M. (ST) Tuesday with interment In the Quarryville cemetery.

Friends may call at the home On Monday from 7 to 9 P. M. (ST). Monuments WILSON REUNION The Wilson reunion will be held on Saturday, July 23. at Williamson park.

The family will meet in the morning at 10 o'clock and both afternoon and evening programs have been arranged. 0 134-136 N. Christian St. Phone 2-2914 2 JOHN M. MOEDINGER SONS 81-33 East Vine St.

Phone 2-5914 A. G. R. KREIDER 7 West Vine St Dial 2-3615 I 1 Snuffy's Headed for Glory! Cards of Thanks DEEDS TO BE RECORDED (All instruments left at the office of the Recorder of Deeds, for recording up to and including April 11, are now ready for delivery.) Flora M. Ney to Ira A.

and Katharine M. Young. dwelling at 635 N. Pine for 83.500. J.

Harvey end Grace N. Buch to J. Marlin Kay lor, lot at S. Spruce and E. Plum ats Elizabethtown, for 8856.

Executors of Christian J. Dochat to C. R. Mower, lot at Union at. and Charles road, for $150.

Conestoga National bank to C. R. Mowrer, bungalow on Union for $3,400. Catharine and Daminic Folginiti to Giovgnni and Mary C. Catrabone.

dwelling at 527 Locust for 81.425. Rebecca A. Weaver and Charles M. and Cora H. Weaver to Charles E.

and Lillian A. Hunsecker. dwelling at 224 N. Franklin at. Martin L.

Betz. executor of Jacob Betz, who was executor of Jacob Betz. to Norman Keeport. A. Kathryn Boohar and Mabel R.

Boohar succeeding trustees in estate of Jacob Betz, dwelling at 628 E. Walnut st. Martin L. Betz, executor of Jacob Betz, and Martin L. Betz.

A. Kathryn Boohar, Jacob T. Betz and Clarence Mark Betz. children of Jacob Betz, to Norman Keeport. A Kathryn Boohar and Mabel Boohar.

succeeding trustees in estate of Jacob Betz. dwelling at 317 Dorwart at. M. Catherine Brinkman and Franklin K. and Anna S.

Brinkman to Daniel Clemens, dwelling at 229 S. Queen St. Paul S. and Elizabeth S. to Harry Bomberger.

fartn in Eden township. William and Lillie A. Bomberger to Big, big things ahead for Barney's amazing side-kick! You won't want to miss this great comic for a single day. Fun! Laughs! Thrills! Wilmer Bomberger, lot at rear of 821 Manor at. Jane and Luther C.

Mack ley to Mary H. Miller, three properties in Bainbridge. Lewis Burkhart to Minnie Burkhart Good and Sallie Burkhart, property on Main Adamstown. for $2.000. Fred S.

and Emma M. Eshleman to City of Lancaster. lot on west side of Ruby aypearing on city plan as portion of Ocean for 8400. Farmers Bank and Trust company, substituted fiduciary of trust mortgage pool of Farmers Trust company, to Frank C. and Bertha W.

Gates. nine garages in rear of 833-835 N. Queen for $1.850. Jesse Snavely. and Ella L.

Snavely, his wife, to Samuel F. and Bertha C. Little, lot on Cooper Landisville. Francis M. Kreider to Ralph E.

Kreider, three tracts in Providence township. Samuel Wenger, trustee to sell real estate of Stanton Hopkins, deceased. to Frank B. and Cornelia I. Armer, tract in Bart township and tract in Eden township.

for $500. Heirs of Henry E. Shenk to Stella M. Lefever and Emma M. King.

dwelling in West Lampeter township, for 88.500. Executors of Joseph H. Wimer to Milton Mann. farm in Strasburg township. for $9.400.

Samuel Arms. to Harry C. lot on 13th Columbia Walter and Ida E. Ego If to Pennsylvania Water and Power company. tract in Sadsbury township.

Lancaster county, and West Fallowfield township, Chester county, We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to thel many friends and neighbors who.go sincerely responded to assist- aricCcomfort us in our hour of bereavement. Mrs. Anna Hertz ler and Daughter. IT IS SIMPLY NOT GOOD JUDGMENT to leave an estate to those who are unfamiliar with investment problems. Our TRUST DEPARTMENT assumes such responsibility when you name us your TRUSTEE.

A small commission is all that this service costs. In, Memoriam FARM WORKER INJURED Raymond Kile, twenty-seven, of klanheim R. D. 1. was admitted to the Lancaster General hospital last evening for observation after he suffered head injuries suffered while working around a threshing machine a short time before.

Be Sure to Have tle LANCASTER NEW ERA SENT TO YOUR SUMMER ADDRESS The Lancaster County National Bank In loving memory of my dear Mother, Mrs. John Hines, who passed away on July 18, 1937. There are some who miss you sadly. And find the time long since you went; There are some who think of you always And try to be brave and content Gone is the face we loved so dear, Silent the voice we loved to hear, Tis sad. but true, we wonder why, The best are always the first 'to die.

5441y Missed by Daughter Sarah. ass. a eS, A 4.0i CALL 5252 TELL US WHEN AND WHERE 23 East King St. Lancaster, Pa. Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation iEMLM EZI23.

Lancaster New Era from Lancaster, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.