Bonnie Bennett (2024)

In Hello, Brother, Bonnie is seen writing in her diary to Elena. It's been some time since the Armory's Monster has escaped and the search for Damon and Enzo continues to no avail. She writes to Elena that they attempt to steal small moments of normalcy though, for her, it has been the hardest things she had to do, without Enzo by her side. As she writes, she recounts fond memories of her time with Enzo; her terrible guitar playing and his story of Greek mythology and The Odyssey.

Later, Bonnie, along with Stefan are searching a wooded trail following yet another lead related to the missing people that may be connected to Damon and Enzo. Considering that an actual body has been found, she is skeptical it is even related. Stefan tells her that he can't think like that and must keep searching, though Bonnie is exhausted and she can't keep going, that hope keeps crushing her heart. Stefan reassures her that no one else he knows, knows how to fight longer and harder than she and does not want her to give up. She agrees but tells him that "hope hurts, and I don't want to hurt anymore."

As Stefan and Bonnie continue following the lead and they eventually come to a crime scene, where Damon (and Enzo) attacked a young couple. The Investigator tells them that the female victim was strangled and exsanguinated; teen marks from where she was fed upon. Also on her neck were ligature marks where Bonnie identifies she was strangled with a guitar string; another clue specifically left by Enzo for Bonnie to find.

With Caroline's help, Stefan and Bonnie eventually locate an abandoned slaughterhouse a few miles away from the recent crime scene. Stefan goes ahead and Bonnie remains back at the crime scene getting more information from the investigator. Bonnie leaves the scene after more information that relates to Enzo and heads to the slaughterhouse. Once there Stefan takes care of Damon and wants her to leave because it is not safe and she is still powerless.. She refuses, not without Enzo. Enzo appears and Damon recovers and attacks Bonnie, grabbing her in a loose choke hold, forcing Stefan's hand. Enzo tells them to "Go" and Stefan complies and Damon releases an angered Bonnie. They both leave without Damon and Enzo.

Later, at Enzo's safe house where Stefan was dropping her off, they sit and have a small conversation. Stefan is visibly upset and has seemingly lost hope similar to Bonnie, just a mere twelve hours ago. Bonnie tells him that she has found her 'Hope' and she convinces him to find his. Not long later, in the cabin, Bonnie is continuing to go back over the clues Enzo was leaving for her. She recounts the story he was telling her about The Odyssey. The wax, the guitar wire, how the bodies were displayed in the slaughterhouse, and the abnormal control they is being displayed over Damon and Enzo; she discovers they are all connected to the story he told her; they are about the mythological Sirens. She calls Alaric and tells him of her findings, asking if they could be real. Bonnie continues to have hope more determined now that she knows Enzo is fighting the monster's control, leaving clues for her to find out about the enemy and wants their help in fighting it.

In Today Will Be Different, Bonnie, while play her guitar, is still going through the previous crime scene photos that were left by Enzo, looking for more clues. Determine to keep searching for Enzo, she works with Caroline, and Stefan over the phone, at the TV station combing through more crime reports as far as Tennessee. Caroline attempts to make sure Bonnie is doing well and eating, by offering her muffins, but she tell her that she in not hungry and refocuses her efforts. As they search, she discovers two new reports; two women in two different towns who suffered fatal wounds to the neck (a vampire bite) in North Caroline. Caroline mentions that the only thing released in the report were the two victims' names, which were Sarah Nelson McGowan and Sarah Jane Nelson. Caroline and Bonnie are initially confused though, Stefan informs them that Enzo ‘picked his moment' and tells them about "Sarah Nelson"; also known as Sarah Salvatore, Stefan's last living relative.

Bonnie, Caroline and Stefan are then making their way to Raleigh, North Caroline in hopes to save Sarah before Damon and Enzo reaches her first. While in the car, Stefan tells them that Sarah's mother was Zach Salvatore's girlfriend in 1994, though Bonnie is already aware of this part of the story from her time with Damon in the 1994 prison world where Damon killed a pregnant woman. As they continue to talk, Caroline Stefan blame Enzo gave up the name because Damon doesn't know of this relation. Worried, Caroline comforts Stefan, though Bonnie is visible annoyed; Enzo is being blamed while they get to be happy together. Bonnie puts in her ear buds and ignores them for the rest of the ride.

At Sarah's apartment, Enzo and Sarah are surprised to find Stefan and Caroline. Moments later Bonnie emerges and Bonnie tells Enzo "Nice to see you too." Though controlled by Sybil, Enzo tells her "Hello, Luv" and reveals he is helping Sarah. Enzo is avoiding eye contact and being elusive towards Bonnie which visible annoys her. Enzo goes on to tell her that the more specific he is, the more she can key in on him. He goes on to tell her that Sybil needs two loyal soldiers to keep "feeding" her and he and Damon were chosen based on happenstance of being in the vault when it was opened. Bonnie continues to push for information though Enzo tells her that he will need to return to her soon; if he stays he is only putting Bonnie more at risk. The more he thinks about her, the more easily it will be for Sybil to discover her. He is trying to protect her and in doing so he had to give up a meaningful name, Sarah. As they attempt to leave, Bonnie takes matters into her own hands and vervains Enzo, knocking him unconscious and driving away with him in the back seat of the car.

Some time later, as Bonnie is driving, Enzo wakes up in pain. Bonnie is determined to get Enzo far away as she can though Enzo continues to scream in pain as Sybil calls him back to her. Enzo reveals that her mind is bound to her and that he can't escape from her. Bonnie tells him they will find a way and that he hasn't lost her but she must let him go.

Later, Bonnie comes back to the apartment complex (without Enzo) and finds Caroline without her daylight ring and with a stake in her back. She gives back the ring and removes the stake, both unknown what has transpired with Stefan and Sarah. Bonnie tells her that she was unsuccessful about rescuing Enzo and had to let him return to Sybil. Caroline berates her for not following the plan though Bonnie tells her she had her plan, to live a life with Enzo, like what she and Stefan are living right now. Bonnie continues to tell her that seeing her happy with her family, with Stefan and her kids, her home, all of it makes her feel so alone that she wants to die. Unknown of Bonnie's feelings, Caroline tells her that she is not alone and how sorry she is for not being there for her and what a terrible friend she had been. Bonnie reconciles with Caroline and they embrace in a thoughtful hug as Stefan approaches them. Bonnie asks if Sarah was 'okay' though Stefan does not answer them.Through a memory flash of Sybil scanning Enzo's mind it reveals his and Bonnie's moments just after Enzo woke up from when Bonnie drugged him. After he tells her that she has to let him go, Bonnie, full of hurt tells him to leave though she is not going to watch it. As Bonnie turns away from him, he passionately grabs her and pulls her into a deep kiss. He tells her he will never stop fighting and will always find his way back to her.

In You Decided That I Was Worth Saving, Bonnie surprises Caroline at the Salvatore Boarding House. Having learned of her engagement, she decorates the bedroom in yellow balloons and wants to toast with champagne. She tells her that will celebrate and then go wedding dress shopping because she knows she will try on a thousand before she finds the right one. Caroline expresses concern for her, given her revelation previously at Sarah's apartment, however Bonnie reassures her that she is fine and not just putting on a face. She even reminds her that she asked her to be her bride's maid since she was ten, and that this is going to happen. Caroline tries to lift her spirits by confirming that they will find Enzo and she will be happy, though Bonnie tells her first things first: to plan the June Wedding. With that, Bonnie toasts with the champagne and shows reveals her wedding book; that she stole to ‘out plan' Caroline Forbes.

