West Bank | History, Population, Map, Settlements, & Facts (2024)

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Al-Ḍaffah al-Gharbiyyah
Ha-Gadah Ha-Maʿaravit
(2024 est.) 4,137,0001
Official Name(S):
West Bank; Al-Ḍaffah al-Gharbīyah (Arabic); Ha-gadah Ha-maʾaravit (Hebrew)
Total Area (Sq Km):
Total Area (Sq Mi):
1Includes 305,000 Israeli Jews in the West Bank.

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West Bank, area of the former British-mandated (1920–47) territory of Palestine west of the Jordan River, claimed from 1949 to 1988 as part of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan but occupied from 1967 by Israel. The territory, excluding East Jerusalem, is also known within Israel by its biblical names, Judaea and Samaria.

Within its present boundaries, the West Bank represents the portion of the former mandate retained in 1948 by the Arab forces that entered Palestine after the departure of the British. The borders and status of the area were established by the Jordanian-Israeli armistice of April 3, 1949. In the decades that followed the armistice, Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) each laid claim to the approximately 2,180-square-mile (5,650-square-km) area. Pop. (2017) 2,881,957.

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Geographically, the West Bank is mostly composed of north-south–oriented limestone hills (conventionally called the Samarian Hills north of Jerusalem and the Judaean Hills south of Jerusalem) having an average height of 2,300 to 3,000 feet (700 to 900 metres). The hills descend eastwardly to the low-lying Great Rift Valley of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea. The West Bank does not lie entirely within the drainage system of the Jordan River, as elevated areas in the west give rise to the headwaters of streams flowing westward to the Mediterranean Sea.

Annual rainfall of more than 27 inches (685 mm) occurs in the most highly elevated areas in the northwest and declines in the southwest and southeast, along the Dead Sea, to less than 4 inches (100 mm). Widely variable land-use patterns are dictated by the availability of water. Relatively well-watered nonirrigated terrain in the hills (especially those of Samaria) is used for the grazing of sheep and the cultivation of cereals, olives, and fruits such as melons. Irrigated land in the hills and the Jordan River valley is intensively cultivated for assorted fruits and vegetables.

The industrial development of the West Bank was never strong during the Jordanian period, and by the mid-1960s there were less than a dozen industrial establishments with more than 30 employees in the area. Israeli occupation resulted in constraints on West Bank industrial development; investment capital remained scarce both in the West Bank and Gaza, and only the transportation infrastructure saw much improvement after 1967. This improvement occurred mostly for military reasons, although it also benefited agriculture by facilitating the supply and servicing of markets.

The principal Palestinian municipalities of the West Bank are Jenin, Nablus, and Ramallah north of Jerusalem and Bethlehem and Hebron (Al-Khalīl) south of Jerusalem. Jericho (Arīḥā) is the chief municipality of the Jordan River valley. Several small universities on the West Bank (founded or attaining university status in the 1970s) enroll mostly Palestinian students.

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Many Palestinians were displaced after the 1948 and 1967 wars. About 300,000 Palestinians (most of whom were originally from territory captured by Israel in 1948) left the impoverished West Bank for Transjordan (later Jordan) during the year after the 1948 war; and about 380,000 Palestinians fled the West Bank after it was captured by the Israelis in 1967. Between 1967 and 1977 an estimated 6,300 Palestinians were evicted from East Jerusalem and replaced by Jewish immigrants, and many others lost their residency rights under the 1992–96 government of Benjamin Netanyahu.


Upon the departure of the British occupying forces in May 1948 and the proclamation of the State of Israel, the armies of five Arab countries entered Palestine. In the ensuing conflict—the first of the Arab-Israeli wars—Israel expanded beyond the territory contemplated by the partition plan. The West Bank, as demarcated by the Jordanian-Israeli armistice of 1949, was broadly similar to (but smaller than) one of the zones designated as an Arab state by the United Nations (UN) partition plan for Palestine in 1947 (see United Nations Resolution 181). According to that plan, Jerusalem was to have been an international zone. However, the city was instead divided into Israeli (west) and Jordanian (east) sectors. The Arab state whose creation was envisioned by the 1947 UN partition plan never came into being, and the West Bank was formally annexed by Jordan on April 24, 1950, although this annexation was recognized only by Great Britain and Pakistan.

From 1950 until it was occupied by Israel in the Six-Day War of 1967, the West Bank was governed as part of Jordan, though it was divided from the Jordanian population of the East Bank by the Jordan River. The relationship between the East and West banks was uneasy, both because of Palestinian suspicions of the Hashemite dynasty and because of the aspirations of Palestinians in the West Bank for a separate state. The web of relationships connecting the two halves of Jordan grew during this period, however, and by 1967 the West Bank represented about 47 percent of Jordan’s population and about 30 percent of its gross domestic product.

