How To Get Away With Murder: 10 Hidden Details About Nate Lahey Everyone Missed (2024)

The hit ABC drama How To Get Away With Murdercompleted its six-year run last year with a mind-bending finale. The legal procedural/crime drama won its lead actress, the enchanting Viola Davis, a Primetime Emmy for her powerhouse portrayal of the fierce defense attorney, Annalise Keating.

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Nate Lahey first appeared in season 1 as Annalise's boyfriend outside of marriage. But very soon he turned out to be something of her punching bag, the person she could throw under the bus without batting so much as an eyelid. Yet, after all that, the two continued to share a complicated relationship. Nate has been through a lot, from getting betrayed by Annalise to beating D.A. Miller to a pulp to snapping Xavier Castillo's neck--his character has been on quite a journey. Here are a few things about him that might have gone unnoticed.

Nate Was Forced To Perjure Himself

How To Get Away With Murder: 10 Hidden Details About Nate Lahey Everyone Missed (1)

Natehas been forced to commit perjury, i.e. lie whileunder oath in acourtroom. In season 1, he was shown to be thrown off guard when Annalise called him on the stand in open court and manipulated him to win her case, in the process causing him to lie.

The incident led to Nate getting suspended from his post of a detective with Philadelphia D.A's office. Since then, Nate has beenon a downward curveas far as his career is concerned.

Nate Loved Healthy Smoothies

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When Nate started living with Annalise briefly in season 3, in the aftermath of the Sam Keating and Wallace Mahoney murders, he made her breakfast and smoothies.

The smoothie he made for Annalise seemed like a healthy one, but like so many healthy foods, it did not look delicious at all. Annalise tried her best to get out of drinking it and even threw it awayafterward. However, seeing how ripping Nate's muscles are, it goes without saying that he isused to drinking and eating healthy himself even if he couldn't get Annalise to do the same.

Nate Was Not Beyond Using Sex

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Nate has not been shown to have a lot of scruples when it came to using sex to extort information. And it's no wonder that he is catnip to women.


Throughout the series, Nate has been shown getting close to women, whether A.D.As or pathologists, to find out some crucial bits of information. He flirts with them and oftenstarts a relationship, usuallyas a means to an end. In the final season, he was even shown flirting with the Undersecretary of Homeland Security, who was also Tegan's ex-wife, to find out more about Tegan herself.

Nate EuthanizedHis Sick Wife

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In season 1, Nate's wife Nia was shown to be seriously ill. She was hospitalized after a cancer diagnosis, and when the audience meets her, she is in extreme pain.

Nia wanted out from the pain and sickness and requested Annalise to get her some pills that would facilitate her death. She was under the misconception that Annalise would agree readily to this. However, even though Annalise refused, Nate himself got the pills, unable to see his wife's pain, and helped her pass on.

Nate Could Have Saved Wes

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Beforethe shocking season 3 finale where Wes died, it was revealed that Nate had been to Annalise's house at the same time as Wes himself and the two had even communicated.

However, Nate left before the house blew up, leaving Wes alone to fry with it. Of course, Nate could not have known what was about to transpire but had he managed to convince Westo leave the house with him, the young man might have survived. This was truly a missed window of opportunity.

NateSet The Wheels In Motion

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For much of the series, it was Nate who stayed in the background and manipulated people subtly in ways that had major repercussions in the events that followed. That is, he remained on the sidelines until season 5, which was really a lot about him.


In season 1, Nate encouraged Rebecca--Wes's girlfriend--to find evidence against Sam Keating. Both had been wrongly accused of acrime they didn't commit, and the two teamed up to prove that it was really Sam who had murdered Lila. And it was because Rebecca went into the Keating manor to hunt for evidence that Sam's murder happened in the first place. So, in retrospect, Nate was somewhat responsible for setting the wheels in motion.

Nate Is A Lefty

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Detective Nate Lahey has been shown to be left-handed. It's not overly pointed out but those paying attention were able to catch little bits that showcased this.

That being said, Nate has not been shown to be left-handed when he is pulling a gun or hitting someone, so it's possible thathe only favors his left hand when he is writing. Either way, this little detail definitely adds a layer tothe detective's already macho image.

ProfessionalLove Scenes

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This showdidn't cut any corners shooting sex scenes, and with such a good looking cast, the love scenes were many, and raunchy.

Actor Billy Brown, who played Nate, mentioned in an interview that the sex scenes were not gratuitous, i.e. they were not added unnecessarily simply to make it titillating. The scenes, Brown felt, were imperative within the narrative; he also stated that filming those scenes was comfortable enough due to the level of professionalism of the crew involved.