Sometime later, She accompanies Caroline to the Bridal Shop, unbeknownst to them that Damon has been commanded by Sybil to hunt down and kill Bonnie. After Caroline picks a few dresses out, Caroline want to find the perfect maid of honors dress for her. Bonnie is honored, even though Elena is in a coma. Caroline wants to rehearse the bouquet toss, even telling her that she is willing to rig it for her (and Enzo). Before Bonnie can catch it, Damon, using his vamp speed appears, and catches the bouquet in one hand and the, now dead, bridal clerk in the other.Caroline and Bonnie are shocked to see him and Caroline tells Bonnie to run while she buys her time and attacks Damon. Shortly after dismissing Caroline Damon comes after Bonnie, who has hidden within a rack of wedding dresses. Bonnie retaliates and stabs a hanger through Damon's hand and can run past him, distracting him enough to allow Caroline to impale in into the adjacent wall, allowing them both time to escape.

Bonnie and Caroline rush back to the Salvatore House, Bonnie on the phone with Stefan, telling him that if Damon wants her dead, then she's dead. Stefan is confused about this new turn of events, though Caroline tells him they need weapons they can use against him and Sybil. While they search for weapons Bonnie fields questions from Caroline about whether or not she can invite Damon to the wedding. Bonnie is doubtful as he will be her brother-in-law. As they come back down to the living room, they are surprised to find Sybil sitting in front of the fireplace with Caroline's wedding book in hand. She reveals that she wants to know what makes Bonnie was special, the hold she has over both Enzo and particularly Damon. She even asks whether or not something more had happened while they were trapped within the prison world, though it didn't. She presses Bonnie further about this devotion she inspires within them and tells them to sit.

Not wanting to get involved in any physical altercations, they comply. Caroline defends Bonnie telling, Sybil that Bonnie is fiercely loyal and that she would do anything for the people she loves. This intrigues Sybil and wants Bonnie to choose; Damon or Enzo, one will live and the other will die. Bonnie eventually makes the connection that Sybil is jealous; that she sees a pure love, a love that she didn't have to siren into that was all about her and that she is threatened.

Bonnie, Caroline, and Sybil drive towards Mystic Fall High School, where the battle will take place. Caroline berates her about the ways she is living her immortal life as she warns Stefan. As they get closer, Sybil questions them about their sass, and that it was easier for Bonnie when she had her magic to back it up. Sybil asks Bonnie if she is powerless, though reminds her that she has all the power to make the choice. Fed up with Sybil's talking, specifically about she sitting there and allowing Enzo to die, Bonnie makes a different choice. She slams on the brakes, sending Sybil flying through the front windshield, and they drive off, giving them time to get to Enzo and Damon without Sybil.

Without Sybil, Bonnie confirms that she was right, that Stefan will always protect Damon and that she has no power to help Enzo.

During the final moments of the battle, Bonnie shows up and pleads with Damon to stop. Sybil arrives and tells Bonnie that he can't fight it and for her to choose. As Damon plunges his hand further into Enzo's chest, Bonnie makes her choice, she chooses Enzo. Damon pleads with Bonnie not to do this to him (to die) but Bonnie tells him that she can't let Enzo die. Sybil decides she doesn't like the new turn of events, that Bonnie chose wrong and that she'll have Damon kill Bonnie unless Enzo turns his humanity off. Bonnie is unable to sway Enzo and she loses him. Sybil then has Damon to pursue Bonnie regardless and Enzo doesn't object and she taunts Bonnie further, counting down until she runs out of the school. Outside Damon easily catches up to her though she is saved by Alaric, who runs him down with his car and uses the tuning fork against Sybil. Stefan is previously recovered and snaps Enzo's neck.

Back at the Armory Bonnie and Stefan talk about how with Sybil back in captivity they might get some answers. He asks about whether or not she will be able to handle Enzo, though she coldly tells him that she will be fine. She confronts him that if it had came down to it he would have still chosen Damon, even knowing that Enzo fought Sybil at every turn while Damon submitted without hesitation. Caroline goes to stay with her, telling Stefan that Bonnie needs her.

In Coming Home Was a Mistake, Bonnie is still tirelessly working to regain Enzo's humanity. He tells her that he'll treat her to Paris and that she'll fix everything that is wrong with him, only if she will set him free. She relents and cuts him loose of his vervain ropes to which he replies that she is his saving grace only to vamp towards the door. He's stopped by a magical boundary, shocked that Bonnie has her magic back. However, she tells him that he doesn't and she's using a dark object on loan from the Armory: The Flame of Imprisonment. She tells him that it traps supernatural creatures where it burns and that she alone can put the flame out since she is the one who lit it.

Later, she calls Caroline, seeking advice on how to deal with the humanity-less Enzo. She tells her that drying and starving him did not work nor did playing the guitar or retelling their memories trigger any emotions. She wants to know what it took for her to break through. She tells Bonnie that she had to face her biggest fear and then live up to it. After she ends the call, she confronts Enzo again, asking him "Why don't you just turn your humanity back on?" However, she tells her that it's a hindrance. With a plan in mind, set sets off, leaving him at the cabin.

When she returns to the cabin, she's greeted to a decorated cabin and Enzo, who wants to dance. Bonnie does buy it and she's not assumed with his antics. She tells him that she's going to get through to him and she intends to use his darkest fears. She proceeds to throw gasoline about the cabin. Enzo's no longer amused and tells him that Damon left him in a fire and that it was a nice try but it wouldn't work. Bonnie reveals his darkest fear, that he's afraid of people leaving him, of being abandoned. She tells him she isn't going anywhere and takes the flame of imprisonment and sets the cabin ablaze.

As the cabin goes up in flames she continues to tell Enzo that she's not going to leave him. Enzo tells her to end it and attempts to goad her to leave because of the smoke. She refuses. She stays until she eventually collapses. Seeing Bonnie in trouble finally triggers his humanity. Some moments later, Bonnie wakes up outside the cabin, Enzo having saved her, though unable to leave the cabin due to the dark object. She refuses to let him go and rushes back into the cabin and snuffs out the flame. Enzo uses this vampiric speed and saves them both. Outside he embraces her and they share a deeply passionate kiss.

That night, both she and Enzo attend Tyler's memorial service at the carnival. They each share their final goodbyes about Tyler and ultimately catch up as a group and enjoy the carnival in Tyler's name.

In Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell, Bonnie and Enzo are laying in bed, enjoying Enzo's regained humanity. Enzo picks with Bonnie about her "high school" bedroom. Bonnie's phone begins buzzing, numerous messages from Caroline. As Bonnie checks her phone, Enzo receives a call from Damon, who is supposed to be chained up since he is still under Sybil's control after having killed Tyler. As he answers, Bonnie watches as Enzo collapses in pain to the floor, as a siren's song can be heard through the phone.

Some time later, Bonnie manages to get Enzo to the Armory, who is still in agonizing pain. She screams to Matt and Stefan she needs help as she is still without her magic and cannot do anything to ease his suffering. Enzo explains that it was Sybil and she is attacking his mind. Bonnie is visibly worried about Enzo and questions if he can see her or speak to her. He says no and Stefan reveals that she must be attacking his subconscious as that was how she manipulated Damon mind. Bonnie pleads with Stefan to get into his head like he once did with her and to force Sybil out.

