Internal Medicine*•Female
Internal Medicine*
Dr. Lillian Indio, MD is an internal medicine specialist in Bronxville, NY and has over 31 years of experience in the medical field. She graduated from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1992. She is affiliated with NewYork-Presbyterian Westchester. She is accepting new patients and telehealth appointments.
Accepting new patients
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Dr. Lillian Indio, MD
Internal Medicine
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(914) 361-5663
Telehealth AvailableAccepting New Patients
(914) 361-5663
NewYork-Presbyterian Medical Group Westchester - Internal Medicine & Endocrinology
77 Pondfield Rd Lowr Level Bronxville, NY 10708
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(914) 361-5663Dr. Indio is a patient favoriteInternal Medicine Specialist
The Patient Favorite badge is awarded to top-performing providers who surpass average ratings and comments, reflecting their commitment to exceptional patient care. Read our methodology
Explains Conditions Well • Patients said this doctor explains conditions well. See reviews
Offers Telehealth • This provider offers telehealth appointments. Call the office to schedule an appointment.
Trustworthy • Patients said this doctor is trustworthy. See reviews
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*The information displayed here is sourced from independent information providers, such as state board websites, as of November 2023, and may not be the most up-to-date information. Healthgrades makes no representations with respect to the accuracy of any information provided here and assumes no responsibility or liability for such information.
Dr. Indio's Reviews
Likelihood to recommend Dr. Indio
23 ratings, 14 with a written review
5 Star | 83% | 83% |
4 Star | 9% | 9% |
3 Star | 0% | 0% |
2 Star | 4% | 4% |
1 Star | 4% | 4% |
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What went well
- Appointment scheduling
- Listened & answered questions
- Explained conditions well
- Staff friendliness
- Appointment wasn't rushed
- Trusted the provider's decisions
- Wait times
What could be improved
No results
2 people found this helpful
Ironman580 – Mar 07, 2023
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What went well
- Appointment scheduling
- Listened & answered questions
- Explained conditions well
- Staff friendliness
- Appointment wasn't rushed
- Trusted the provider's decisions
- Wait times
What could be improved
No results
2 people found this helpful
Sep 20, 2022
×Post a ResponseAre you Dr. Lillian Indio, MD?
What went well
- Appointment scheduling
- Listened & answered questions
- Explained conditions well
- Staff friendliness
- Appointment wasn't rushed
- Trusted the provider's decisions
- Wait times
What could be improved
No results
2 people found this helpful
Robert DelBello – Jul 01, 2022
×Post a ResponseAre you Dr. Lillian Indio, MD?
What went well
- Appointment scheduling
- Listened & answered questions
- Explained conditions well
- Staff friendliness
- Appointment wasn't rushed
- Trusted the provider's decisions
- Wait times
What could be improved
No results
2 people found this helpful
SZB – May 17, 2022
×Post a ResponseAre you Dr. Lillian Indio, MD?
What went well
- Appointment scheduling
- Listened & answered questions
- Explained conditions well
- Staff friendliness
- Appointment wasn't rushed
- Trusted the provider's decisions
- Wait times
What could be improved
No results
2 people found this helpful
Dec 30, 2021
×Post a ResponseAre you Dr. Lillian Indio, MD?
What went well
- Appointment scheduling
- Listened & answered questions
- Explained conditions well
- Staff friendliness
- Appointment wasn't rushed
- Trusted the provider's decisions
- Wait times
What could be improved
No results
pedrogq – Aug 25, 2021
×Post a ResponseAre you Dr. Lillian Indio, MD?
What went well
- Appointment scheduling
- Listened & answered questions
- Explained conditions well
- Staff friendliness
- Appointment wasn't rushed
- Trusted the provider's decisions
- Wait times
What could be improved
No results
1 person found this helpful
Louise Pagliaroli – Jul 11, 2021
×Post a ResponseAre you Dr. Lillian Indio, MD?