During the 1967 war, Israel occupied the West Bank and established a military administration throughout the area, except in East Jerusalem, which Israel incorporated into itself, extending Israeli citizenship, law, and civil administration to the area. During the first decade of Israeli occupation, there was comparatively little civil resistance to Israeli authorities and very little support among Palestinian residents of resistance activity.

This period of relative calm began to wane during the late 1970s and early ’80s as Israel began a more aggressive course of establishing settlements. By the early ’80s the settlements numbered in the scores. Land, businesses, and buildings were expropriated from the Palestinian inhabitants, many of whom were long absent, having fled the wars of 1948 and 1967. During the administration of Menachem Begin (1979–83), the number of Israeli settlements more than tripled, and the number of Israeli settlers increased more than fivefold. Israeli claims of a right to administer land in the West Bank not cultivated or privately owned (a category that might amount to between 30 and 70 percent of the West Bank, depending on the definitions adopted) gave rise to suspicions that Israel intended ultimately to annex the area piecemeal.

Throughout the 1970s and ’80s the issue of Israeli rule over the West Bank Palestinians remained unresolved. Israel regarded possession of the West Bank as vital to its security, and the growing number of Israeli settlements further stiffened Israeli unwillingness to relinquish control of the area. At the same time, the chief political representative of the West Bank Palestinians, the PLO, refused to negotiate with Israel and, until 1988, was unwilling to recognize Israel’s right to exist; Israel refused to negotiate with or recognize the PLO for years after that date.

In 1988 Jordan’s King Hussein renounced all administrative responsibility for the West Bank, thereby severing his country’s remaining connections with the area. Meanwhile, anti-Israeli protests broke out among the Palestinians of the West Bank in December 1987 and became virtually a permanent feature of West Bank life for the next few years, despite the Israeli army’s continued attempts to suppress the disorders.

As a result of secret negotiations begun in April 1993, Israel and the PLO reached agreement in September on a plan to gradually extend self-government to the Palestinians of the West Bank (and Gaza Strip) over a five-year period prior to a final settlement of the issue of Palestinian statehood. Under the plan, Israel’s civilian and military administration would be dissolved and the Israeli army withdrawn from populous Palestinian areas. In the West Bank the plan’s actual implementation began in May 1994 with the Israelis’ withdrawal from the town of Jericho and its environs. By 2000 the Palestinian Authority (PA) controlled less than one-fifth of the West Bank, while Israeli occupation (in some areas, combined with PA local administration) continued in the remainder.

In 2006 parliamentary elections, Fatah—an influential force in Palestinian politics since its foundation by Yasser Arafat in the 1950s—suffered a decisive loss to Hamas, reflecting years of dissatisfaction with Fatah’s governance, which was criticized as corrupt and inefficient. The victory of Hamas, a group that was regarded by many as a terrorist organization, resulted in sanctions and boycotts from Israel, the United States, and the European Union. In 2007, with violence escalating in the Gaza Strip and the failure of a coalition government, PA president Mahmoud Abbas dissolved the Hamas-led government and established in its place an emergency cabinet favouring Fatah. The increasingly violent power struggle between Hamas and Fatah resulted in a split between the West Bank, run by Fatah through the emergency PA government, and the Gaza Strip, controlled by Hamas. Israel and other members of the international community moved to aid the West Bank, offering shows of economic and diplomatic support for Abbas and Fatah while blockading the Gaza Strip.

Abbas appointed Salam Fayyad prime minister of the emergency cabinet. During his tenure the PA pursued a neoliberal state-building agenda in the West Bank to prepare it for eventual statehood. In 2011, after years of stalled peace talks, the PA began lobbying for international recognition of statehood and started gaining partial recognition in 2012. Fayyad, however, failed to garner wide support among Palestinians and resigned in 2013 as the PA was facing a financial crisis.

The 2010s were marked by continued unilateralism in the West Bank. The Fatah-dominated PA continued to work toward establishing itself as an independent government in the urban Palestinian areas of the West Bank while Israel expanded its settlement activity in the territory. By the close of the decade, many in Israel were calling for the annexation of parts of the West Bank.

A wave of attack on Israelis in early 2022 led the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to conduct frequent raids in the West Bank, especially in the northern West Bank cities of Jenin and Nablus, in an effort to root out militants. The confrontations between Palestinians and the IDF led to the deadliest year in the territory in nearly two decades.

On October 7, 2023, Hamas conducted a surprise land, sea, and air assault on Israel from the Gaza Strip, leading to the deadliest day in Israel since its independence in 1948. The following day the IDF began restricting movement in the West Bank, blocking the entrance to many cities and villages altogether as it stepped up raids in the territory.

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This article was most recently revised and updated by Adam Zeidan.