As Stefan traverses Enzo's mind he can see and hear Sybil's conversation with Seline about the twins shortly before he is forced out of Enzo's mind. Bonnie questions what he saw and pleads for him to continue, that he has to save Enzo. Many attempts later, along with the address to where the twins are located, Enzo's mind is released from Sybil's grasp and he is left in a comatose-like state. Matt attempts to console Bonnie, after Stefan leaves to join Caroline, and to get her to eat something. Bonnie refuses and tells him that she is too terrified that she is going to lose him. He gives her hope and encourages her that Enzo is a survivor, that he escaped her control and that, unlike Damon, fought back her control. As Matt is telling her this, he wakes and he and Bonnie embrace in a passionate kiss.

That night, Bonnie continues to question Enzo, wanting to know whether or not he was okay. Bonnie is relieved though saddened that he is still suffering from Sybil's control after everything she did to get him back. He tells her he will always fight to get back to her. She questions what kept him going, unlike Damon who gave up and gave into Sybil's control so easily. He tells her that a century of abandonment, torture and abuse will turn as heart to stone. Bonnie deflects that statement, reminding him that he his loving and kind. Enzo gives all the credit to Bonnie, that he wouldn't be able to leave this world without knowing true love, then he met her. He proclaims that Bonnie is his whole world.

In The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You, Bonnie and Enzo are together once again after the latter was saved from Sybil's grasp a second time. It's Christmas and they are exchanging gifts. Enzo gives her a present and she opens the box; it's a small Eiffel Tower figurine. She loves it and expresses, jokingly, that she can use it as a paper weight. The figure was only a representation of his true gift to Bonnie; he tells her that he's taking her to Paris and calls her a "Silly Witch". She embrace him in a hug and he takes her into his arms and kisses her deeply. The mood is spoiled when Bonnie's phone rings; it's Caroline. Bonnie guess that she was called because they were late for Christmas dinner and tells her she's sorry and that she knows they are late. Caroline expresses for them not to come, that both Sybil and Damon crashed their dinner and that Enzo needs to stay far away from her. They continue to talk and eventually conclude that she and Enzo will track down the tuning fork if Caroline can give them more information about where Sybil's been hiding.

Later, after Bonnie and Enzo leaves Bonnie's house, Caroline calls them while they are together in the car. She tells them that there is a place outside of Grove Hill, a mansion called The Pond Estate and that is where Sybil's been hiding and like they will likely find the tuning fork. Bonnie asks if everything is okay and Caroline expresses that Sybil wants to be her "bestie", and the twins keep asking about Seline and that Stefan is off "hiding" somewhere. Bonnie tells her that she misses Elena and that if she was her, Damon wouldn't be like this. This gives Caroline an idea and tells her that she needs another gift box and promptly hangs up on her.

That night, Bonnie and Enzo arrive at the estate, Enzo confirming that this is the one they are searching for as out of the four with pools, this was the only one with a light on. The doors they are at are unlocked, Enzo giving her the honors and she enters. Enzo attempts to follow, though he's bound by the threshold spell. Bonnie realizes that she picked a place with an owner to prevent vampires from entering. Bonnie tells Enzo that she will be fine and she can do it without him; Enzo, unable to stop her, agrees. Bonnie goes deeper into the house, carefully. Bonnie approaches the common room, a women is signing Christmas carols. Bonnie spies Seline, writing at a table, who knew she was there. She instructs Tammy to extend the invitation to their other guest, Enzo. Tammy calls from the living room for him to "come in" and Bonnie objects, given his history with Sybil and her mind control. Before she can finish saying no, Enzo is by her side, shielding her with his arm. Seline tells thems that she not Sybil and wont harm them. Bonnie complies and tells her that they will leave, though Seline mentions the weapon that they were looking for, the Tuning Fork. Seline takes out the Tuning fork from the adjacent desk and asks Bonnie to bring her phone over to her.

Seline wanted to speak to Alric; she tells him that both Bonnie and Ezno are with her and that they are in no danger. Bonnie confirms her intentions, telling him that she just wants to talk. After Seline's conversation doesn't end well, Bonnie spies the list she has been writing, a list of names with Georgie's at the top. She indicates that it's the last person she's killed and the list is in reverse chronological order, something she picked up from Stefan and recounts her meeting with him to her and Enzo. After she finishes her story and tells them that if Alaric loves his daughters, he will bring them to see her, to make things right. Enzo takes the tuning fork and he and Bonnie prepare to leave. Seline then asks Bonnie "The path to forgiveness begins with on step, right?" Bonnie nods and tells her "thank you" and they set off, back to Mystic Falls.

Sometime later, Bonnie and Enzo enter the kitchen in the Salvatore Boarding House and get the drop on Sybil, Enzo using it to disrupt her abilities she's currently using on Peter. As Bonnie comes behind Enzo, she too is pained by the fork and clutches on to the table, Enzo, more worried about Bonnie comes to her aid. Grabbing her head he asks if she's alright. Distracted, Damon rushes in and saves Sybil and vamp speeds out.

Back on the road, she and Enzo talk; Bonnie examining the tuning fork. She's confused, asking Enzo if he couldn't hear what she heard. He tells her that he did hear it but it sounded like a tuning fork where she replies that it gave her a splitting headache. She assumes that it's a signal that only witches can hear because Alaric also mentioned to hear that the twins could hear it as well. Enzo questions if Siren were also witches, though Bonnie retorts that her Grams used to say witchcraft was rooted in psychic energy and that before she knew she had magic, she though she was a psychic because of the senses and feelings she could divine about others. She indicate that they, the sirens and Cade, are connected. Enzo tells her that it's just one mroe reason to get the hell out of dodge, i.e. their trip to Paris. With this realization, Bonnie tells him that while he's taking her to Paris, she got him t-shirts for Christmas. She admits that she sucks though Enzo tells her that she is the gift he's always wanted. He takes her hand and kisses it gently.

In The Simple Intimacy of the Near Touch, it's revealed that some length of time has passed and Bonnie has returned from her and Enzo's trip to Paris. She goes to see Caroline, who is still at the Salvatore Boarding house, and surprises her with a visit. When she opens the door, Bonnie greets her with a gleeful "Bonjour!" and they embrace in a friendly hug. Bonnie hands off a dress to her as she inquires about how Paris was and how Enzo was doing. Bonnie tells her she ate cheese and drank wine and bought all the gifts, to which she hands one to Caroline. She tells her not to open it until Stefan is back as it's wedding themed. At that moment, Caroline spots her stunning new necklace hanging around her neck. She's tells Bonnie it's beautiful but is taken aback by what's in the centerpiece. Bonnie indicates that Enzo gave it to her on their last night in Paris and confirms Caroline's suspicion, that it contains Enzo's blood. She mocks Enzo and also tells her it's "A mere symbol of an eternity." Caroline expresses her fear and that it's a very specific symbol and questions if she wants to become a vampire, to which she dismisses. Caroline then receives a call from Seline and Bonnie questions what the "psycho-siren" wants.

Bonnie accompanies Caroline to Mystic Grill, where they meet with Seline. Seline tells them that her sister is assembling a weapon that has the power to kill her and herself. Seline suggests a compromise, she has a piece (the bell) and they have a piece (the tuning fork) and that she's trying to make amends. She goes on to tell them that Damon has the third piece, the Maxwell striker. Bonnie questions what's the striker and Seline explains. Bonnie and Caroline get up to leave after their little conversation and she questions where they are going. Caroline tells her they are going to Miss Mystic Falls.