What went well
- Appointment scheduling
- Listened & answered questions
- Explained conditions well
- Staff friendliness
- Appointment wasn't rushed
- Trusted the provider's decisions
What could be improved
No results
E Reynolds – Oct 21, 2020
×Post a ResponseAre you Dr. Lillian Indio, MD?
What went well
- Appointment scheduling
- Listened & answered questions
- Explained conditions well
- Staff friendliness
- Appointment wasn't rushed
- Trusted the provider's decisions
- Wait times
What could be improved
No results
DN in White Plains, NY – Apr 27, 2018
×Post a ResponseAre you Dr. Lillian Indio, MD?
What went well
- Appointment scheduling
- Staff friendliness
- Wait times
What could be improved
- Didn't listen or answer questions
- Didn't explain conditions well
- Appointment was rushed
- Didn't trust the provider's decisions
3 people found this helpful
Dobbs Ferry, NY – Nov 25, 2017
×Post a ResponseAre you Dr. Lillian Indio, MD?
What went well
- Listened & answered questions
- Explained conditions well
- Appointment wasn't rushed
- Trusted the provider's decisions
- Wait times
What could be improved
- Staff wasn't friendly
White Plains – Mar 10, 2017
×Post a ResponseAre you Dr. Lillian Indio, MD?
What went well
- Appointment scheduling
- Listened & answered questions
- Explained conditions well
- Staff friendliness
- Appointment wasn't rushed
- Trusted the provider's decisions
- Wait times
What could be improved
No results
Anna in white plains, ny – Oct 15, 2016
×Post a ResponseAre you Dr. Lillian Indio, MD?
What went well
No results
What could be improved
- Didn't explain conditions well
- Appointment was rushed
- Didn't trust the provider's decisions
6 people found this helpful
Scared for no reason in New York, NY – Aug 03, 2016
×Post a ResponseAre you Dr. Lillian Indio, MD?
What went well
- Appointment scheduling
- Listened & answered questions
- Explained conditions well
- Staff friendliness
- Appointment wasn't rushed
- Trusted the provider's decisions
- Wait times
What could be improved
No results
1 person found this helpful
K. Charles in Rye, NY – Jun 18, 2016
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About Me
Lillian Indio, MD is board certified in Internal Medicine and practicing at NewYork-Presbyterian Medical Group Westchester. She received her medical degree...Read more
- Internal Medicine
*Healthgrades does not verify qualifications for medical specialties. Please verify your provider's specialty and qualifications directly with your provider and applicable medical board.
Board Certifications
American Board of Medical Specialties®
American Board of Internal Medicine®
Internal Medicine
Albert Einstein College Of Med-Weiler/Jacobi Hospital
Internship Hospital, 1993
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Medical School, 1992
- English
- Spanish
- Healthgrades Honor Roll
What is the best way to schedule an appointment with Dr. Lillian Indio, MD?
New patients may call (914) 361-5663 to make an appointment.
Can I use my insurance at Dr. Lillian Indio, MD?
Dr. Lillian Indio, MD accepts various insurance plans. You can easily check if your insurance provider is accepted by using the Healthgrades insurance check. We recommend verifying your insurance coverage before scheduling an appointment to ensure a seamless experience.
Does Dr. Lillian Indio, MD accept new patients?
New patients are generally accepted by Dr. Lillian Indio, MD on Healthgrades. To arrange an appointment, call the number on Dr. Indio's profile.
What is Dr. Lillian Indio, MD's office address?
Dr. Indio's office is located at 77 Pondfield Rd Lowr Level, Bronxville, NY 10708.
What languages does Dr. Lillian Indio, MD speak?
Dr. Lillian Indio, MD is fluent in 2 languages: English and Spanish.
Affiliated Hospitals
NewYork-Presbyterian Westchester
55 Palmer AveBronxville, NY 10708
Recipient of 11
hospital awards
Learn more about how Healthgrades measures Hospital Quality.