West Bank | History, Population, Map, Settlements, & Facts (2024)


What are the settlements in the West Bank? ›

West Bank Settlements Explained – Israel Policy Forum. Settlements are Israeli civilian communities, overwhelmingly inhabited by Jews, in territories acquired by Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War that are not under Israeli sovereignty.

What is the population of the West Bank? ›

Religious Demography

The U.S. government estimates the total Palestinian population at 3 million in the West Bank and 2 million in the Gaza Strip (midyear 2022).

How many people lived in the West Bank in 1967? ›

In 1967, the Palestinian economy had a gross domestic product of $1,349 per capita for a million people. The West Bank's population was 585,500, of whom 18% were refugees, and was growing annually by 2%.

How many Jews live in the West Bank? ›

In total, over 450,000 Israeli settlers live in the West Bank excluding East Jerusalem, with an additional 220,000 Jewish settlers residing in East Jerusalem.

How much land has Israel taken from Palestine in 2024? ›

Israel/Palestinian Territories – Settlements (26 March 2024)

France strongly condemns the announcement by the Israeli authorities that they have seized nearly 2,000 acres of land in the Occupied West Bank. This is Israel's largest land seizure in the Palestinian Territories since the Oslo accords.

What tribes are in the West Bank? ›

Indigenous World 2020: Palestine

Following Israel's declaration of independence in 1948, the Jahalin Bedouin, together with four other tribes from the Negev Desert (al-Kaabneh, al-Azazmeh, al-Ramadin and al-Rshaida), took refuge in the West Bank, then under Jordanian rule.

What is the oldest city in the West Bank? ›

Jericho is the oldest city on the planet, situated today in the West Bank region of the Middle East.

Who owns the West Bank today? ›

Presently, most of the West Bank is administered by Israel though 42% of it is under varying degrees of autonomous rule by the Fatah-run Palestinian Authority. The Gaza Strip is currently under the control of Hamas.

What's the difference between Gaza and the West Bank? ›

The Gaza Strip is 140 sq miles of land located in the southwest corner of Israel, along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It also shares a border with Egypt to the south. The West Bank is another area of land located within the country of Israel, but it is much larger than the Gaza Strip at 2,173 sq miles.

Why does Israel want the West Bank? ›

Israel has cited several reasons for retaining the West Bank within its ambit: a claim based on the notion of historic rights to this as a homeland as claimed in the Balfour Declaration of 1917; security grounds, both internal and external; and the deep symbolic value for Jews of the area occupied.

When did Israel leave the West Bank? ›

Under the Oslo Accords -- a series of agreements that were signed between 1993 and 1999 -- Israel transferred to the newly created Palestinian Authority (PA) security and civilian responsibility for the many Palestinian-populated areas of the West Bank, as well as the Gaza Strip.

What is the average age in Gaza? ›

About 40% of Gaza's population is 14 years old or younger and the territory's median age was just 18 in 2020, making Gaza home to one of the world's 20 youngest populations, based on figures from the CIA's World Factbook.

How big is Israel without the West Bank? ›

Israel's area is approximately 20,770 km2 (8,019 sq mi), which includes 445 km2 (172 sq mi) of inland water. Israel stretches 424 km (263 mi) from north to south, and its width ranges from 114 km (71 mi) at its widest point to 10 km (6.2 mi) at its narrowest point.

Why did Israel give up Gaza? ›

The motivation behind the disengagement was described by Sharon's top aide as a means of isolating Gaza and avoiding international pressure on Israel to reach a political settlement with the Palestinians. The disengagement plan was implemented in August 2005 and completed in September 2005.

Can Jews visit West Bank? ›

Israeli citizens are not allowed to enter area A (fully controlled by the Palestinian Authority), and it is not recommended for them to enter area B. Israeli citizens are allowed freedom of movement in area C and along all main West Bank roads which connect Israeli settlements to each other and to Israel.

What was the settlement of the West? ›

The settlement of the west truly began after the Revolutionary War (1775-1776) when Americans were granted the ability to move beyond the Appalachian Mountains into the Ohio River Valley. The Proclamation of 1763 (largely ignored by colonists), stated that settlements further than the Mississippi were forbidden.

What are the three areas of the West Bank? ›

In addition to establishing the PA as an interim government, the Oslo Accords divided the West Bank into three areas, with one fully managed by the PA (Area A), another fully managed by Israel (Area C), and a third with shared control (Area B) until a permanent agreement could be reached between the Palestine ...

What are the nahal settlements? ›

Nahal settlements (Hebrew: היאחזות נח"ל Heahzut Nahal) were Israeli settlements established by Israeli soldiers of Nahal in both Israel and the Israeli-occupied territories.

What are settlements in history? ›

Settlement or hamlet – a group of dwellings, possibly forming a village community.

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