At Miss Mystic Falls, Bonnie has already changed into a stunning green dress and is helping Caroline set things up by checking off names on the guest list. Caroline, with her back to the door, hopes that once the dance gets underway, that she and Bonnie can sneak off and locate the striker. Bonnie, having seen Damon enter the Founder's Hall retorts that "we could ask him in person". Sybil arrives and indicates that she invited both Damon and Stefan.

Some time later, Bonnie watches afar as Sybil sirens a pageant hopefuls. After Sybil leaves, she makes her way to the girl, though Enzo surprises her and grabs her by the arm, telling her to be easy and that he told her to wait for backup. She tells him that she believes Sybil just sirened the girl, to which Enzo tells her "all the more reason to proceed with caution". As an immortal, he wants her to leave the fighting to him. Bonnie is irritated that in all their time together, this is the first time he's played the "immortal" card on her. She questions if he giving her a literally vial of immortally (his blood) has anything to do with it. He reiterates that it's a token of his eternal love and she tells him that she can't imagine losing him either but she can't become a vampire, even if she wanted too. She's still linked to Elena and expresses that she wouldn't want to jeopardize her friend's life.

As the dance begins, Bonnie is joined by her escort, Enzo, and they proceed to preform the Miss Mystic Falls dance. He brings up the vampire topic again, asking her what she would choose if Elena's life wasn't linked to hers, theoretically. She tells him that a year ago she would have been offended, due to her witch heritage though it's more than that. She's watched all of her friends struggle with vampirism and how hard it's for them just to live. But she also tells him that she fell in love with a vampire that makes her feel alive and admits that she would turn for him, but that's not all it means to hear. She returns his necklace by telling him if it means something more than her love. She leaves the dance floor and Enzo.

After Caroline compelled the pageant to end, Bonnie and Enzo coordinates the evacuation of the guests and participants. As the last bystander leave, Bonnie wants to return, to put herself back in danger. Enzo refuses though she wants to go back, that Caroline needs her. He continues to fight, telling her that Caroline can protect her if she's not in the crossfire. Bonnie asks him why he's been watching her like a hawk after they've returned from Paris, that he trusts her and this attitude isn't like him. He explains that she give him the necklace back, that it was always meant to save her when he can't and that he's worried that she could die there. He goes on to tell her that if he had to ever survive her without speaking up... he couldn't bear the though. He expresses that he does listen to her, but also the dangerous world around her, and that whenever he feared for her life, he wasn't afraid to speak up for her. Bonnie is moved by his revelation and asks when he became such a sap. He reiterates her earlier statement that he fell in love with a human that makes him feel alive. She looks into his eyes and brings him into a moving kiss and he embraces her into a hug.

That night she and Enzo are still in the woods by the Founder's Hall. She confesses that it was wrong of her to have returned his necklace. Enzo tells her it's just a symbol, nothing more. She expresses that before him, she never knew what it was like to want to be with someone for forever. He understand that she can't turn (because of Elena), but he expresses that he's the luckiest man on the planet. Bonnie indicates that their forever will just have to be 60 or 70 years and they have to make it count. They kiss and Enzo agrees that with the right person 70 years can be forever though he's fearful about the "after" part and that he doesn't know what he will ever do without her. She asks him "what if it wasn't just my forever? What if it could be ours?" In that moment, she offers him the Cure.

In Nostalgia's a Bitch, the next morning, Bonnie is out early jogging to clear her head. She calls Caroline and asks if they can talk over breakfast, that she needs advice about Enzo. Caroline tells her that she is the last one to give relationship advice given everything she is going through with Stefan. She declines and says she is not going any where. It's revealed that she jogged to the Salvatore House and compromises with Caroline, telling her that they will have breakfast in bed as she lets herself in. As she is walking though the house, she spots a catatonic Damon and tells her that she needed to get out of bed, now.

Bonnie asks her what could have done this and Caroline appropriately guess that Sybil happened, but questions what she did to his brain. Bonnie agrees and tells her that there is only one way to find out; for her to jump them both in and for them to see for themselves. She gives Caroline her hand and attempts to enter his mind though they are forced immediately back out. Caroline expresses that all she could feel was fire and pain and Bonnie suggests that is what he's feeling as she sees a tear running down his cheek. Caroline hears something down in the cellar, and she and Bonnie come to find Sybil chained to the wall. Bonnie questions her what she did to him. Sybil tells them that she gave him what he wanted, his humanity back one, though he must have couldn't take the guilt and his mind retreated into his subconscious. Bonnie refuses to release her though they relent to free Damon from his mind.

With Sybil's release, she peers into his mind and tells them that consciously, Damon believes to be in hell. She tells them that to change his mind, they will have to confront him and ask him themselves as to why be believes he's in hell. Bonnie reminds her that they've already tried that and it didn't work. Sybil tells them that she can get them in through the "back door" of his mind, his subconscious. Inside his subconscious, Bonnie and Caroline meet Henry, Damon's deceased war buddy, personified as a desk clerk as the house acts as a hotel for guest. Bonnie tells hims that they are looking for Damon, though Henry points them towards a painting of the hotel's benefactor and that he died in the civil war. Henry tells them to get out and even with Sybil's help, they are forced from his mind once again.

Stefan shows up and demands that Sybil "fix" this. In compliance, she, Bonnie and Caroline attempt to find Damon again. As they enter his mind again, they appear at Mystic Grill. Bonnie deduces that Damon is there and all they have to do is follow the clues, as she holds up a news paper of the first "animal" attacks when he arrived back in Mystic Falls. Vicki, with a bandage on her neck, approaches them asks them if they are hear for lunch and wants them to follow her. Caroline is inspired and tells Bonnie to "follow the clues". Caroline questions that sicne Damon killed Vicki, why does he want her around in his subconscious. As she leaves, Bonnie follows her. Caroline sees her mother for the first time since having lost her and not being able to say goodbye. Bonnie tells her to go talk to her mom and she goes after Vicki.

Bonnie questions Vicki if the bandage was because of "Damon Salvatore" though Vicki dismisses her. Bonnie continues to push for answers though Vicki reveals a hickie and that she can slu*t shame her all she wants but she never heard of Damon.

With her Vicki clue unfruitful in locating Damon, she tries a different approach. She returns to her grandmother's house. Walking up on the front porch and knocking on the door, Shelia opens her home, excited to see her granddaughter with a "Hey Sweetie". Bonnie is overcome with joy as, similar to Caroline, this is the first time since she's seen her Grams since she found peace and saved her from the collapse of the Other Side. She tells her that she wasn't sure if she would even be here, as she ultimately knows that she's not real, that she is in Damon's subconscious. She remarks that his memory was remarkable, saying that he even got the sweater right. Grams, confused, asks if she's feeling alright. Bonnie tells her that she needs her help and Grams welcomes her into her home.

Grams pours her some tea to help quite her mind as they talk about what she needs help with. She tells her that her friend is in trouble and she needs her to do a locator spell to find him. Grams wants to know who she's looking for and Bonnie tells her. She doesn't know the name "Damon" and asks if he's related to Stefan. Bonnie confirms this and she refuses, saying that she doesn't get involved with vampire business. Bonnie tells her it's way too late and that all of her friends are vampires and that she even loves one. Shelia is shocked to hear this but continues by saying she's so close to having the happiness she's always wanted. Bonnie means the world to Grams and tells her that she's cheating, but will do the spell. She needs something of his to perform it and Bonnie thinks of the letter, saying it must be around here somewhere. She thinks Bonnie is crazy but she goes over to a cabinet and reveals the letter that Damon previously wrote her telling her that it's Damon's head and that if she was willing to help, so does Damon. Shelia begins the spell and asks Bonnie to concentrate with her, as she takes her grandmother's hands, the candle flame intensifies.