Making Love To Annalise Keating

How To Get Away With Murder: 10 Hidden Details About Nate Lahey Everyone Missed (9)

Billy Brown has the rare distinction of being the only man who has made love with the charismatic Viola Davis multipletimes on screen. It turns out, intimidating as it might sound, filming delicate scenes with an Academy Award Nominated actor--Davis had not yet had her Oscar win at the time--Brown was quite comfortable with the star.

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Nate and Annalise got busy plenty of times throughout the series, and Brown has mentioned that Davis would get into the mood and encourage him to do the same.

Nate Was Ophelia's Favorite

How To Get Away With Murder: 10 Hidden Details About Nate Lahey Everyone Missed (10)

There are probably very few women in the world who wouldn't find themselves sweating with Nate Lahey around. And Annalise's spunky elderly mother, Ophelia, played by veteran actress Cicely Tyson, was no exception.

When Nate turned up in Annalise's home in season 4, both Ophelia and Annalise's sister Celestine were immediately charmed off their feet by the hunky guest. Ever since she met him, it became Ophelia's heart's desire that Anna Mae, as she called Annalise, should dateNate. In season 6, she was even shown visiting Nate, hoping he would help Annalise in her hour of need. In an ideal world, without murders to cover up, Ophelia's wish might even have come true.

NEXT:How To Get Away With Murder: Annalise's 10 Best Cases

How To Get Away With Murder: 10 Hidden Details About Nate Lahey Everyone Missed (2024)


Why did Annalise frame Nate Lahey? ›

The remains of Sam are found and Annalise incriminates her lover Nate Lahey as a way to avoid her student's arrest. However, she tries to help him go free by offering him a number of a fellow lawyer.

What happened to Tegan Price at the end? ›

Tegan is last seen dancing happily with Annalise at a salsa club shortly after Ophelia's. A picture of that night can be seen on Annalise's memorial board at her funeral. No other love interests of Annalise's are shown, implying that Annalise and Tegan became romantically involved after the trial.

Who ordered the killing of Nate Lahey senior? ›

In the sixth season, Nate seeks justice for his father's murder, filing a civil suit and ultimately learning that Xavier Castillo ordered the murder. With Annalise on trial, Nate is offered a deal to testify against her in exchange for immunity for his own crimes.

Why was Nate Lahey killed? ›

Nathaniel Lahey Sr.

He was finally going to get treatment for his mental health. While being transferred to a mental health facility, he was shot in the head by prison guards. His death was orchestrated by Governor Lynne Birkhead and Xavier Castillo as a way to get back at Annalise.

Why did Connor Walsh go to jail? ›

After everything we been through together. I'm your husband who loves you more than enything in the world, you don't trust me." When Connor was arrested for killing Asher, he could take a deal and he wouldn't go to jail. Oliver tries to get Connor to take the deal.

Where did Annalise get the money? ›

Xavier says that money came from Laurel because it's their family's offshore bank. But Annalise tells Bonnie it was her bonus from Caplan & Gold she set aside in case she needed to make a run for it.

What happened to Laurel Castillo? ›

Laurel Castillo isn't missing, she ran away from her dangerous family to protect her son Christopher. She goes to extreme lengths to ensure their safety. Karla Souza's reduced role in season 6 of How To Get Away With Murder was because she was filming another TV series called El Presidente.

Why did Annalise blame Nate? ›

Annalise was trapped in an unhappy marriage and had an affair with police cop, Nate. However, after Sam's murder when the focus narrowed in on her as a potential suspect, she threw Nate under the bus, claiming he killed her husband out of jealousy, even if fully aware that Wes killed him out of self-defence.

Did Nate ever forgive Annalise? ›

In the end, Nate lied for Annalise, saying that Hannah was the one who framed him for Sam's murder (if you remember, Annalise actually did this). After his testimony, Nate went to Annalise's apartment and forgave her for everything and said he wanted to move on.

What was the relationship between Nate and Annalise? ›

He is a tough, respected Philadelphia detective who works tirelessly to uphold the law. He was the boyfriend of Annalise Keating for a while and had an affair with her. He contributed to the murder of Sam Keating by sending Rebecca Sutter to search for proof that Sam killed Lila Stangard.

Does Nate testify against Annalise? ›

Despite the efforts of the FBI and Governor Birkhead (Laura Innes) to frame Annalise, Nate (Billy Brown) came through in the end, saying he believed he was set up by Hannah Keating (Marcia Gay Harden) and blamed the FBI for the death of Asher Millstone (Matt McGorry).

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