Bonnie is led to the Salvatore crypt and there is greeted by Tyler, another representation of someone that's been killed because of Damon. He asks her to leave or that he'll make her. Bonnie stands firm and tells Tyler that he can't make her leave because Damon lead her there and that he wants her to save him. Bonnie tells him that he will have to spend his life atoning for what he;s done, even though he's scared, he just has to believe he can. With that, she figures out what it will take to free Damon and she frees herself from his mind. She tells Caroline that she needs to get Stefan back as that is the only way to free him, that Damon needs to talk to Stefan. With his return, he's a bit skeptical, though Bonnie reassures him that he will only find the truth.

Sometime later, Stefan successfully frees Damon and, that night, he comes to speak to Bonnie. She begins with telling him that it's not his fault for what he's done while under Sybil's control. Damon relents and per Bonnie's statement while with her Grams he tells her what the letter he wrote said, that he a coward and terrified of failing her and Elena because, like Elena, would make him be a better man.. He goes on to say that he'd rather fail her one more time versus a whole life time and that he hope she had the happiest life possible and that she was his best friend. Bonnie tears at his confession and admits it's one hell of a letter and he apologizes that he left. Bonnie smiles and they reconcile and she embraces him in a heartfelt hug.

In You Made a Choice to Be Good, Bonnie is seen at a Coffee Shop, laying some money down on the counter as the barista rings her up. A man, seemingly from out of out, gains her attention when he rattles of coffee names. She muses that Mystic Falls attempt to be "hipster". She recommends a drink to the man and he thanks her for the insight. She takes her two coffees and leaves the man behind.

On the road, Bonnie is with Enzo and Peter's truck as they transport the completed Maxwell Bell to a safer location. Enzo runs over some broken, rotted tree branch in the road, causing the bell to ring. Bonnie clutches her head as it causes her pain; Enzo apologizes. He asks her where her secret hideaway is and she tells him it's a surprise. She receives a picture from Caroline, it's was her bucket list from when she was in sixth grade. She tells him what was on it and he playfully mocks her "tweener" dreams. She asks him about his bucket list though he admits, being immortal, he's never made one. She pushes him, that he needs to take full advantage of his immortality while he still has it and that must be some daredevil thrills that he wants to do. She convinces him to make the journey into an adventure.

Keeping her promise, she takes Enzo to a motor speedway and cheers him on as she watches him drive a race car around a track. He's thrilled and he grabs her and spins her around by the race while he happily kisses her. She comments that happy looks good on him, though Enzo admits it doesn't take much, i.e. fast car and a beautiful girl. She asks what's next, eager to keep the journey going. Enzo suggests skydiving. Bonnie agrees evening going so far to bring out her phone saying there was a place about an hour away. Enzo asks her what's really on her mind. She tells him that she just wants to make sure that if he takes the cure that there will be nothing that he's missed. Enzo corrects her, "when", that when he says he'll doing something, that he means it. They kiss and insists that if she wants more fun, he's going to take the car for another spin.

They finally arrive at their destination, Enzo comments on making good time given that they stopped to drag race and skydive, which the latter resulted in his phone being destroyed. He comments about their destination, a B&B in upstate New York. Bonnie tells him that she bought it a couple months ago with the money that he dad had left her, that since no one else knows about it, it makes it the perfect place to stash the bell. Enzo jokes that it makes for one romantic gesture that puts his blood necklace to shame. She tells him it wasn't for him, though he asks for a tour of every single room. She then invites him into her home. He pulls her back across the threshold and carries her over it, telling her that one day they will do it one day for real, implying marriage. He thanks her for the perfect "bucket list" day and she continues to worry about him becoming human, that maybe he needs more time for his vampire life. He consoles her by telling her that there is nothing that he could do as a vampire that wouldn't be better than being human with her. He even admits of doing it immediately, once they stash the bell, and drive to Brooklyn to Elena's coffin.

Sometime later, Bonnie receives a call from Damon about Arcadius, the ruler of Hell. He tells her they want to use the cure that is in Elena to cure Arcadius of his immortality. Bonnie is not convinced and angered. She tells him that she can finally start the life she wants with Enzo but they need the cure for that and she doesn't want to jeopardize that if Damon is wrong. Bonnie is conflicted and Damon attempts to reconcile with her, telling her that at least he was asking, though he apologizes for putting herself first for once. Damon tells her that he wants them all to be alive and asks if she will help take down the devil. Annoyed, she tells him okay, that they'll rescue everyone but themselves, again. Enzo continues to listen in with his super hearing as Bonnie hangs up on Damon. She looks back at him with sad eyes, that she may lose her future with Enzo.

Back inside the B&B, Enzo questions why Elena was moved from Brooklyn. Bonnie explains that it was for her safety once he and Damon went missing, under Sybil's control. Enzo admits that he heard her and Damon's conversation. Bonnie reluctantly admits that he was right and defeating the devil is more important. Enzo calls her to him and takes her in his arm. Bonnie, seemingly defeated, tells him that she never gets to have her chance, that she's always giving it up for everyone else and that it sucks. Enzo tells her that her "selflessness" is what makes her special and that no matter what happens, he'll stay by her side until she's old and gray. He's determined that they will still have their future and that he doesn't need the cure to be happy, just her. Bonnie and touched by his passionate words and they kiss. In the few moments afterwards, Enzo is magically excised from the home as, unknown to them, Stefan compelled the ownership of her safe-house to another women.

After he was evicted from her home, she tried inviting him in, though nothing is working and the spell holds. Enzo tells her that they need to get the cure and go. She says she'll try and takes the cure from Elena with a syringe. She's apprehensive about doing it and admits that it feels weird. After she's done, she asks him if the syringe is enough though he doesn't respond. She leaves the room and Enzo, at the door, is motionless and not responding to her call. In front of her, he collapses as Stefan rips out his heart. Bonnie screams in pain, as her lover is murdered. Stefan shove his body aside, drops his heart and steps over the threshold, entering the house.

Bonnie frantically searches for something to defend herself, as she's still without her magic. She breaks off a wooden coat rack knob prepares herself. Stefan mocks her and she attempts to defend herself though he easily stops her attack and grabs her forearm, squeezing it, causing her physical pain. He asks why she continues to care about Elena, when she was going to die by his hand. Bonnie fights back with the only other "weapon" she has; the Cure. She stabs the syringe into his side and injects him with the cure. Stefan collapses as she succumbs to the cure. Bonnie runs towards Enzo, tears in her eyes and screams his name. Enzo's body has already desiccated as she cradles his head; at a complete loss of words, her future dies right before her. In that moment she lets out a painful and agonizing scream, energy radiating from her as she continues to hold Enzo his her arms.

In What Are You?, it picks up some short time later from the previous episode. Bonnie is still distraught over losing Enzo and has moved just inside the threshold of her B&B and turns her back to Enzo's lifeless body. He hesitantly and tearfully answers Damon's call. Damon picks up on Bonnie's distress and asks what's wrong, fearful for Elena. She tells him that she's fine and, with prodding from him, tells her the grave new; Stefan murdered Enzo. He wants to come and comfort her though she refuses him and that he'll deal with his brother, though she tells him that she's already dealt with him; that she's cured him.

Sometime later that morning, Bonnie is making tea and while the kettle whistles, she hears a voice: Enzo's. Seemingly, he calls out to her "Help me. Bonnie." A knock at the front door startles her and she goes to answer it, a little shocked. Abby stands on the other side, she tells her daughter that Caroline called and she was hoping that she would want to talk to her since she wont talk to Caroline. Bonnie crosses the threshold and embraces her mother in a heartfelt hug.

That night, Abby performs a memorial for Enzo, to return him to the Earth, in Bonnie's honor. Abby wants her to say her final goodbye but Bonnie confesses that she doesn't think that he wants her to, that she can still feel him. Abby tries to console her, telling her that it's grief, but she dismisses it saying that she knows grief and this is different. If believes that if he's attempting to reach her, there has to be a way to answer, though Abby tells her that there's not a way, that the Other Side is gone and they both do not have their magic. Bonnie refuses her mother's answer and tells her that "There must be a way. You came back here for a reason. Let this be it."

Complying with Bonnie's wish, she performs a ritual, a séance. Bonnie takes her mother's and and latter calls out to Enzo. As Bonnie concentrates a wild wind picks up and Abby sees a vision of Enzo's death and that she felt his pain. Abby is confused about how it was possible without magic but she believes that she must have opened a door to someplace dark and it needs to be closed. Bonnie refuses, that if he's trapped somewhere, then there must be a way to free him. Abby blatantly tells her no though Bonnie disregards her mother. She collapses, as Enzo's voice can be heard, calling out to her.

Abby burns Enzo's body, returning him to the Earth, and Bonnie recovers enough to wake from her unconscious state. She tries to put him out though Abby drags her out. Bonnie is furious and full of tears and Abby tells her that she had to destroy him to break the connection. She pleas with her that he was trying to reach her and that he's all alone. Abby soothes her daughter, telling her that she's failed as a mother, but she won't let her destroy herself. She comforts her by telling her that he wouldn't want her to suffer and that she needs to let he go. Bonnie embraces her mother, full of painful tears and agony as she tells her that she has to say goodbye.

Later that night, as she returns home, she finds Matt at her doorstep. Out of everything that he's experience that day, coming to see her and to tell her how sorry he was for her loss was the most important. She tells him that she doesn't think she can do this and he tells her that she was one of the strongest people he knows and that he's never truly appreciate how tough the Bennett Witches were considering their family had history (a story for when she was up for it). He also tells her to find comfort in the fact that Enzo loved her and if she needed anything, for her to call him. He kisses her on the forehead and they part ways, Bonnie heading inside her home.

In The Lies Will Catch Up To You, Bonnie is seen in her bedroom, her back up against the bed and surrounded by dozens of candles. She holds Enzo's necklace that contains his blood, the last of his physical remains, in her hands as she attempts to reach him, though she still does not have her magic. Puddles of candle wax rings around the candles as she's been at this tirelessly.

She continues to call out to him, hoping that he will hear her, telling him that she doesn't have access to magic and that he's got to meet her half way. She clutches the necklace close to her heart and asks for a sign. Her phone rings and she finds that Damon is calling her. Annoyed, she picks up asking, "what do you need?" He lies, wanting to know if she's okay, though she knows that, having left nine prior messages, that he wants something. He wants to know he she's made any effort towards freeing Enzo from hell. He reasons that if Arcadius can do it, it would be possible from someone else. She tells him short of nuking Mystic Falls with the Maxwell Bell, she's not a practicing witch. As she's about to hang up, Damon pleads with her that he might need a solution for someone else, as if he had a "semi-ghost situation". He probes further, hypothetically mentioning what if there was a way to undo the link between her and Elena and the small price to pay was for them to free a soul from hell.

She corrects him, me, that she would have to be the one to do it if she were to get her magic back and that the idea to begin with is crazy as the only person to break the link would be Kai Parker. Unknown to her, Kai had already been semi-released from hell and was currently with Damon and, now, got the "weirdest feeling" that someone was with Damon. He denies it and counters that if someone was with him, it would be better if she didn't know as there was a mind-reading devil on the loose for escaped souls. She tells him that she hopes he's not talking about Kai and, even though Damon continues to refuse this, she tells him that she has an incredibly strong feeling that she can't explain and suggests that she may be exhibiting some psychic phenomena because of what her Grams told her before taping into her magic. Damon asks if her "psychic powers" can free someone from hell. She doesn't know but, fed up with the conversation and with a new idea, she tells she'll go directly to the source: she'll ask Arcadius himself.

Sometime later, Bonnie finds Arcadius at the coffee shop she and Enzo stopped at before. She asks him how she was able to find and he elaborates that they share a kinship, an awareness of each other. He tells her that someone new to the "gift" she's quite powerful in her new abilities and asks how to get Enzo out of Hell. He tells her to ask him herself and motions for her to sit. She want to know if he's going to teach her how to contact Enzo. He tells her that he's going to give her an understanding of what she's become and that like him, she had a powerful traumatic awakening. He continues that if she wishes to locate Enzo's soul in hell, she will open her mind to him and, together, they can contact him. She takes his hand and he beings the lesson. He wants her to remember the moment of Enzo's death and the moment of how it felt, the lost of her love and her happiness. That his death was needless. He asks what she feels; se tells him rage and anguish. He wants her to embrace it becasue that is her source of power. As she's reliving Enzo's death, magically the ceiling fans rapidly speed up, tea kettles begin to blow stems, napkins blow from an unknown wind and glasses shake on a table next to them.

She hears him and she calls out to him. As she does she opens her eyes and she's at their burned down safe house and he's there. He calls out to her and Bonnie is shocked to see him again. She runs to him and embraces him a hug and a deep kiss. He warns her that she has to get away from Arcadius, that he's trying to find him through her. She's confused with this revelation that, if he's not in hell where is he. He tells her not to trust him and she loses the connection. Arcadius asks he she saw Enzo, she lies though he questions why she's upset. She counters that she had to relive her lover's death over again. She thanks him for the lesson and leaves.

As she makes her way outside to her car, she gets another call from Damon, though she dismisses it and is confronted by Arcadius. She wants to know why he's following her and he explains that he's not done with her. He explains further that he's been wondering what happened to Enzo's spirit at the moment of his death. He now has his answer, that when Bonnie screamed during her moment of her deepest pain, an extraordinary psychic blast of energy was released. This resulted in her own private dimension, linked only to her and that Enzo's spirit hidden away, even from him.

He continues, that other than him, no one person has done what she's done. He tells her though that Enzo's spirit belongs to him and psychically attacks her though she's able to push him off, telling him to get away from her. While he doesn't get Enzo's soul, he find outs that she believes that Kai Parker has been released back into the world. He wants to know more, though she, truthfully, can't tell him any more. With that, he leaves her be.

Later that night, Bonnie goes to the burned down cabin that Enzo and her shared for three years. She has candles spread out all around her as she holds Enzo's necklace between her hands and calls out to him again, having learned how to contact him from Arcadius. She calls him again telling him that if he's out there and if he can hear her, she needs him. Enzo appears at the door and says "Hello, luv". She looks up and she goes to him and embrace each other. She tells him to never leave her again and the reciprocates, telling her he doesn't want to. I questions if it's him, that if he's there. He explains that it's truly him, but he's not physically there with her. She wants to know if he's apart of some psychic world that she created, though Enzo ignores her questions and that nothing else matter but her. They passionately kiss as Bonnie finally has Enzo back in some capacity.

In It's Been a Hell of a Ride, Bonnie remains at Enzo's cabin. While setting up candles, she's visited by Stefan. He attempts to speak to her, though she's still not wanting to even look at him for killing Enzo; she tells him there is nothing he can say to make her feel better. He claims to understand that but he couldn't live with himself if he didn't at least try. That angers her, tells tells him that it's a shame and a good human know when to shut up. He apologizes but she states "You KILLED Enzo!". He admits that he'll spend the rest of his human life with that guilt and looking for ways to atone; he also tells her that he's leaving Mystic Falls. She doesn't care what he does and mockingly tells him to have "safe travels" and slams the cabin door in his face.

While enraged, Enzo appears before her as she turns from the closed door. She expresses that she didn't know he was there but he tells her that whenever she's angry, appearing to her is easy their connection seemingly amplified where their at and by her emotional state. She embraces him in a hug, his presence seemingly soothing her rage. Bonnie expresses to him that Stefan's earned every word and that she hates Stefan for killing him.

A while later, Bonnie stays at the cabin with Enzo, candles placed on various surfaces as she and Enzo sit on the floor, their back up against what remains of the couch. He asks if she's happy; she replies "perfectly". He follows up with another question: "why not forgive Stefan?" She looks at him, confused and bewildered and asks him did he have to ask. Enzo tries to rationalize the situation, they both did horrible things as servants to Arcadius, that they've taken so many lives. Even at his lowest point with his humanity off, where he was willing to let her die, she continued to love him and that she continues to have the capacity for forgiveness. She continues to look at him and admits that she just needs time. Enzo gives her another piece of advice, "if you hold on to hating him, it will eat at you." She contemplates his words.

Later that night, while still at the cabin, Bonnie experiences a painful headache through her and Elena's life-link. Enzo comes to her, asking if she's okay. She tells him something is happening, that something was wrong and she was having visions of fire and Elena's coffin. With Elena the only person she has a psychic link to through Kai's spell, she knows she's endangered. She picks up her keys and makes her way to the door. Enzo questions where she's going, and she admits she doesn't know, but she has too.

By the time Bonnie reaches Steven's Quarry, Damon is already dead, once again. She encounters Arcadius. He address her as she approaches, that she was just in time. She questions where her friends are and he reveals that Damon is dead. He tells her that she shares his psychic gift and to open her mind. She does as she's instructed sees Damon's spirit. She tells Arcadius to let him go, but he refuses. She tells him that she wont let him take him without a fight. Arcadius claims that if she tried to keep his soul on this plane, her mind would shatter, though she doesn't care. She begins a psychic tug-of-war against Arcadius vying for Damon's soul. Bonnie puts up a fight though he claims that her body will give out first as her nose begins to bleed.

She's slowing losing against him though before he can claim his soul, Stefan stabs him in the chest with his ashen dagger, killing him in an explosion. Bonnie and Stefan are thrown backwards, temporarily knocking him both out. Stefan crawls towards her, getting her to wake up. As she comes too, she tells him that it was a nice save, though she still hasn't forgiven him. He tells her that it was just the first of many. Damon shows up telling them both that the psychic blast of Arcadius' death blew him back into his body. She looks on at Damon as he embraces his brother.

Sometime later, Bonnie comes face to face with Kai who claims he's in hell. Bonnie interjects, telling him it's impossible as Arcadius is dead and hell along with it. He's in chains and inquires if she's here to "punish" him. She tells him that she's been a bit psychic later and that she knows his worse fear is being trapped back in a prison world. Kai's dismisses it, his confident attitude taking charge, telling her she can't do that because a a prison world requires.... Before he's even able to finish she hold up a new ascendant, saying "one of these?" Kai's smirk disappears. Bonnie continues by saying that Josie and Lizzie have made strides in their Gemini magic. She continues and tells him that she helped, but admits the new world is quite impressive.

He want's to know where everyone else is and she tells him there is no one else. Just him and his insecure mind with a song he hates for forever. Kai's expression is of defeat and he's contemplating what can be done. Bonnie explains further that with this new world there's no eclipse for him to channel for him to release himself, as he's also no longer the "powerful" coven leader. Bonnie turns to leave but Kai begs her to wait. He claims he lost a bet. They continue to talk about what he meant. Once they are done, she leaves him all alone in the prison world, having finally gotten her revenge on him.

Bonnie, later, explains to Damon that she spoke to Kai and tells him that they didn't destroy Hell. Damon's question if he's not running it then who is. Bonnie repeats what Kai told her, to think of the only person worse than Cade, the one that knows all their weakness and where to hit them over and over. Damon slowing refuses to accept what she's telling him. Bonnie continues, "The one who wants revenge for what we did... to her." Damon breaks the bottle of bourbon telling her "Don't you dare say it, Bonnie. You hear me? Don't you dare say that name!" Bonnie confirms Damon's worse fear: Katherine is back and running hell.

In We're Planning a June Wedding, Bonnie surprises Caroline at the Salvatore Boarding House, like she did when she wanted to plan Caroline's "June Wedding". This time there is a somber difference; this is their first meeting since Stefan, now her fiancé, killed Enzo and is now human. She tells Caroline that she knows they have a lot to talks, i.e. Stefan/Enzo, and whatever trouble is heading their way, but she doesn't want to talk about that now. She hands her a bottle of champagne.

Later, at the Boarding House, Bonnie explains to the gang, and Alaric and Dorian who are at the Armory, that when Cade crossed planes with the eleventh ring of the Maxwell bell, other souls like Kai could do so as well. She mentions that Katherine would have jumped at the chance. They continue to discuss how they will defeat Katherine and they suggest making a dagger like was forged for Cade. Bonnie questions how would they make it, given the collective ingredients. While they work a plan to forge a dagger, they suggest backup plans such as breaking the link between Katherine and hell. Bonnie explains that psychic dimensions are tied to great emtional trauma; Cade when he was burned at the stake and Bonnie when she saw Enzo murdered. She reasons that there may be a way to destroy the dimension itself and Katherine along with it. Caroline tasks Alaric and Dorian on "Hail Mary miracle duty" while the rest attempts to draw out Katherine herself with Caroline and Stefan's wedding.

Not long afterwards, Bonnie is in the kitchen drinking the champagne. Caroline storms in complaining about throwing together a "shotgun Vegas wedding". Bonnie, annoyed, chips in her own opinion about it happening fast. Caroline takes the moment to explain to her about why she said yest to Stefan, though Bonnie already knows, that in spite of very thing she still wants to spend her life with him. She tells her friends that she gets it, but she can't watch her marry him and for him to be happy. She explains that it's hard for her because she wants to be there, to be her maid of honor, but she can't put herself through that, not after what he did. Caroline understands and tells her that she's sorry and comforts and tells her that she loves her.

Later, Bonnie is listening to a "melancholy" playlist and Enzo manifests himself to her. She muses that the music helps her stay connected with him. Enzo tells her that she doesn't need pain to keep that connection that she's a witch. He brings her over and they kiss and begin slow dancing. Bonnie dismisses him by telling him a witch that can't do magic, though Enzo suggest that she's wrong, that his presences proves otherwise and magic is involved. He continues that he wants her to go to the wedding, and that she won't need pain to keep their connection. Bonnie tells him that it's because Stefan murdered him and even though the version of Stefan that murdered him is gone, she doesn't feel that about him. He wants her to share in Caroline's happiness and that it won't negate their happiness. She ask if he's actually happy and he tells her he is. He goes on to tell her how he imagined they would be married on the French countryside and that he was the luckiest man on the face of the Earth. They embrace and kiss again.

As Caroline prepares Lizzie and Josie for the wedding ceremony, Bonnie arrives, telling her that she could walk her down the isle. They hug and she explains it's for a selfish reason, that she wants to be apart of her happiness. Caroline tells the girls, now she's ready, because her best friend is here. As the wedding proceeds, Bonnie walks the girls, as flower girls, down the isle in front of Caroline and stands besides her as her bridesmaid throughout the ceremony.

During the reception Bonnie dances with Damon and they contemplate Katherine's motives of sending Caroline her necklace but skips the wedding. Bonnie muses it's to stand him up for old time sake. As Bonnie begins to be happy, Enzo's presence replaces Damon and he spins her around and she believes that happiness, more so than pain, can keep them together. Moment later, Bonnie takes Josie and Lizzie to the bathroom in the Founder's hall, unaware of Kelly Donovan's plan to blow the place up.

Eventually the house explodes, engulfing the place in flames with Bonnie and the twins still inside. They are all saved by Valerie's protection spell on the girls, though, unknown to Bonnie, she doesn't understands and wants them to keep doing what their doing. Enzo comes to Bonnie, encouraging her to keep moving and that if she didn't, she would die. Enzo believes they are siphoning directly from her, from her magic. Bonnie dismisses the thought and says she doesn't have any magic and that if she does, she'll lose him. Enzo believes otherwise, that she's always had her magic and that why she's been able to stay connected with him. He wants them to continue to siphon her magic and save her. Bonnie disagrees though he continues to support her. He believes that, no matter what, they will be together again and there'll only be peace but she has to fight now and to live her life. Knowing that Enzo's words are true in her heart, she teaches Lizzie and Josie the spell needed to save them --Phasmatos motus incendiamos!.

They exchange "I love yous" and Bonnie gathers her strength and lets go of him; Enzo vanishes. She chants along with them as they move along the interior of the house, fire bending to their combined efforts of magic. As they reach the inner part of the house where the gas tank exploded, Bonnie takes command of the spell forcing the entirety of the explosion up through the chimney and expels it from the charred house. She emerges from the house with the girls and Caroline embrace them; Bonnie sits on the steps and watches the reunion. As she goes back inside, she comes face to face with Stefan. He watches her as she her nose begins to bleed as her recent reclamation of magic and the spell performed took its toll on her. Bonnie collapses to the floor, unconscious, and seemingly dying.

In I Was Feeling Epic, Bonnie is dying and Stefan tries desperately to revive her with chest compression. Caroline comes in and gives her some of her blood though it doesn't immediately take effect. As she is dying, she slips between the veil and sees Elena asleep on a bed in the middle of a thin forest. Elena begins to wake and the greet each other for the first time since she was cursed and embrace in a big hug. Bonnie is excited to finally see her best friend again. Upon her realization, Elena is not, she claims that it's not her time to die, that she was supposed to grow old and have children and grandchildren. Bonnie accepts her fate and tells her she can now be with Enzo. Elena tells her it's wrong, but Bonnie tells her she is ready. Enzo appears to Bonnie and tells her that he's not and that it's not her time. He takes her by the hand and they vanish, as Bonnie is revived by Caroline's blood. She hugs Caroline as she comes too and tells her and Stefan that she saw Elena.

Sometime later, Alaric takes Bonnie and the girls to the Armory for safety. On the way, Bonnie finds out that Katherine had Kai seal Elena's body in the High School, which she planned for Vickie to destroy the town of Mystic Falls with Hellfire. As time is running out, she tells them that she is too far away to make it back in time to help.

Once they arrive at the Armory Bonnie and Alaric talk. Bonnie is concerned for him. He tells her it's not that he doesn't care about Elena but he has to think about his family, that he can't fail his daughters. He glances down and Bonnie is drawn to his and Dorian's Hail Mary Miracle plan laid on the table. He explains that to destroy Hell, they figure they would need a few million volts of mystical energy. Bonnie has an idea, like the energy contained in Hellfire. With a plan coming together, Bonnie calls Stefan, telling him that Katherine has to be dead and in Hell, for her plan to work to destroy Hell and he agrees that he's willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish the plan. As Alaric prepares the girls to leave, Bonnie thanks them for saving her in the fiery explosion earlier that night before she regained her magic. That they both helped her realize that she had all the magic she ever needed inside her and asks them to give her a little luck. Caroline arrives and Alaric takes the girls to the car. She tells Caroline that she's going to save the world and she needed to get in that car along with her family. Bonnie tells her she loves her and hugs her, seemingly, for the last time.

Bonnie prepares herself for the spell. Spell books lay open on the table beside her as she's lighting many candles that span a couple tables. She takes a breath and calls out to her Grams saying, "If I ever needed you to hear me, hear me now." She begins her chant Phasmatos incendia movet, phasmatos incendia moventur, ego ex vos, vos ex unos, phasmatos incendia entrare at the Armory. Her magic fills the room and begins to shake and rumble chandeliers and other artifacts around her. As the clock tower strikes 10 PM, Vickie rings the bell for a final time and hellfire explodes from the bell, shooting outward from the bell tower. Bonnie's magic contains it in a powerful, protective barrier, preventing it from consuming Mystic Falls. She draws it inwards, down through the tower and into the underground tunnel systems and to the Armory. It blast roars through the tunnels consuming everything it touches and bursts through the Armory's Vault doors and straight towards Bonnie. With all her might, she contains the hellfire, keeping it at bay, preventing it from consuming her as well, just mere feet away from her.

As she holds it back, she can feel that she's losing it and continues to fight saying: "No, no I can do this. I can do this! I can beat you. You can't have me. It's not my time!" In that moment, Enzo appears to her and is happy that she is finally ready to live out her life. Enzo tells her to keep fighting but Bonnie tells him she can't, that it's too strong for her alone. He tells her it's nonsense that that she's strong enough to do anything she sets her mind to. He then reminds her that she's not alone and vanishes. Sheila, returning from peace, takes her granddaughter's hand, smiles and gives her a nod. They continue the spell once again. Beatrice also appears and takes Bonnie's other hand and chants along with her descendant. As they chant and stare down the hellfire, generations of Bennett witches, including Lucy, the Witch of the Five, and Ayana, return from peace and aid Bonnie, fighting back the hellire with their collective magic. With a final burst of magic, they successfully push back the hellfire, sending it back from whence it came, destroying Hell and Katherine along with it. Bonnie exclaims "I did it!" and collapses on the floor from exhaustion.

Sometime later in the not so distant future, Bonnie casts a spell over Elena and she wakes from her magical coma. She's surprised to see Bonnie and she tells her it some time, but she's finally been able to break the spell that Kai placed on her; that she's finally figured this witch thing out. Elena embraces her in a gleeful hug. Elena quickly comes to the sad realize of what happened with Stefan and asks for Damon. Bonnie takes her to the Salvatore Crypt, where Caroline and Damon are saying their goodbye to Stefan and they hold his memorial, all their friends in attendance.

As more time passes, Bonnie packs a bag. She's determined to keep the promise she made to Enzo; she's going live out her life to the fullest, to enjoy it, starting with seeing the world. As she packs her bag, she asks herself if she had everything. Enzo, at peace, continues to watch over her. He calls out to her, telling her "passport", that it's in the night stand. Bonnie unaware of Ezno's presence remembers and gathers her passport from her night stand. In the drawer, she finds and picks up the blood-fill necklace that Enzo gave her. Enzo's spirit caresses her cheek, though Bonnie can no longer connect with him. She looks around as if someone was there with her but she dismisses the thought. Enzo smiles and continues to watch fondly over her. Bonnie takes the necklace with her, in remembrance of her love, and sets off to travel the world.

Bonnie Bennett (2024)
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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Author information

Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.